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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. I noticed that too was all what the hell? LOL thats just too funny
  2. Chronicles of Riddick comes to mind... did pitch black really need a sequel?
  3. I don't understand it either.. you'd think they would be more hung up on Max & Miriya
  4. I was never really into the SAW films, though I did find the character of Jigsaw to be extremely creepy. I don't really care for overly violent horror flicks, but I did think the texas chainsaw massacre remake was pretty decent, minus the brutality. The prequel was pretty messed up too... I don't know when it comes to horror I prefer classics, such as the nightmare on elm street series, Hellraiser, Evil Dead, Halloween, and many others. I also love the final destination movies, even though the last one was kinda meh.. but if you want any good titles to check out, just ask. I know a crap load of good horror flicks.
  5. Made viper cry? yeah from laughing so hard at the idiocy.. I don't think Bendo can get it through his head, that none of us care what he thinks or says about us. I've heard some of the things hes said about me the others, via someone else who listened and "thought I should know" but really, the guy is just a big joke, and those lessoners are probably listening so they can make fun of him. How could anyone take him seriously? Well obviously memo.... Also I realized that by posting this bendo will probably want me to come on his show like he did with Gubaba. I swear Bendo is so obsessed with defending himself to the point he wants to fight with us via his podcast, and for what? I don't know but all I can say is, he's old news, let him continue to rant, lord knows he'll still be doing it ten years from now =]
  6. Yeah when I read that nice little response from memo my brain went *ZZZZzzzzzztttttt!!* completely fried but if he thinks doughboy bendo is a saint, then that's fine by me. I personally don't see how anyone can sit and listen to his podcasts but apparently memo can...
  7. oh my god it's so painful.... it's like it's a joke, a very bad joke
  8. memo and mav must fall under the category of morons who believe Tommy saved Robotech no he brutally killed it, not that the original was amazing or epic, but Tommy actually managed to make it worse, not to mention the god awful Shadow Rising draft I've read. but still I'd like to know what's so amazing about TSC besides the ridiculous fan service. Wish memo and mav would enlighten me on the subject.. but knowing them, I can expect gibber jabber.. Well at least pizza the hutt was kind enough to share his thoughts on the movie =] I wont deny that Robotech is a failure of a franchise, and going down the shitter more every day, but the original series I saw in 97 will always have a special place in my nostalgic heart along with all the other shows that stuck out to me in the old days... I personally wish Robotech would just fade away, no live action movie, no crappy revival, just let it die.
  9. The truth about the legal situation causes pain and suffering
  10. I bought that game today and so far I'm loving it
  11. please tell me that fan letter isn't real
  12. I wonder who he will fail at parodying next? Personally I think he just claimed he was parodying Seto because of all the replies he got to his idiotic claims that and hes got a mad e-crush on him
  13. yes, take a drink every time there's an ass or boob shot =]
  14. He must love getting made fun of huh? anyway can't wait to see what brilliant argument he puts up the next time he posts.
  15. I can't wait for that game either, it looks amazing
  16. Actually I've made fun of it before and he didn't seem to care, change of heart all of a sudden?
  17. Yeah I agree wholeheartedly a forum is just a waste if people can't have their own opinions.
  18. Yeah, he accused the criticism of "going off topic" when it was relevant enough to the subject. It is after all, one of the big reasons I've lost interest in RT and see no reason to support it any further. I don't think I've ever even supported HG cause all the RT merch I own came from Ebay or Amazon. Well except for TSC dvd but I didn't buy that, it was a gift from my boyfriend. But honestly I can understand why you can't bash the movie on the official website, but on RTX, why not? Is it going to hurt Tommy's feelings? Is he going to cry over the criticism? Maybe if memo would be honest and admit to such things, then maybe I'd lay off
  19. wow now its against the rules to criticize The Shadow Chronicles on RTX I wasn't aware that it was some sacred cow, wish memo would enlighten me as to what is so farting great about it. I just don't see it =| am I blind?
  20. Like aliens vs predator vs the terminator? No I'm not making this up either... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliens_versus..._The_Terminator
  21. I find that story idea about the space jockey really interesting but then how would they throw humans into the mix? wonder how that would play out exactly, unless a space jockey tries to infect earth with the xenomorphs.
  22. here's a nice illustration of it by Giger kinda looks like an alien warrior of some type, but I could be wrong.
  23. same here, that man is one of my favorite artists and one of my biggest inspirations it would suck not having his designs in the prequel. not to mention the Xenomorph is by far one of the coolest alien designs I've ever seen.
  24. While I don't believe a prequel is needed... it would be interesting to find out more about the space jockey. also heres some info on it http://www.cinematical.com/2009/10/29/ridl...-alien-prequel/
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