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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. Really? There's not one I can think of...
  2. lol interesting choices =P well they got a music video director for the nightmare on elm street remake so its quite obvious thats going to fail... minus the fact I'm a die hard Robert Englund fan and he's the only Freddy in my book. Hell the RT LAM is going to be a disaster film, why not get Emmerich involved instead?
  3. I kinda like the coloring just not the way they did the faces haha... I recently did a portrait of the zentradi trio for a friends birthday http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n243/Ly...onricokonda.png it was my first attempt at painting them too hope ya like
  4. heck answer both lol
  5. Who knows whats going on at this point, they won't even tell us but if you had a choice, which director would you go with?
  6. Well speaking of the UEG incident, I think Memo has found another victim of a soon-to-be C&D http://www.robotechx.com/forums/25-robotec...tech.html#11343 shall we place bets on how long it takes for HG to bully this person into submitting their film to RT.com?
  7. memo can also give you one hell of a headache
  8. yeah they got the C&D from HG but Memo was saying that Seto was the one who notified them about it. same thing with the DA mess, memo tried to say Seto and myself contacted HG about it
  9. Yes I am, but that's probably because I'm considered as an ex troll. Either way most who know me, are aware of my morbid sense of humor and should never take me seriously, but I don't think doug is that terribly offended he just needed something about me to bitch about. He does stalk my posts on here and RTX, and has been viewing my profile every day just to see what else I've said. I hate to say it but I am amused that someone would obsess this much over me. Hell the guy even wants my personal info lol seriously its the god damn internet, he needs to grow thicker skin and spend sometime lurking around, cause if he thinks I'm bad, he aint seen nothin.
  10. Proof? lol Robotech wouldn't be in the position it is if HG were able to use the original characters and designs. They wouldn't have killed all the macross characters off in the PTSC series if HG had permission to use them now would they? Rick Hunter would look like an older version of himself, not a re-designed unrecognizable sack of crap in TSC. The damn proof is everywhere, what more do they want? I mean I don't get it, how is that so hard to see? How can anyone deny that evidence? Hell the description I keep hearing about the live action movie is that its a RE-IMAGINING isn't that also enough proof? I mean besides the fact its going to suck if it ever gets made, but that's another rant. The solution to this "denial" is acceptance, and as for myself? Been there, done that and it sucks just as much as it sucked when I found out that RT was not original but three different series combined into one story.
  11. hahaha me too, that guy is hilarious to listen to Okay, could you possibly tell me everything in PM? I know quite a lot about memo too... a good portion of it would make you double facepalm from the idiocy alone
  12. Oh I'm sure he's baiting any naysayers who are left so when they speak up he can lay down the banhammer quick and fast. Not at all, too predictable
  13. That isn't stopping memo and co from celebrating.... http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...&forumid=31 yeah, they don't seem to care who it is or understand that the LAM isn't greenlit so it's not moving forward...
  14. well he'll fit right in with the rest of the bunch
  15. lol come on, that ship has sailed a long time ago, that movie is dead in the water. WB had their chance and they wasted all their time hiring some crappy writers with a history of poo who couldn't even finish the script. Why would they even waste their time with a straight to DVD release? I say it's a done deal, there isn't going to be a movie.
  16. LOL! I don't have a problem with them creating their own work, I just have a problem with it sucking and ending up being a piece of crap that we're forced to accept as a continuity of any sorts.
  17. You still can request to take it off the site, after all the moderator for the fanart/fiction is Brian Mcafee and if you don't want something there anymore he will take it down for you.
  18. that's it in a nutshell
  19. its actually JuanRT's podcast and he invited Nenad and memo too
  20. Nenad actually explained what really happened on a podcast today, spanish podcast where memo was present, but then again he told me personally. Anyway, what really happened was HG was trying to get UEG to submit Genesis to Robotech.com because they are planning on having a section for fan films, and UEG was going to negotiate with them, but they wanted to have full control over the web series and HG pretty much said no, and gave them the option to either submit it or follow the order of the C&D. And there was also quite a few things suspicious with the C&D that nenad told me, he said it was dated back in september of 2009 and addressed to someone UEG wasnt even involved with yet.. He told me by that time Genesis was pretty much in hibernaton, and he didnt start work on it till later. Now you see this confuses me and leaves me to believe that HG sent them the C&D in order to try and get UEG to submit to them so they could take over
  21. Nenad told me about this himself, after he had a chat with memo
  22. yeah indeed, I haven't done anything to him lol
  23. it appears I now have a stalker Wow someone has some serious issues!
  24. Well I hate to post yet again but it seems the idiocy keeps getting juicier... I heard MEMO tried to blame Seto and me for the Deviantart fiasco yeah we'd really go out of our ways to do something as low and shitty because there's no way HG could be responsible!
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