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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. come on now, I can understand if you didn't like the man, but come on he just died you don't have to like him, just show some respect.
  2. What did you say now?
  3. Fan tribute to him
  4. Rest in peace, Carl Thanks for bringing us Robotech and inspiring me you will be sorely missed -HP-
  5. quoted for truth lol
  6. A lot of the toys looked pretty suckish too from what I had seen the matchbox action figures being the worst
  7. There is nothing wrong with Robotech fan projects and I do support them, but in all honesty you can't do anything serious with them. you can't publish them, you cant get HG's support without them wanting to take over, and if they see your project as a threat they will come after you with a C&D . That's why I feel there's no point in doing RT fan projects anymore, just do your own stuff, create your own world.
  8. HG's always mishandled the franchise, but before the shadow chronicles came along I remember the fandom was never as bad as it is now. Then again I was a lurker in those days but would post on Rt.com every now and then. Back then there were fewer bans as well and less censorship so now I ask myself, what happened? Then I realize I already know the answer to that... The shadow chronicles happened and it divided the fandom. I know that there's always been drama with the fans, especially since some like the novels and others hate them, but TSC was the final nail in the coffin, and it's what unhinged a lot of fans and led them to acting the way they do now. Whether they hate it or love it, TSC played a big part in separating the fandom.
  9. oh man if I got a dollar for every time someone said I wasn't a robotech fan, I'd probably have enough to fund the production of Shadow Rising but jokes aside, I know not all robotech fans are bad or annoying, but the lot I see on Rt.com behave like sheep... and it's utterly disturbing to me, and they act like Memo is the shepherd or something cause whenever he posts about anything most of them are like "omg yay thats great news yadda yadda" And those who don't praise that info are labeled naysayers and threatened with bans. I know the lot of them are nice, yes but the sheep mentality is what puts me off. Why do they act like that? Is everything memo says great news, I mean really? another thing is you don't DARE say anything negative about Tommy's work or you are SHUNNED. Is he really that great of an artist? I beg to differ of course but there again I'm not a real robotech fan because of that. I also hate the shadow chronicles, and that also makes me a robotech hater because you know TSC makes up most of RT now as its plastered all over Rt.com and even parts of RTX. and yes I have also been labeled a macross purist and you know why? Because I think Robotech bashing is funny and I'm a member here. Yeah being a member of this site = macross purist now lol even if you've never seen any macross in Zen aka JT's case. I don't know once again I don't understand why the RT fandom is so screwed up, but apparently its what HG wanted, and it also must be what the fanatics wanted too because they seem to be happy with the current state of the fandom.
  10. yeah call it what you will, but the bottom line is its just stupid. Robotech fans come here to view this thread and see all the "awful" things we're saying about Robotech and think OMFG ROBOTECH HATERS EVIL MACROSS PURISTS WHO WANT TO SEE ROBOTECH DIE! lol well yes some of us do want to see Robotech die, me only because I hate The Shadow Saga, thats what needs to die. What I'd like to know is why do they care soooo much about negative opinions towards RT? given most of what we say is nothing but the truth, even in regards to HG and their handling of the franchise. We're just stating our opinions, talking about the facts, we're not going to their houses and punching them in the face for being Robotech fanatics are we? We're not going to Robotech.com or RTX just to see the negative things some of the fans are saying about macross right? but it's this current BS that sheds some light on one of the reasons certain robotech fans leave the fandom. It's because of crap like this, all the bashing and name calling what-have-you. In all honesty is there a point to it? No there is not, and like I've said numerous times I honestly don't give a damn about what they say about me. They hate me? Good don't care, They think I'm mean evil, a horrible person? Fine, let them think that. Same goes for everyone here they have "negative" views towards. I'm sorry to say but Robotech fans are just pathetic at this point, there are very few who act and behave in a civil manner, but still those few are outnumbered. It is something I don't think I'll ever understand really, and making a big deal over stupid things such as my hitman joke is even more absurd... it's a joke bendo get over it, I can't even afford one, nor would I because that's honestly not the kind of person I am. So there goes the HP is evil and cruel story right out the window. The worst I could do is make someone cry over the internet, or has that already happened? <shakes head> Another thing and I am also sorry for saying this, but these robotech fanatics needs to get off their computers and.. get away from RT for a while. There is a life outside of robotech okay? You can obsess, fine but dont make it your life geeze... okay I've said all I feel like, and I know "these" people are going to take it the wrong way, they always do <shrug> but yeah I'm done
  11. Well it turns out I'm too good to be talked about on the spanish podcast lol "HP? No No we don't talk about that, and to add, it would be an honor for her to merely mention her" So it would be an honor for me to mention me? Heck yeah it would but geeze these people act like I murdered their families with the way they talk about me lol How could it be that I've earned such a rep? Same with this site, they act like we're a bunch of villains who do nothing but bash robotech. I'm confused, what is so wrong with having a different opinion?
  12. I'm pretty sure something like it has been done lol
  13. Was probably the same person that started that thread too lol man I'm glad I don't have that kind of free time anymore, too busy with work and my crap
  14. lol why do I have the feeling 4chan was behind that? After all there was a post on /m about him, er someone posing as him advertising his podcast haha <shakes head>
  15. Most likely won't get an answer to that, though I would be surprised if you do anyway back to the subject of HG and no I did not make this, I found it lol
  16. Why does he even want to be a part of that? It's not like he's going to have ANY creative control since it's a given that tommy doesn't like sharing the spotlight, so really what is he going to do with Robotech now? It does to me because I believed Carl never liked the idea that someone took over Robotech in the first place.
  17. So to sum it all up, the shadow chronicles love fest continues? also right now I am feeling like complete crap after finding out that Carl Macek actually approves of the shadows continuity, saying its closer to his vision he had for RT yeah.... no thanks The man isn't a god or a genius but I have respect for him, but right now some of that respect has been flushed down the crapper. I know sentinels wasn't gold either, but damn...
  18. Good! You get points for being another sane podcaster
  19. Damn I'm becoming famous arent I? also what the hell is it with RT podcasts and macross world? Why do they care so much about people say here? It's just a damn forum and its just text, in no way does it have anything to do with killing robotech, if you ask me these morons are killing the robotech fandom with their podcasts! yeah mention that, I dare you! at least the protoculture times doesnt resort to this stupid behavior and actually tries to make RT discussion fun and enjoyable. well enough of that crap have some dragon macross! http://lizardseraphim.deviantart.com/art/N...ruise-160327738 Misa & Hikaru have never looked better
  20. Never listened to that one because I don't know spanish also that person loses points for having a shadow chronicles user pic *grabs vomit bag*
  21. I'm actually a fan of the Sentinels and enjoy every bit of its campyness and corniness I especially liked the malcontent uprisings story, but yeah I'd choose Sentinels over TSC any day Of course I wasn't sure, just being my usual sarcastic self as he seems to make big issues out of EVERYTHING. but all that poop aside, at least we have a sane podcaster that's doing a lot good for the fandom aka JT with the Protoculture Times. Last he told me he had a five star rating on itunes, now that's something to talk about =] the "other" podcast is just a waste of talkshoe's space.
  22. Well, now you can expect an entire podcast episode over that Man I am amazed at how screwed up the RT fandom is.. but who can take the blame? HG or those fans for being mental cases? No I am not talking about myself, though I do have a few mental problems of my own tee hee!
  23. Try telling that to the die hard fans
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