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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. Damn I've been caught... True, some RT fans do fall for macross instead, or I should say "most". I haven't yet, though I can say I'm interested and have watched some of it in the past. But what I did instead was create my own story and universe. I got tired of waiting for RT to put out something new and original that wasn't half assed or cheap. And well HG isn't going to provide the goods so I found myself thinking, "If you want something done, you've got to do it yourself". And that's exactly what I did, I created my own little world, that can stand on its own and fit into the robotech universe as a future sequel. Not all fans are as dumb as HG thinks, and not all of them are going to accept the crap they put out. What I did, was create my own entertainment because HG failed to impress me with TSC. It's just too bad that a lot of the fans have been so starved for something new in the RT universe, that they actually delude themselves into believing TSC is great but only because its got the Robotech name. But when you think about it, it's a good thing isn't it? Those fans leave the RT community and the macross fan base grows. I should also thank HG for making TSC such a failure or I would have never gotten so involved with my project. So despite all this crap , a lot of positive-ness has come out of it when you really think about it of course.
  2. yeah thankfully mine doesn't he just rolls in it
  3. I'm big into music and listen to quite the variety. my preferences though are rock and trance classic rock though, not too interested in the new stuff I also listen to a lot of 90s music, for nostalgia factor and I really like the oldies like classic jazz also if anyone is interested I've got a bunch of trance on my youtube account which can be found here
  4. You're such a card.... Listen, you may love robotech and that's peachy and all but is it really worth defending? Is anything for that matter? It just seems to me you can't stand the fact that some hate it and do bash it. Who cares? Let them bash it, is it hurting you? It shouldn't, you're a big boy right? And with all do respect... you came here stirring up drama. You attacked us first, and now that we're biting back you're backing yourself into your little corner trying to play the victim. If you would of been respectful and asked nicely instead of jumping the gun, you wouldn't be in this mess right now. *face palms* dear lord....
  5. Well it's quite obvious as to which side of the fence you're on LOL you actually liked that script, so that tells me A LOT right there. I ask myself why is this person being such an ass? Then I realize oh he's a TSC fan, now it all makes sense! TSC fans are all rude, ignorant and just plain stupid, not to mention the first to be in line when it comes to drinking that kool-aid! It seems you've only come here to defend robotech, without doing your research either. All these people, despite your assinine attitude, have tried to be helpful and you still act like a jerk! Why is that? God forbid anyone have a different opinion than yours! Some here don't like robotech okay, so get over it, this isnt a robotech site it's a macross site! You chose to come here, so suck it up and stop being a wuss. Stop trying to pick fights and just respect the fact that robotech isnt the greatest thing ever. I don't care if this post of mine gets me on your hit list, I am just sick of your attitude it's totally uncalled for.
  6. Dear lord it's like an angsty thirteen year old wrote that.... anyways I got a good laugh and it seems he was just mad be cause memo got on his case again on Rt.com which meant no sex that night so he decided to take his anger out on you.
  7. sure just PM me your email addy
  8. check your email
  9. LOL I can guarantee you'd change your mind if you read the script that got leaked on the tubes here let me sum it up for you! more black hole nonsense, janice wants to shag marcus (maia and louie are both jealous!) there's a reclone of Zor (ZOMG WTF)and it aint Rem. marcus tells janice to go *beep* herself gets captured by da haydonites (HG staff) Ariel sacrifices herself and scott bernard dies! There's more but that's just the icing on the cake!
  10. Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking when I saw him
  11. I really need to stop making jokes about which movies hollywood will make next.. for some reason they keep coming true!
  12. Indeed, usually because that knowledge is nothing but the truth, and people who live in fantasy worlds HATE hearing the truth, because it rains on their land of sunshine and rainbows!
  13. someone doesn't have a sense of humor :| Really? Well of course they think it's the greatest thing ever! Just because they are proud of their work does not mean it's good. Though I find it hard to believe that despite loving TSC, they still managed to churn out a half-assed movie. The story made absolutely no sense either.. and dear lord I've actually seen the script for shadow rising and it's so BAD I question the yunes ability to tell any kind of story at all. If they offended then that's their problem. Robotech is not perfect or flawless and there are those who hate it just as there are those who love it. I'm a robotech fan but the bashing doesn't bother me, I still like it. Yeah, it is highly advised that you don't. This is the only thread that will tolerate robotech, and to post about it elsewhere would get you in trouble. A better approach I think would be: "Hey, if that's what you like, more power to you. Discuss away. But if you thought Robotech was good, have you ever seen the original Macross from Japan? I think it's even BETTER..." You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, as the saying goes. But that just takes the fun out of hating robotech! No in all honesty they don't care if people like it, they just don't appreciate robotech fans being obnoxious. Those are the types of fans that get made fun of. Don't they all? It's love sweet love.... then I again I feel for seto he's got a long list of people after him, and all of them are robotech fans!
  14. lmao I would so post this on RTX for yuks if I knew Memo wouldn't move it to cannon fodder *sigh*
  15. That is exactly what I was thinking when I saw him too.
  16. hmm I noticed that 21 was asking Dr. Venture if he could clone 24 makes me wonder if hes really going to. anyways the episode was alright, too many time jumps but still interesting enough to keep me entertained.
  17. Yeah I saw that too, and I think what set memo off was the communist remark lol.. well it's true is it not? And of course they're looking here, but they won't post anymore because they know they'll get eaten alive. Example... all of Memos little Hit N Run stunts he pulled here, he'd post his BS then when everyone jumped on his ass he took off running.
  18. or you two could you know, just ignore each other? yep, sounds like a plan to me.
  19. Watch out, he's gonna stalk you now!
  20. lmao yeah... how could anyone NOT notice that?
  21. Easy, he doesn't have anyone he can hide behind over here
  22. ah, that site again.. yikes Well now I know for a fact that we are proving him wrong I don't know what point he was even trying to prove by making that web page. Seems to me he just couldn't handle the fact that robotech is not perfect, nor is it worth defending. And in all honesty, I don't see why some robotech fans harbor such hatred against macross fans, in fact from my point of view, macross fans are more sane and tolerable compared to your average robotech fanatics. And speaking of robotech fanatics.. they might want to nail me to a cross for this one but... I find the robotech bashing entertaining and funny. But that's right I'm not a true fan, I'm just a PAHG as memo puts it.
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