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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. I'd rather see WB work on Halo rather than RT Halo would have a better chance of being a success than Robotech would, as its fan base is larger and its story is original
  2. Yeah, I heard Hollywood is making a "Barbie" movie, can't get any stupider than that oh wait, I once heard rumors about a movie based on the sims games.... wow, just when I think they can't surprise me anymore..
  3. While you do have a point, I have to say I don't think that's the case. I mean, aren't the transformers toys marketed to kids? And the robotech toys are being sold to grown men (no offense). Also I don't think WB knew about the legal issues when they first signed on, and at this point I don't believe the RT movie will ever get made. They haven't even finished the damn script and they've had three writers on it.
  4. Well let's not forget Hollywood is all about making live action adaptions of 80's cartoons right now and they obviously thought RT could be the next big thing. I mean that's the only reason they wanted it, just something to compete with Transformers, excuse me "Bayformers". And you expect them to come up with their own crap? This is hollywood, they're incapable of doing that, which is why all we have are remakes and live action adaptions of cartoons. And no one can sit there and tell me WB wanted RT because of TSC. If that damn movie is selling so well, why is it free to watch on hulu? Or better yet, why is it found in bargain bins at local retail stores? nice comparison!
  5. according to a post by memo on RTX TSC did sooooo well it's the reason WB wants to turn Robotech into their next cash cow franchise! Of course anyone with a brain knows well enough that the only reason WB wants Robotech is because of the success of Transformers. Funny though, that's the same arguement that PTH used and when I told him the truth he got all butthurt and started attacking me. Why are these fans so stupid?
  6. Ah good ol MMG and his anti HG goods those are great he should make more! Hey now, I'm american and I eat just about anything and I'm skinny as hell curse my metabolism!
  7. What's there to destroy though? Doesn't the piece of crap do that enough on its own?
  8. That would be hilarious
  9. yeah yeah yeah, I'm sure you don't mind the accusations
  10. actually if I remember correctly, in a PM I got from the loon, he accused you viper mage and sighup of being my boyfriends
  11. lmao whoopsie!
  12. Nope I guess not
  13. LOL he's accused everyone I'm friends with of having an affair with me he's such an amusing troll
  14. yeah crash course is a pain, it took me 53 minutes to get through it the second time because it's so confusing with figuring out which way you're supposed to go. Even gets to the point where you're going around in circles. I played the demo for Left 4 Dead 2, and I have to say I am impressed, especially with the improvements and larger assortment of weapons. They have a lot of the same weapons from the first game, but for the most part they're all new. There's even a new way to revive dead teammates by using a defibrillator, only you have to choose between carrying that or a health pack lol. They've still got the pipe bombs and molotovs and a new weapon called a boomer vile (basically just a CEDA vile of boomer excrete) that you can throw on any infected (even the tank) There's too much to explain so I'll just provide this information link here
  15. I hope so, I miss that jerk he was mildly entertaining....
  16. yeah it does LOL
  17. The Robotech soundtrack is okay, and I do like some of the music but not all of it. and yes I know there's a lot of synth usage lol but that's the 80's for ya.. same amount of synth scores in those cheesy horror movies too. And I have gotten to listen to some of the original macross music and I liked some of it especially the zentraedi theme, and in my opinion it just sounds better. but hell I would take the Robotech soundtrack over TSC soundtrack any day.
  18. I was myself for Halloween.. scariest costume ever!
  19. I can't wait for L4D2 it looks so awesome and all those people who pre-ordered it are lucky bastards, they get the demo first! Anyways been playing L4D and recently theres a new map called "Crash Course" supposedly a tie in between No Mercy and Death Toll. (The helicopter crashed) It's only a two level map, and it's confusing as hell when you first play it cause you aren't sure of which way to go. The finale is pretty fun though, even a little different from the others. I hope they release more mini levels to fill in the gaps between the other campaigns.
  20. It's probably "family friendly" because Steve and Tommy are too easily offended :X when I used to hang in the RT.com chat room, I noticed Steve seemed to take offense to just about anything.
  21. I wonder if there will be a Roger Ebert cameo, like in Godzilla 98 being that Ebert always gives Emmerich's films bad reviews lol That was F****** epic!
  22. ah Emmerich and his disaster movies.... meh, his biggest disaster was Godzilla 98'
  23. proof that the evolutionary clock ticks backwards?
  24. a prison guard eh? No wonder he's such a homophobe and of course he's afraid of getting flamed here, because he knows he can't win with his putrid arguments.
  25. Aww but he wants us to care! He wants to feel special ^__^
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