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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. lol, same here! I'm also anxious for Left 4 Dead 2 also not sure if this is true but my boyfriend said that in L4d2 there's a theme park level? if so that should be fun.
  2. Yeah it is insane, the reason we first went on his show was when he discovered JT's podcast and was pretty much bashing him. Then when we showed up, we ended up having serious discussions about the state of the robotech fandom and whatnot, and doug bendo was actually very civil. I shat brix I couldn't believe it. I think the tone of his show has changed because he's never had anyone willing to come on and actually talk to him about robotech, which is probably why his podcasts before that were nothing but mindless dribble and all out ranting. Its also got to do with the fact that we actually share a lot of the same views as him, especially with all the recent BS going on in the robotech fandom like the censorship and holy HG brigade for example. I don't really know a whole lot about the khyron prime issue or what he said, all I've heard is he pied Tommy Yune in the face But if he did state that this sorta thing couldn't be accomplished through words, then he was wrong. I suppose it just takes the right words and the right people to do it, but either way it is a start. yay go us! I don't know if it will last or not, but if it doesn't then oh well, we tried eh? I sure hope it does last.... hes actually a decent guy to talk to would be a shame if that were all a waste
  3. I happen to know why this change with his show occurred, in fact he stopped sounding like a loon ever since myself, JT and a few others started joining his podcasts. We actually managed to get him to act civil, and get into serious discussions. He even acknowledged this in one of his recent episodes, that we changed it.
  4. Yeah and either way Robotech was the good pizza, while TSC is that pizza that's got all the nasty toppings not everyone likes to eat, which was even dropped on the floor a couple times too....bon appetit!
  5. I heard a rumor that Tim burton wants to remake "The Labyrinth" ah Depp as Jareth? I don't see it.... rumor or not, that one should be left alone.
  6. He never gives up does he? damn...
  7. here you go http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gyx9c9cUng
  8. I'm reviving this thread since season 4 is starting this month So is everyone excited? I know I am and judging from some of the previews, its going to be a very weird season lol
  9. Yeah it's true, he's not celebrating or drinking the HG kool-aid so the others think they are entitled to bash him.
  10. Saw it and loved it! very entertaining and funny and the Bill Murray cameo was one of the best scenes
  11. What he means is just celebrating it for what it is, what it means to those who grew up with it, love it and so on. He's just willing to look beyond all the crap that has occured, and he's very dedicated to what he does.
  12. JT is actually a good friend of mine who is going through the same BS as the rest of us on TLU his podcast isn't very popular among the pro HG folks because he talks about the positive and the negative and we all know they don't want to hear the negative, especially memo who's been nothing but rude to him. He does a great show, it's very entertaining and different compared to the other podcasts that are only focused on praising HG. I do recommend it though
  13. looks awesome, I'm seeing it tomorrow
  14. Yep someone actually bought that crap, hell they even had commercials for the toys, including the dolls. I've only seen the one with Dana, not Minmei. and just out of curiosity, I got on ebay to see if there were any listings for them, but didn't find any lol. However, the ugly action figures are obviously doing well wow only 1 bid, but that's bad enough someone even wants it. never mind....I found them and oh shi! Lisa Hayes doll too? someone wants to get rid of this oh heavens no.... Why does that crappy movie get better merchandise than the original series? How sad
  15. Nope, sadly they were official merchandise
  16. yeah it is ridiculous, but some places they are expensive.... like this one website I forget where I found it, but it had almost all of them and listed for sale for about 80 bucks... for the quality of the product? Not worth that amount of money at all.... I found mine on ebay for a reasonable price, only *laughs* The display image wasn't very big so I couldn't see how ugly the figures face was I assume the seller did that on purpose, can't blame them either. I guess the only reason worth getting something like that is just to get it for the packaging artwork. It's not the best, but hell it's a lot better than the art in the comico comics. Too bad HG never released a series of detailed action figures huh? We all love the mecha, but we'd like to have the characters too. well well, look at this minmei barbie doll that was okay, minus the fact it looks like she spent too much time in a tanning bed. but dear lord look at this..... poor thing looks like shes on steroids.. lol also here's that site with all the expensive toys I also found a Dana doll... yikes....
  17. you aint kidding... I've got the matchbox miriya figure and oh my god is it ugly to look at :[ it looks nothing like her at all, she doesnt even have long hair but yeah those figures are still worth a lot just because they are collectibles.
  18. Alien 3 and Predator 2?, I am also guilty of liking those and the final destination series....also got a soft spot for the horror genre, excluding scifi originals, those aren't scary just cheap and laughable. Frankenfish.... *shudder*
  19. I think the movie is doomed either way, I mean if it does come out a lot of robotech fans are going to be butthurt when they find out it doesn't have the entire macross saga cast or the designs. Of course it will be hilarious to see them fight with those who led them to believe otherwise... in this case MEMO and Mav But with the way things are looking, this movie isn't going to happen any time soon. Announced in 2007 and here it is damn near 2010 and they haven't gotten the story written. Way to go! That's a great way to make progress! I mean it's no wonder there's been such little news, other than "there's a new writer on board!" Well Whoopty flippin Doo! They got all these writers who apparently can't write worth crap, how many is it now? Three? And they can't even finish it? Yeah, this movie is in production hell.... no doubt about it. I've lost interest though, so if it falls through, won't make any difference to me.
  20. another guilty pleasure of mine.. cryptids especially lake monsters, don't care too much for bigfoot though
  21. OH MY GOD! MY EYES!!!! MY EYES!!!!
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