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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. You think the staff cared it was sub standard? LOL, they half-assed it because they knew their most loyal fans wouldn't care. It had "ROBOTECH" on it, therefore it would sell, and it did. Sadly the steaming pile of crap did well enough to warrant a sequel (one we'll never see btw!) It's never been about quality when it comes to HG, they've always cut corners. Just look at their recent merchandise for example. The Maia (gag) Shadow Fighter had been recalled, what twice? And they're still using that same damn company. That says a lot right there doesn't it? If a company screws up more than once, don't you think it's time to find a better one? Nope, not in HG's case. The cheaper the better!
  2. I'm hoping the prequel can stand on its own and still deliver the same tone JC's film did. anyways, here's some awesome production stills I came across enjoy!
  3. must do a better job of washing the body than soap does I guess
  4. nope it was zombie santa, were you good? also what in the hell is a "lessoner?" looked it up on dictionary.com and here's what I got
  5. Yes I played the game I thought it made an awesome sequel to the movie as well. I was also shocked that Mac survived and Childs didn't. That definitely made things more suspicious Also Merry Christmas if you haven't seen this already you must
  6. I've heard some fans talking about the idea that both of them were infected at the end. There is also that comic which acted as a sequel, and in it Childs ended up being infected and went after Macready. I'm sure that comic isn't cannon either. I don't know how Childs could have gotten infected in the first place, but the Blair thing was quick on Nauls and Garry so I'm not ruling it out. But I don't think either of them were infected at the end and like Mac said neither of them were in shape to do anything about it, meaning they were both going to freeze to death after the fires died. There was also an alternate ending which showed a dog running away from the outpost, then looking back. That leaves more questions too. If that had been the original ending, would it mean that the thing turned back into a dog and made its escape?
  7. I am burnt out on these movies......the first three were good and should have ended there.
  8. Robotech will always have a special place in my heart, but I am officially done with the fandom. All this drama, all these empty promises to see anything new at all is a waste of time. There are better fandoms than RT. It's okay to be a fan, but don't get your hopes up anymore. All you're doing is waiting, and waiting and waiting. Waiting for what? Something you're never going to see? Or something that's going to turn out as absolute crap? Screw that! All they keep telling fans is the same crap, wait what am I saying........ah correction, they won't tell the fans anything. At least not the truth about what's going on with their projects. Fans keep getting the reach-around from HG, and it's not worth it. Like I said Robotech is still special and I like talking about it, but I am done with the fandom. It's become nothing but a crap fest, and it's just not worth the trouble anymore. LOL! There are so many walls of text with spelling and grammar errors that would make a Dictionary cry. Spell Check is thy friend =]
  9. *reviving for an interesting discussion* What was the thing? Evolutionary based or a biological weapon? this should spark some interesting ideas At the beginning of the film it's a complete mystery as to whether the thing was piloting the UFO, then crashed, or it assimilated the alien crew and then crashed. JC never really gave us an answer ,and pretty much just left it up to our imaginations, but again what do you think happened?
  10. lol it dances like someone who can't dance
  11. when the boobs are big enough
  12. oh yeah they'd buy the TP, I mean they've already been buying $h!T in a box, not really much of a difference there.
  13. Well, I found out what the future of Robotech is going to look like.......... At least it's better than DDDD boobs right? on a serious note some fan artists disturb me
  14. no even better it's fluffy cuteness! but yes I want one =[
  15. Does anyone have the figures? This one is awesome Also I'd like it if they would make the entire cast into figures =]
  16. yes there is, here's the link on amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Thing-Novel-Alan-Dean-Foster/dp/0553204777/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=IKW1R5ZXRMF99&colid=10ZLOCLLCFGP9 Also, when you first saw the movie, who did you suspect of being infected? I never suspected Palmer that's for sure. Hell during the blood test scene, I thought Windows was looking very suspicious. I didn't even think Norris was infected either, so the thing was very clever when it came to hiding itself, that was until the heart attack and blood test, but then it really had no other choice. On another forum someone brought up the fact that maybe the thing felt threatened by the defibrillator and that's why it attacked Copper.
  17. lol, mystery is solved! Still want that image as a poster, I should start looking around Also while I'm thinking of it, did anyone read the novel adaption? I've heard it handled some things better, like the end for example. I plan on buying it soon, definitely a must read for my list.
  18. yeah that pic is awesome, would love to have it blown up and posted on my wall =] not sure if a larger version exists though LOL never thought of that before, but yeah that is funny =P As far as I know Carpenter has nothing to do with the prequel, but I do know that Matthijs van Heijningen has been studying JC's film like mad trying to get all the details of the Norg camp right. This is his first film by the way.links to info on the prequel http://thefilmstage.com/2010/04/07/first-look-ralph-fiennes-coriolanus-and-the-thing-prequel/ http://io9.com/5524998/what-sick-john-carpenter-moments-will-the-thing-prequel-explain http://io9.com/5654684/first-inside-look-at-the-thing-prequel-shows-why-it-may-be-awesome-after-all http://www.dagbladet.no/2010/10/29/kultur/film/hollywood/jorgen_langhelle/trond_espen_seim/14030306/ http://io9.com/5675952/all-the-john-carpenter-easter-eggs-in-the-things-prequel http://www.aintitcool.com/?q=node/47389 http://www.hitfix.com/blogs/motion-captured/posts/exclusive-details-on-upcoming-additional-photography-for-the-thing
  19. The finale didn't wow me, though I will admit the episode went in a different direction than I expected. I was thinking Jenner was going to be this mad scientist and use the others for experiments or something. It was okay, not great for a finale but I'll see what season 2 has to offer. Just too bad we have to wait so long for it..............so it better be worth the wait.
  20. How many others are fans of JC's The Thing? Also, how many of you are looking forward to the upcoming prequel? I've heard a lot of news about it and the director is definitely a fan of JC's film and seems to be very dedicated to keeping the same tone, even limiting usage of CGI for creature effects. It wasn't supposed to be released till April of 2011, now I've heard its been pushed back to October of 2011. As much as I believe a prequel isn't needed, I'm still going to see it, just out of curiosity. So yeah this thread is for discussion of JC's film or the prequel. I've only been a fan of the movie for about six years, but that was because I had been too afraid to watch it when I was younger, now that I have, I'm glad I did. It's definitely one of John Carpenter's best films. Even though I am a hardcore fan, I will admit that the movie isn't perfect. There are things (no pun intended) that could have been done better, especially the ending and the handling of Fuch's death. What I personally like about the film is the amount of questions it leaves you asking. Especially the whole keeping you in suspense over who could be the thing scenario, cause its always the person you least suspect. I mean did anyone suspect Norris or Palmer? I sure didn't. There's also a lot that can be asked, but still no definite answer, only those based on personal speculation. Such as who's shadow was on the wall of the room the dog walked into?, Who got to the blood?, What really happened to Fuchs?, At what point did Blair become the thing? The list of questions goes on. There's really not many movies like this anymore, which is a shame. It's also too bad the movie wasn't a box office hit, but I've heard that was because of the level of gore. The special effects were way ahead of their time for a horror film in 1982. Rob Bottin was amazing though, gotta give him that. Also the creature designs were amazing, right up there with Giger's Alien in my opinion. So "Thing" fans speak up =] Notice Blair isn't in this picture =O
  21. can't wait for the final episode, wonder how its all gonna go down =]
  22. notice its all about a disease or virus, its never about some chemical that gets all over the graveyard =[
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