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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. Trying to get any information from HG is a losing battle.........not worth the frustrations, believe me. Censorship sucks the big one, which is why unaffiliated HG websites like mine exists. Ta-da! BTW any of you are welcome to join <3
  2. Hollywood needs to remake AVP and do it right this time!
  3. Dear god there's so many spelling errors, not to mention it just froze my brain trying to read that......... also WTF @ crapa........I mean mirimax For someone who likes to troll he sure sucks when it comes to name calling. Also if he was lucky enough to get any hatemail back then he probably responded by calling them a doo doo head
  4. Thing Fest 2011! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy4Uv7OmwHM&feature=fvst...i
  5. If I ever become rich and famous I will =]
  6. Yeah and McKeever looked very agitated =P Maybe he was spying on this thread. I didn't watch it with sound but I laughed when I saw someone get up and leave.
  7. Sneak peek at a still from the 2011 movie! I'd say that's a major improvement over TSC
  8. My god those were horrible
  9. a big black dildo......... I kid, no but seriously... books? Yep.....
  10. Yeah, not impressed at all.....
  11. Again RT has more fans because RT has been distributed world wide......... I know macross doesn't have a US release but what about other countries?
  12. Wanzerfan, Wanzerfan.....
  13. Robotech causes people to abuse the English language.
  14. Actually the one I posted was re-written by Eric Heisserer, and its pretty damn good
  15. Well considering the fact that some of them were naive enough to believe that ASTRO PLAN was the next Robotech sequel.....I wouldn't put it past them.
  16. Wow congratulations! I'm also a huge fan of Guillermo's as well, that's just too awesome =D best of luck on your new project! Also for anyone who would like to read the Thing prequel script, you can download it here
  17. vocals of Tiff Lacey such a goddess more
  18. yeah its scary over how realistic they look. Man imagine if that same artist did the cast from the thing
  19. Definitely why customs are better period....... anyways speaking of customs check this out how's that for accurate? lol. That seller also has a custom Hicks head as well.
  20. okay time to revive this thread yet again! and why? cause some guy made these totally awesome custom figures of the cast and I just have to share it with the rest of you! link HERE clicky away and be amazed!
  21. MS Paint making an artist out of you since 1995!
  22. Oh thats right, they made it to where only members could see pictures, well in that case..... here's what I linked to again joke is up, which one of you is trolling the fandom =P
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