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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. Imagine someone attaching themselves to Robotech like that? Well - if you really want to be a commited fan, you want to know EVERYTHING - the history behind the show, the details....but Robotech is unique insofar as the more you dig, the more you see one thing springing up time an time again: MACROSS. This is true And not "the Macross saga" but MACROSS - as in the original, Japanese Macross. As hard as you might try to ignore or avoid it, it is almost unimaginable that the things you love about Robotech (the love triangle, the mecha, the characters) won't eventually bring you to MACROSS. Also true as I have watched DYRL And then the dilemna appears: you see the Japanese original and compare it to Robotech and discover that - hey - this Japanese thing is really, really great. And you appreciate what might have inspired the creators of Robotech to bring this great stuff to America 20 years ago - and you also realize that Robotech was just a vehicle meant to introduce Americans and westerners in general to the wonders not just of Macross, but of Japanese anime - which you suddenly begin to fall in love with. Or you decide you can appreciate them both just the same. And what remains of Robotech? Well - a fond memory, the Paladium games if you played them as a kid, and the thrill of the imaginative adventure that you once experienced but now know to have been a small sampling of a much larger and more fantastic world that you suddenly fall in love with - Macross and Japanese anime as a whole. OR You realize all of this and conclude: Thank GOD Harmony Gold made something worthwhile out of all this retarded Japanese crap, cut out that horrible singing and replaced it with seriously good music and then got rid of the whole music/culture/love theme and made it about psychedelic flowers and generic space ships and transforming robots fighting bug like aliens! There's things I like and don't like, but I know that without those three separate shows, RT wouldn't exist today and it did help introduce a lot of people to anime, excluding myself lol I got introduced to anime through the old speed racer cartoon and then you see Shadow Chronicles and wonder aloud why this is not being nominated for an Oscar for the third straight year in a row? No To me - it is hard to imagine that the second type of person exists. sad but true, some like that DO exist I watch Doug Bendo on youtube. I don't even need to listen to what he is saying - it is enough to look at his desk. His screensaver is some splash from Robotech...but...where are the awesome figures? Where is the collection? Who out there is proud of and cherishes their "MASTERPIECE" Robotech collection? Where is the "strike a pose" thread for those and on what forum? Where are the gamers who can't get enough of piloting their "veritech fighters" into battle? Oh...they're all playing Macross VF-X?...ooops... yeah not everyone can afford HG's expensive toys and the macross ones look nicer >_> not to mention there haven't been any RT games worthy of replay value.....L4D plz See - this is the problem with being a 'Robotech Fan' - it is NOT POSSIBLE. You can still be a fan just not a die-hard one. By definition - a fan is someone seriously commited - and if you're going to seriously commit to Robotech - it will lead you to Macross. Either that or lead you to create your own universe, which also requires the same amount of commitment and lack of a life At which point you either decide to leave your brain at the door and just believe everything Harmony Gold says OR...you begin to really enjoy Macross...and start building Frontier kits and striving for the latest Yamato release and singing along to Sheryl and Ranka's songs... Or you create a community for those who share the same opinion about HG and end up getting banned from the official site and branded for life Somebody tell me I'm wrong here and show me some good, high quality Robotech fan sites and fanfiction and fan art and fan discussion? www.Robotecha.com - not my site, but a friend of mine. also this one http://robelwell202.webs.com/ Somebody point me to a thread full of serious analysis of the Robotech novels? That's a fairly big body of literature...and it seems nobody cares about it at all? Some do and some don't, another flaw which divides the fandom. It's hard to care for something that turned out to be the 1980s equivalent of bootlegged pirate DVDs from Tanzania Like I said it just depends on the person, I'm a fan of the story, but not considered a die-hard.
  2. What part of Ohio are you in? I'm in Mason
  3. yeah it would be nice that's what I'd like to know
  4. This is true >_> let the dead horse lie in peace now....... or pieces
  5. She's from a story I write and illustrate myself :] I completely agree lol this isn't going to make them look good at all. That's hilarious!
  6. Yeah I know nothing is going to happen, oh well and as for the answer to your question, yes that one legal debate thread got locked, but now there's another one although last time I checked (before being banhammered) it was dead, so I think maybe they all gave up or at least one would hope.
  7. Not a stupid question at all and I do see where you're coming from, but we just wanted to try and see if anything could be done. I do have a feeling no action will be taken, so that I'm prepared for but either way we just felt Steve needed to know what was going on.
  8. Yeah I was, but apparently I didn't do enough to support HG and their fail so I got the boot. Either way I don't care, his site doesn't even live up to its meaning "for the fans by the fans?" yeah right I've always known this only I was too nice to say anything, but not anymore speaking of which he might lose his moderator status on RT.com, Seto, myself and a few others contacted Steve and told him memo had been abusing his power.........so we'll see >_> also my RTSC DVD is right in between Predator and Land of the Dead
  9. don't worry I won't I knew it was coming anyway I'm just surprised it came this soon lol. and as far as shadow rising is concerned, I really don't care what they do. I hated TSC, so I'm pretty sure I won't care for the next installment, if and whenever it comes. Sure as hell ain't buying it though Hopefully when WB takes over they just cancel the whole SC series and make their own. also thanks for the welcoming I'm in the cool kids club now sad but true, they are driving a lot of fans away
  10. or tired of bendo in general, that guy has issues and this may be the reason why also not to change the subject but I have now joined the ranks of those banned from RT.com Mr caps locks himself banned me due to his retarded vendetta against me because I don't worship the ground HG walks on
  11. Especially any criticism regarding TSC for example. Some fans have been starved for something new for so long that they've become delusional and to them TSC was the next best thing compared to sliced bread. The whole labeling issue is just silly, they even label Seto a purist just because he's explaining to them that WB can't use the macross designs. But not all Robotech fans are this crazy, it's just the die-hard fanatics it seems.
  12. That's BS you shouldn't of gotten banned over that
  13. back on the topic of the LAM, could you imagine if the RT movie was anything like Space Balls?
  14. lmao! glad I'm not the only one who was thinking that
  15. LOL yeah I noticed that too
  16. Yeah, there's no diversity at all :|
  17. If anything it was forced development, especially with having his best friend die so soon. I'm hoping they weren't expecting the same reaction from the fans like when Fokker died.... because if you look at it like this, we as the audience got to know Fokker and like him, so when he died we were shocked and devastated. And when Alex died, it was different because we didn't get to know him at all, so no one really cared. Which by the way killing him off too quickly was a bad move in my opinion >_> but then again what do I know? Also you are right, character development is best done in a series, which they should of looked into instead of a bunch of movies. Yeah it seems the movie relied more on that rather than telling a decent story
  18. yeah really also all this talk about a robotech porno...... That scene looks like the beginning of one >_> This one too! god that movie was loaded with ass shots
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