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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. Think we'll see any robots like Ash?
  2. He can say whatever he wants about us critics, but at least we never wished death on the guy like he did. We make fun of Tommy's lack of talent and laziness, but thats all
  3. Lord Butt-Tai & Exebeavis Butt-Tai: We're like uh here to claim a ship or something uh huh huh huh Exebeavis: Yeah yeah heh heh heh you will surrender to us or you will die!
  4. Wait a minute, Tommy Yune his hero? That's rather strange coming from him, being he once said someone should have performed euthanasia on Tommy when he was born.
  5. Just because someone downloads his episodes doesn't make them a fan, cause if that were true they'd be after us here on macross world for making fun of him, right? And from what I know about fandoms, fans usually put up a fight to defend someone or something, in his case? Not so much. I think people are just downloading his episodes to lesson to him ramble on like a buttmunch I might add that he seems to be highly obsessed with what is said about him here......just like Tommy Yune and the other cronies of HG who waste time spying on websites. Aww how cute, they all have something in common after all. Only difference is, Tommy has fans and normally sics them on the meanies........point made yet again.
  6. okay this is absolutely hilarious.....
  7. So we can expect to see Bishop again?
  8. I don't think they care about the 3D they just want more money for their crappy movies.
  9. or they're a bunch of wusses *edit* hahahahah did you see the latest posts? http://rdfhqcommunicationscenter.yuku.com/topic/2979/Robotech-fan-podcast
  10. scratch that last post when hes not doing his podcast or trolling RDFHQ hes busy with his other job =]
  11. oh dear lord.....
  12. Troll 2 in 3D!
  13. Noooo even better.. WATERWORLD 3D!
  14. HG should sell merchandise with this on it
  15. not if they're going to modernize it......... I want my 1920's please
  16. one of the greatest songs ever.....
  17. sure thing and thanks =]
  18. Thank you so much for answering my questions now could you please tell me your name so I can include it and credit you , cause I definitely want to share this with the guys on outpost 31 and hopefully in a future blog post about the movie. Thanks again, now I've got even more of a reason to look forward to the prequel, cause I met someone who was part of it!
  19. oh man I remember that song haha
  20. Scott has never gotten a nice treatment......not even in the comics
  21. back on the topic of music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=514G-cLEBsI&feature=fvw
  22. That's funny cause you'd think such items like these would be in their store. but yeah on that note, I dare someone to post these on RT.com
  23. would you like a messenger bag to go with that wallet? Here, have another! I don't recall these even being in the RT.com store.....
  24. dude, that is so awesome! Seriously, this coming from an avid fan hehe Now I have some questions I hope you wouldn't mind answering, and don't worry I'm not going to ask you to give away any spoilers, I can wait for the movie. 1. So how did you get involved in the project? 2. Who did you work with directly, and what was it like? 3. You said that you had a lot of zentraedi influence for the interior of the ship design, were there any other influences and if so what were they? 4. Based on what you saw, do you think fans of JC's film will be satisfied with the prequel? 5. Are there any designs that stand out, kind of like Rob Bottin's Norris spider head? 6. As I have done my research on this film for months now, I have come to realize that there seemed to be a lot of passion and real dedication to it, do you think there was based on what you saw? 7. Do you have any advice for those who would also like to work on a movie some day?
  25. ah here we go http://www.badassdigest.com/2011/01/07/russians-about-to-access-14-million-year-old-antarctic-lake
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