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Everything posted by neko_fr

  1. The beginning of the end I appreciate all your work, thanks I look forward to seeing the plane (and the military vehicles) in my hands
  2. It would be great ! Thank you, in advance
  3. Sorry if I post for nothing, but I've seen it once on the bay, a custom resin work, but seen only once. I'm not mistaking, I know there is a movie suit for the Macross male zentraedi, but I swear I've seen the Macross Plus one.
  4. Hi! Late again, I believe As I said in the Monster thread, I'm interrested What would be the price range, for the 1/72 MonstAr ? Please? I'm in awe seeing the pic
  5. Hi! I hope everybody has has a gret christmas Any news?
  6. wonderful piece of work, I'm dying to have one
  7. Incredible work, it will be awesome! Thank you for doing all of this ...And sorry for the bad english (if any)
  8. Hi! In fact there IS a kit in 1/72 scale of the Valkyrie II, but only in fighter mode. That's a resin kit of the fighter, with SAP add-on. I bought it some time ago on (sorry there is publicity here) on the e2046.com website. Not builded it yet (sorry for the bad english, if any). It's dimensions are not far from the 1/100 version, so I'm not sure if it is really 1/72, but it still a little bigger than the Bandai version
  9. Hi! Great job, I can't wait
  10. Hi! It looks impressive
  11. Hi! Maybe am I a little late, but I'd like to say (again) that I still definitely be interrested by a 1/72 monster. I just have to say, that I can't anymore sell a kidney to make the budget You'll make a dream come true, thanks!
  12. Great work! What color did you use? I can't have such an effect of... "dark, but not black", with black details... Is it dark grey with a wash of black?
  13. Hi! I know I'm really late, but, I just discovered this topic. Could I have one in 1/72, please? I'd like to send the monney with paypal, can I ?
  14. Hi! You're doing a wonderfull job I agree with you : family is the most important thing :-) I'd wish to have one set of military vehicle in 1/72, or at least one apc, please
  15. Hi, welcome back! I'm eager to see what will come
  16. You are a real magician! Incredible work!
  17. Hi! Just to say, it's... WOW!! Too big and too costly for me, but WOW!! It's, by far, the most impressive project I've ever seen!
  18. Hello! The bird has, finally, arrived Thanks a lot it's a marvel!!
  19. Hi! Sorry I'm late, but really interested (depending of the price, of course)
  20. Arg! I'm jealous I'm so impatient to have mine
  21. Hi! You've talked about an entire fleet with huge ships? Oh yea! I'm in too (I begin to hear the distant screams of my wallet )
  22. Hi everybody! I'm really anxious to see the bird in my hands, but I agree with the Captain : only the best will do! Almost sorry to say that, but I just received this week a VF-11 that appear to be a recast : the wings are as thin as a printer paper (I can see light trough it ) and the canopy is made with clear plastic in a way that offer no details at all and it really bother me (to say it in a polite way) All that to say a bad canopy can ruin everything.
  23. payment just sent, only for one, but it'll be a good one
  24. Your work is really fantastic!! Thank you for making dreams come true. Each time I see your kits I can't find words to describe my admiration
  25. Just wait a minute, I'm looking for my jaw on the floor Your work is incredible!
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