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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. another great episode tonight
  2. last one I swear =X
  3. if you like that you might like this one as well
  4. I had to =X
  5. Well the teaser for the ROBOTECH LAM is finally out
  6. I haven't read many scifi novels except for a few from the Halo series: "The Flood" & "Fall of Reach". I seem to read more horror/suspense stories, and recently just finished Stephen King's "Misery". I also ordered the zombie survival guide and plan on reading that =P I know it doesn't count as scifi but what the hay. Also I am currently writing a scifi novel I hope to have finished and published later next year. Those of you who know me, definitely know the inside info
  7. lol ditto
  8. saw it the other night, and I gotta say I was very impressed. I didn't feel like I was watching a TV show at all. Will be looking forward to the new episodes =]
  9. You want batshit crazy? Look up Albert Fish and read his famous "letter"
  10. "You know what they say, all toasters toast toast!" - Mario from Hotel Mario for CDI
  11. no just no :|
  12. The most hard core band ever! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16MmxCfhbOU
  13. Why don't they stick to remaking movies that suck? The crow doesn't need a remake............ have these idiots ever considered re-releasing some of the classic movies into theatres again? I don't understand the need for all these remakes, are they just trying to impress kids who think old movies are boring? Screw that............and not all kids are like that, hell I saw a nine year old boy with a JAWS T-shirt at work once. But in all honesty if they want to remake movies, then remake the ones that sucked... nuff said Also don't tell me most of these remakes will be in 3D.......pfft piss on 3D its a boring ass gimmick and people are stupid to pay extra money for it! Just see movies in 2D like we've been doing in the past.
  14. The anime crowd also prefers the original works in Japanese right? However Robotech can be perceived as an anime because of the three series used to make it, but that's about it. Robotech to me has always been an american story and it would be better if a new series were done in an american style of art. I never understood why it has to be anime in the first place, and its obvious that RT continuing itself as an anime is a big joke and would do better and stand out more if it would ditch the whole "anime" style. Originality and good story telling is the key to RT's future success, but nor HG or Tommy Baffoon seem to get that.
  15. Also it took them forever to find a damn distributor for the turd, and based on the finished project, its not hard to see why =X
  16. I do need to check this series out
  17. same crap different con
  18. I remember when I got banned.......fun times I at least got one last joke in before it happened =P
  19. Any news on the live action movie? Oh that's right its after the 15th, the final day WB and HG were to come to an agreement, but I guess that ship sailed, sank, and is now the home of a giant squid
  20. I am so completely lost it isn't even funny.....
  21. I was thinking more like Weird Al Yankovic
  22. someone should actually sing this
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