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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. yeah where exactly is the logic in that? He makes absolutely no sense
  2. They can't go after me because Atlantech is no longer an RT fan project, I recently cut those ties (which wasnt much) and started taking it in a completely original direction with its own origin and everything. Also all the designs and characters in it are 100% original and came from my imagination alone so again I'm in the clear. But that still doesnt give them the right to stomp on RT fan projects which make their precious pile of poo TSC look bad. i loled anywho I'm not surprised to see that I was right... memo defended HG yet again wow, I hope HG doesnt decide to kill anyones family *edit* So I heard Bendo is trying to come after me now? Aww how cute, can't wait to see how he attempts this one
  3. Robotech TSC was more than a joke its full of very hilarious errors http://thelostuniverseofrt.forumotion.net/...s-t385.htm#2502 Nothing was shooped, it's all legit! and now I have the sudden urge to play pac-man
  4. yeah I agree another gem was Future War
  5. Space Mutiny! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096149/ it was even featured on an episode of MST3K
  6. I was kidding around and wanted to bring it up to see if there were any other fans but movies like this are so bad they're good. I can't really say the same for some others I've seen. No wait, there's another bad scifi movie called Within the Rock and it was cheaply made and whatnot, but mildly entertaining. speaking of which, has anyone else seen that one?
  7. hell yeah, its cheesy as hell but its good
  8. this is even better! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095444/
  9. maybe its the lack of sleep, but I find that image incredibly hawt
  10. Yeah it was planned as a series, after the movies of course (not sure how many they were planning on doing) and I don't know how soon they were expecting to have Shadow Rising complete and released, my guess is by this time? ah hell who cares. After reading that leaked draft I hope that piece of poo never gets made. The fandom is already a big enough laughingstock as it is, don't need to make it any worse amirite?
  11. Nah, it's just the adults have the mentality of children Rhade also didn't know Leonard was in the Alien 3 comic
  12. Ah jeebers.. a little trip down memory lane... anyway before I got the ol mighty memo hammer, that guy used to be banned and unbanned so many damn times I've lost count. He would make posts he knew were against the rules of that preschool level site, and somehow get away with it. I don't what it is with Robotech, but it attracts the idiots... no don't look at me! I'm pretty normal and sane I promise!
  13. Robotech fans who can't spell? Hmm that seems to be common trait amongst them, or at least something I noticed back in my Rt.com lurking days. some of them can't read either, which is why microsoft sam comes in handy for a certain podcast needless to say those are the types of members HG prefers to have on their site =] the stupid the better right?
  14. I think that is the goal with this film
  15. uh oh, then I think it's best if he never sees this http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/8367/howtodrawwomen.png
  16. what I'd like to know is why hes so determined to stay on that site?
  17. It doesn't look too bad now, I'll definitely give it a chance, anyway now I'm tempted to watch the original
  18. *buys one and looks at it wrong* it's the macross toys that have always had the better quality period. I bought a few in the past off ebay and even got a decent looking figure of millia with it. soooo much better than that god awful matchbox figure of her.
  19. being a robotech fan is great, I mean who wouldn't want this? http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product...amp;picture=out It looks like a fisher price toy Would love to go but cannot because of work =[ for shame
  20. yay my online lover has arrived! lol kidding, glad you finally joined ;]
  21. but but, you don't know what you're talking about! Robotech has a lot going on crappy toys, a lame anniversary complete with shadow chronicles love fest logo, a proposed live action movie thats never going to see the light of day, and shadow rising! see? there's a lot happening
  22. that guy is a riot
  23. lmao wow... why the hell do they think macross zero came first? oh because of the zero part, or the flashbacks of Roy? I mean come on
  24. boost in ratings? lol okay..
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