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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. sure sucks for them I guess HG is out to get anything that looks better than TSC
  2. No the best thing that could happen would be to cancel the movie and move on to something with a larger fanbase.
  3. nah I'm sure memo banned me because I didn't approve of him in a thong either
  4. ROFL oh man that mental image is soooo wrong
  5. Wow, maybe they should look into retail instead...
  6. Only the fan projects that use content from Robotech such as the designs and characters.
  7. So he tried to make us angry? lol fail... I don't get mad over internet crap, so that wouldn't have worked with me =] Script draft is complete? Wow, it took them this long to come up with a decent story? and the answer to your question? Of course there won't be any macross elements in it. and I also heard from a little birdie that HG will have no creative control over the movie either other than to promote it.
  8. I agree with Gubabba, I don't think that was the case. Maybe a character looking similar to Alex Romero was just a coincidence?
  9. yeah it does actually.... so now I can assume memo told PTH to harass the rest of us too? Would make sense since he didn't seem to give a damn when we complained to him about it. LOL wow he really doesn't know me at all does he?
  10. lol wtf? Memo told you to harass everyone?
  11. I must have built up a tolerance for the BS because despite all the crap that's gone down, I'm still a Robotech fan. There are crazed individuals in every fandom, so why should we let them ruin it for us? Though I still remain a fan, I've grown more attached to my own project which is pretty much going off on its own, but I won't deny the fact that without RT it wouldn't even exist. Still I can understand how the BS can push some fans away, but it doesnt bother me because I choose to ignore those asshats. Ignore the loons and enjoy what you enjoy, let them live in la la land if it makes them happy.
  12. I think that is just utter complete BS but then again, it's something you can expect from that Sh!t hole They also mentioned they might cut the robotech ties with it
  13. I love them too
  14. I find it funny he thinks we care what he says about us lol according to a special source he's going on about how I'm a fat bitch I've lost track of how many times I've heard that insult from random internet strangers... gets old after a while! anyways.. why anyone could listen to his podcast is beyond me back when I thought he was "civil" I couldn't even stomach it then, the bastard was putting me to sleep with his rambling.
  15. I'm a fan of the original SDF macross artwork, does that count?
  16. He really needs to shut the fart up and let the poo go. you havent bothered him, yet he still feels the need to target you and JT, because hes so god damn pathetic and has nothing better to do with his life. What a waste eh? I say just keep ignoring him... he's bound to get bored of it sometime right? or is he THAT desperate for attention? *megafatfacepalm*
  17. none of those sequels/remakes listed needs to be done especially a sequel to Mrs. Doubtfire
  18. hell they can just steal designs from Astro Plan
  19. wait, what? what voice actor now? I'm surprised too, wonder how much longer it will be till he's banned again
  20. well done! You deserve a cookie
  21. Why did I read that? Now I need an asprin
  22. Has he even commented on the shadow chronicles?
  23. You are seriously talented! looks awesome so far keep it up!
  24. some of the fan art isn't bad at all I like this one best http://hiphotos.loopc.com/%B3%AC%EB%B4%BD%...6cdc2ce790c.jpg
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