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Everything posted by HappyPenguins

  1. hahaha I love you so much right now!
  2. well that's not a surprise really, and now it won't be long till the announcement for the scrapping of the Robotech live action flick ah well perhaps it was for the best?
  3. thanks to this thread, now I've got the urge to play these games =P
  4. oh man so many good times so many fun addicting games.... super mario bros, super mario world, megaman 2, ducktales, mike tyson punch out, super castlevania 4, secret of manna, Legend of Zelda link to the past, lion king game, Aladdin game, and so many others I can't think of at the moment, oh wait there was also Primal Rage, I was so obsessed with that game lol and collected most of the toys (only the ones I liked though) Vertigo, Talon, Sauron, & Diablo didn't care for the monkeys =P ah and super castlevania 4 was another obsession even though beating Dracula was too damn hard, dont know how I did it, but only managed to do it once I actually have some footage of me playing the game and defeating the mini bosses My favorite mini bosses aka Slogra & Gaibon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j70rjnMUUgk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2aDLyVFSWc
  5. It's just a big pain in the ass to know the only decent story Robotech ever had after the original 85 is no longer canon because of some giant turd of a movie that's being force-fed to the fans. True the Sentinels was never AMAZING but I grew to like it and appreciate it for what it is, even if it's still crap. However, The Shadow Chronicles is just another BIGGER embarrassment to the franchise, and people wonder why I could care less if nothing new ever comes out anymore? Robotech was great for its time and is still great for those who never got out of it, but with crap like TSC, what's the damn point? Even the proposed sequel "Shadow Rising" is a piece of crap too *thanks to the leaked draft* The Robotech franchise isn't what it used to be anymore...it went from being Carl Macek's baby to Tommy Yune's wank fest and I have no interest in supporting anything NEW anymore because of that. Robotech was never EPIC or anything, but Tommy Yune has killed it for me maybe I owe him a big thanks?
  6. This makes me RAGE
  7. judging by the trailers this movie will either be a big hit or a big dud personally it looks all right in my opinion, but again it IS cartoon to live action and those never really turn out that great.
  8. you just answered your own question
  9. yune should have blamed the protoculture instead
  10. oooooh you got him good, G
  11. I've seen a 70 year old woman dressed like a teenager before I poo you not
  12. its too bad the artwork looks better than the shadow chronicles Ariel actually looks like Ariel
  13. Best bad guy in my opinion would be Captain Rhodes from Day of the Dead the guy is yelling "choke on them" as hes being eaten alive can't get any more bad ass than that
  14. nostalgia would be my best guess I also didn't know it was possible to mod those games, but either way I thought it was neat. Not something I would want to play of course just eye candy for old school NES fans like myself. He's also done the same thing with 64 zelda game using the textures from the SNES game link from the past the graphics looked good for that time period just as the 8 bit and 16 bit did back in the day, but if you compare the graphics to today's CG you'd notice a hell of a difference. I find it amazing how far video games have progressed and changed over the years. The graphics just keep getting better and better.
  15. some guy has actually been working on a mod to make mario 64 resemble the classic games http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsQWvXgK8QM I thought it was too cool not to share
  16. *gasp* That means most of the robotech fandom are macross purists!
  17. Meadows was the host of the space station liberty podcast, and once had bendo on his show where he interviewed Tommy, only to have bendo take over it. Also that's how Tommy remembered who he was =P what a way to be remembered eh?
  18. Bendo Baggins of course, who else?
  19. lol @ the schedule more episodes about twilight planned I see
  20. He recently got pwned by Tommy Yune during the Interview on the spanish podcast. Tommy remembered who he was and told him he owes Chris Meadows an apology and after that idiot boy remained silent for the rest of the interview. lol not so hot is he now? Got smacked down by big bad Tommy Yune
  21. No they're too busy crying like little bitches because they were banned from another robotech site. So now they're accusing it of being a macross site when they can't get it through their thick skulls, that no one wants them around.
  22. ugh, I just love how most of the merchandise listed is Shadow Chronicles! *vomit*
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