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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. I'm a tad confused here, are you saying you worked on the prequel?
  2. here's another!
  3. Holy $h1t! They're gonna release the thing
  4. tsk tsk, didn't you know? The Shadow Chronicles and RT.com are family friendly! Even though most of the sites users are middle aged men who can't say "fart" without offending Steve Yun also Boobs are family friendly too!
  5. finished reading it last night so I went ahead and did a review if you're interested. You can read it here
  6. I've never bought anything from the Robotech.com store.........I really must be immune
  7. my name is mmmmmudd

  8. yeah $17.99 for that piece of crap? Tell me that's just an early April Fools joke
  9. uh yeah lol, just look at Basara
  10. just like JT I never had a problem with macross or its fans either. The whole macross fans vs robotech fans has always been silly, especially with those that take it seriously, like it's some sort of crusade.....puh-leese! The way I see it, fans like what they like, opinions aren't going to change so why fight over it? Also I don't think I'll ever understand how macross is out to destroy robotech either.... can SOMEONE, anyone, please explain what that means? How can shows destroy one another? Unless macross and its fans are being blamed for Tommy Yune's bastardized attempt to bring back RT, and we all know how that went. If anything or anyone is out to destroy RT, then it's Tommy himself and I think he's already done a pretty good job of that. Just look at the shadow chronicles and tell me that isn't train wreck of a film. That movie was his just own personal fan wanking......but again each robotech fan has their own vision about what happened so there really is no pleasing them, but either way it's stupid to blame macross for robotech's failures. Those alone should be blamed on the ones in charge, they are the only ones capable of making new RT happen, and making it good or bad. I think Tommy Yune sucks, pure and simple. Can't write a story to save himself, and just resorts to drawing fanart. Would be nice if someone with real talent got hired by WB to take over and give the series something it truly needs.
  11. I'll share a few things first of all Window's character is known as "Sanders" glad they didn't keep that name in the movie. Macready isn't present in the opening scene with the Norwegians and the dog, he is introduced after. Characters with different deaths: Bennings, Copper, Fuchs, Windows, and Nauls
  12. The book is surprising in a good way, some things are better played out than they were in the film but I won't spoil it for you =D
  13. I have to thank Gubaba for showing me this hilarious screen cap I just had to edit the original
  14. no but changing the network name to "syfy" was one of the most retarded ideas ever..... oh and also putting effing wrestling on the network too! I wasn't aware that qualified as science fiction damn I'm really behind these days.... anyways, yes a bunch of these shows jumped the shark but could have been saved with zombies I always found Star Trek to be too goofy any ways......all the silly beeping in the enterprise reminded me of McDonalds and the beeping when the fries are done also I propose TSC could be improved with some simple editing..... like Ahnold soundboard clip voice overs accompanied by a fart soundboard too I used to do prank calls with such sound boards back in teh day hehe.
  15. The game was really creepy for me, but I agree the camera angels were frustrating.... anyways I'm about finished with the novel adaption and so far it's been really good. Lots of differences from the film that I found surprising.
  16. meh ever since hearing it is going to be in 3D I lost interest.... maybe I'm just two dimensional
  17. giving them ideas? pffft I'd love to see them use this one
  18. The Shadow Chronicles would've been better with zombies..........anyone up for a re-write?
  19. My best this year was getting a lot more accomplished on my projects. Finally figuring out what to do with it all and getting away from the definition of "hell" My worst? Dealing with a hard-break up and an annoying, ignorant ex..... also discovering that I owe my previous land-lord money cause of some carpet stains from my dog 2011 looks to be promising though =] definitely gonna set more goals for myself Also if I had to pick a few movies of 2010 that were by far the best, I'd go with Predators and Toy Story 3. For the stupidity and gore factor, Piranha 3D games? Nope.... TV? Don't really watch it
  20. Glad you liked the stills also today Garry turns 80! Happy Birthday Donald Moffat
  21. noooooo anything but THAT
  22. Well you gotta remember this, Robotech is not their number one priority here, but neither are they qualified to handle the franchise either. (just look at the franchise's recent history) They don't care about the quality, but they also don't know what the hell they are doing, or maybe they do but just don't care? It's hard to say when fans wait so patiently for some kind of news, but are left in the dark time and time again. Even with the live action movie. HG could at least still let the fanbase know that it is happening, same with any other projects they are working on, or "supposedly" working on. When they won't release any information it just frustrates fans. Remember what happened with TSC? They kept the info on the down-low and in doing so, caused a lot of fans to just give up. I remember the slew of threads on RT.com that year all complaining about how they're never going to see the movie. And when we got more teasers and the trailer, then there was the problem of finding a distributor for it, and of course the release date kept getting pushed back. What is that? That is prime examples of bad business...plain and simple. And whatever they've got planned for 2011? I bet it's going to be TSC all over again. They can't even handle basic "supply and demand". They need to understand that in order to SELL merchandise, you need to HAVE merchandise. This "out-of-stock" crap is inexcusable. And more fans are leaving the site? Why am I not surprised at all? Starving the fan-base? Oh my, seems to me like they're doing it on purpose so when the final movie of 2011 is released, fans won't give a damn about how crappy it is, they'll just cling to it because it's ROBOTECH. But notice how it's only been RT in name and not essence? Tommy may be the creative director, but he hasn't a damn clue about what the original 85 so memorable. He has NO knowledge the real magic that made the series what it is. He's just taken it and made it his own.
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