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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. well at least the robotech characters don't sparkle! OH SHI now Tommy Yune will read this and make it happen! also doug bendo is too damn easy to troll even an amateur can do it right now every time someone makes fun of him he claims it's another "ding" against JT and his podcast seriously though wtf, he can't stand up to the trolls so he decides to attack JT instead?
  2. oh no! and with that being said... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXIJz7_MDMo
  3. as much as I hate AVP I have to admit the fight scenes between the predators and xenomorphs was quite epic
  4. lol now now, some chicks are the aggressive ones and are just plain hard to get.. I know because that's how I was... how my boyfriend got me? I really don't know but we've been together for four years now and have known each other for six or seven, but then again I'm nerdy and so is he It's not worth it, yes ,but it's mildly entertaining >_> well it is for me anyways... but then again I'm a twisted individual
  5. but but, I am not bothered by your RT bashing! and yes that would be the last straw...
  6. Those designs are atrocious... I hate the way they walk :| if that's a taste of what the movie will be like then I'm swearing off RT for good
  7. This is quite disturbing but in one of the books Bella is pregnant and Edward uses his teeth to do a C section to save her and the baby....
  8. yeah just look at Twilight for example the story is crap but it appeals to the morons, and sadly there are more morons than intelligent folk... and like Robotech, Twilight is hard to take seriously.... especially when you know about the vampire C section and realize Bella is just a self insert of the author. which brings me to the next question.. how in the hell did that series become so popular?
  9. I think you fail to understand that Hollywood isn't about originality at all they won't sit and come up with their own poo because they simply can't. They'd rather make movies based off others works because it doesn't require them to actually think. Hollywood is all about money, no matter how stupid a movie may be, they will hype the poo out of it to make it look like it's something more than it is. I also think that since you're not a US citizen you aren't familiar with the way things work here. Hollywood doesn't make anything original it's all REMAKES, SEQUELS, & ADAPTIONS. Hollywood hasn't done anything original in a long ass time and usually when you think an idea of theirs is original, you learn that it's just an adaption of a story from another country. They are sneaky A-holes arent they?
  10. This is true
  11. they own the sentinel designs right? or else they would of been in legal trouble when the sentinels movie was released
  12. yeah it was for a short time, hell it was even advertised in a few movies.. in "Monster Squad" in the form of a little boy's PJs and in "The Lost Boys", the comico comics clearly visible in the background of the comic shop scene.
  13. Actually from what I saw of the merchandise on the back of the comics, there were party favors, clothing, coloring books, stickers, just a bunch of crap even though the quality was low and cheap looking.... figures but yeah just by looking at that, I could tell it was popular at one point, but then it was marketed at kids so they didn't know it was made up of three different animes or understand what anime was really. Granted it was not as successful as Transformers or the other series of that time, it still had some popularity. Too bad the robotech museum site is no longer online, I believe it had all of the merchandise posted on it.
  14. Yeah the supply and demand of more robotech at the time was most likely why the story was weak, because it was rushed and how can anything be good if its rushed? Although it didnt work out so well, because the series became too expensive to make so they just took what footage was made and slapped it together in the form of a movie, while the rest of the story telling was left to the comics and novels. While I may not know everything, I'm just going by what I know and what I've observed. I didnt grow up in the 80s like most of the fans did, but judging from the amount of merchandise advertised on the back of the comics, I'd say at one point robotech was a hit and there was a demand that just couldn't be met.
  15. More is better if the writing is good, in this case the sentinels was better than TSC... no doubt about it, however it still had a weak story. I did like the character designs, maybe it's the 80s cartoons tard in me I'm not sure, but I liked them and was upset to see that series never being completed. just skipping it trying to do a whole new story aka robotech 3000. I believe that could of been decent, its just the CG animation of that time was crap... like playstation crap though I suspect they were going for something similar like Reboot? Anyway the only to make any continuation successful is for the story and ideas to be good enough to sell it. And I can understand not taking that risk because of fear of having it fail, but you never know unless you try.
  16. While the writing could have been better, it does tell you a lot more other than just having them disappear into space. I'm pretty sure at that time there was a demand for more robotech, which is why the sentinels exist in the first place. But that was then and this is now, the robotech franchise is pretty much dead in the water.
  17. ah okay, that I can understand
  18. I have question in regards to the macross, I would like to know why is it that there's a new cast for every new series? I've never really seen any continuations, unless you count macross 7 since its got max and millia (much older) I'm not knocking it or anything but it would be nice to find out what happened to the previous characters, instead of just having them "disappear", and then BAM new characters, new time line. I guess that's probably one of the reasons I like robotech, because you actually get to find out what happened with your favorite characters, be it Robotech II The Sentinels movie, the novels and the comics. PTTSC & TSC don't count because I refuse to call that robotech. I'm just the type who hates change, I hate getting attached to characters and then never seeing them again. This is also a pet peeve of mine in Sailor Moon too, a lot of the villains who turned good are never heard from again, even though they supposedly live in the same damn city. So can anyone shed some light on this for me? I'd appreciate it =]
  19. eh it doesn't appeal to me in any sense.... just looks boring and uninteresting
  20. Well that's because both of those franchises are laughable... I mean look at Bayformers those mech designs are some of the ugliest crap and yet the fans will tell you how stupid you are. Also I don't care for story, as far as I'm concerned all the human characters are boring and generic and ruin the movie..........let's not forget the immature humor that does not belong there in the first place but like I said before...... the general audience are a bunch of morons and this kinda puke appeals to them. LOL can't wait to see what immature humor is thrown into the robotech movie..... if it is indeed competition then I wonder if we can expect anything to 1 up the pissing autobot, and the leg humpers. As for robotech, the real reason it's laughable is because of the fans who believe it is original and the greatest creation of all time. Just the lengths they go to defending it is hilarious because they seem to think Robotech came before the originals or RT improved them. You can't dare criticize it or else you're a macross purist, you're full of evil and want to ruin the world of robotech. (nah I think the retarded fans do a good enough job of that on their own) robotech is not original (here come the crocodile tears) it's not the greatest thing since sliced bread and any artistic merit it has, belongs to the originals. As far as story telling goes, it's just generic sci-fi and yes a lot of things don't make sense and are easily laughable. But it was the 80s the dialogue of most of the cartoons of that time were pretty cheesy and RT was no exception. Now I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being a fan, because I'm obviously one myself, but the only problem is the type of fan you turn out to be. All these obsessive fanatics are a good reason the normal fans can't enjoy it, especially with the way they brown nose HG and attack anyone who dares to disagree with their views. As I always say... it's always the fans who ruin everything, and I stand by that saying.
  21. Yeah "cannon fodder" the toilet of RTX, where anything that goes against the gospel of Robotech goes. Most threads with us "pahgs" often ends up there because we correct memo, or PTH just can't leave us alone.... especially me must be an internet crush or some crap idk Also, I'd say "begging" sounds about right
  22. pfftt, this looks like crap
  23. God if there's anything worse than robotech fans.. it's bayformer fans and the only reason those movies are making any money is because the general audience are a bunch of retards who just want to see pointless explosions and a talentless whore. It doesn't take much to compete with that crap just use the same formula for the RT movie and OMG it's a success!!!! either way if the RT movie gets made, these "retards" are just going to complain that it's a Transformers rip off some idiot on the IMDB forum for District 9 already displayed that behavior when they commented on the mecha from that movie. So no other movie can have mecha or else its a TF copycat! I say screw the RT movie, I want Halo....
  24. I had a dream the Robotech movie was hilariously BAD the mecha designs were poo the acting was poo it was all one big laughable pile of poo I wonder if that dream will come true?
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