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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. That's pretty awesome I'm impressed
  2. yes it may be more watchable than Shadow Chronicles.. hell even the wiggles are.. but that fact that this show IS a rip off, means I have no respect for it. I can understand inspiration but they flat out copied the designs.
  3. aint nothin but the truth
  4. I think HG is secretly behind asstro plan it's a spitting image of their failure.
  5. Couldn't have said it better myself, these are my exact thoughts. They're really lacking in the creative department.. Well that doesn't surprise me in the least.. they're still pulling the same poo today. A few years back someone was planning to put together a Robotech anthology project which would be a collection of the best fan art and fan fiction, but HG was a complete dick about it, and wouldn't even give him permission.... yet when MEMO came up with an idea for a fanzine, they were going to let him go through with it.. What irks me is they won't let you do jack unless THEY have control of it. To me this is just stupid and shows how protective they are of their precious bootlegged show. It's funny though because the fans are more talented than anyone in the HG staff.
  6. so the artist is a tracer too? For shame.... another one of those characters reminds me of one from Titan Maximum
  7. yucky..... Nice to know he's playing the racist card.... and us elitists? Hardly.... Do we think Robotech fans are retarded and need to be educated? nope, just him, and a few others but no need to mention names...
  8. I chuckled at that one too
  9. the only thing they're good at doing
  10. This is why I now avoid that site like the plague, unless I get curious enough to view the train wrecks. Anyways it's no surprise at all that pizza boy is still being himself, despite the amount of bannings and warnings hes received. I also facepalm at the defence of RT because of WB wanting to turn the franchise into their next cash cow. As for sanity, I'm pretty insane as an individual but that's just my personality per say.. however when it comes to the Robotech fandom, I am sane funny how that works...
  11. this thread never ceases to amuse me
  12. meh same poop different toilet reading MEMO's posts gives me a headache
  13. tonight's episode was farting awesome! had to get that off my chest hehe
  14. I'd be Khyron's Revenge because I'm a vengeful person
  15. all in favor of banning the douche say Aye! He's doing nothing but interrupting our pointless discussion
  16. well in "Season's Greetings" I remember hearing "Silent Night Holy Night" or was I hearing things? I am a loon so it would make since if that's what it was =]
  17. not bad not bad.. I was off from work but I was sick but I got to spend time playing with my wacom cintiq I bought for myself hehe.. I love that thing
  18. I think hes got the hots for you
  19. This is true! he never did tell me what ewalks were though...
  20. oh shi- watch what you say about doug or he might talk about you on his podcast =] I'm already famous along with seto, viper, & JT... But in all seriousness.. why is doug even here? is he a masochist or something?
  21. apparently signatures do not count on that site if that's the case then maybe someone should test the water and put "death to Robotech purists" and see what happens In the time that I've spent on that site even as a lurker, I've never seen anyone get in trouble for a sig, it's only been their posts alone.
  22. well what he said there was tame compared to what he spewed on RTX and that would not be tolerated. and it's no secret that he was the one who sent JT the death threat. but of course, it's pathetic that his ban on Rt.com was the result of a lame RT masters debate.. talk about obsession
  23. Well seto and myself are only temp banned which is still BS but I admit I baited doug bendo so my temp ban is justified only it's rather sad and pathetic how he wasn't dealt with before things got out of hand. But yes I trolled bendo and it was fun but now I must suffer the consequences. and speaking of dougie, I hear his newest podcast is dedicated to bitching about us and JT. But would Robotech.com tolerate Doug's threats? absolutely not which is why I hate to say it but RTX has become worse.
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