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    Arequipa, Peru

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Thank you man, that's really useful information!! However, from my childhood, I remember the regults painted in white and a very ligth blue. Not the dark blue that the manual and also the artbox suggest. Any suggestion there?? Rgards
  2. Thank you, Jefuemon!! I really appreciate. Cheerrs
  3. Hello Everybody I received my Regult for Xmas, it's really a nice kit but I have a problem because the instrucctions are only in japanese and I don't know wich colors I should use for the painting. I'll be very thankful If someone could translate them for me or maybe suggest me the right colors for it. The scanned instruccion could be found here: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10129343t/60/1 Hope you guys can help me Happy Holidays Erick
  4. 1/72 VF-22 Battroid Mode!!!
  5. Great Work!!! Your VF-0 looks impresive Cheersss
  6. Damn!! Those pictures really disappointed me. I expected something better for a Predator sequel!!! about the female perdators I heard that they are bigger than males!!!! Regards
  7. Hey smegalot For thinning tamiya acrylics you can also use isopropyl alcohol. I use it and works fine, plus its cheap and easy to find. I believe you can find it also like rubbing alcohol in the english speaking countries. Regards
  8. Wm cheng: Maybe your refrigrator compresor was damaged or very used, because the one I have seen is almost new and doesn't really heat up that much.. I mean not to the point to burn your fingers, besides it's not conected directly to the airbrush, instead is conected to a regular compresor tank. It has an oil filter too. And I hink is 1/3 HP. To me looks like a good choice for a silent compresor( adapted to a regular compresor), however is higly recommendable using a new fridge compresor or one with very little use. BTW I'm young and poor!! Regards
  9. Hey Mickyg The noise is a problem for many fellow modellers who only are free in the night. As wm cheng says you can use a refrigerator compresor, they are very silent. A friend of mine adapted it to a regular tank ( automatic, with moisture trap and with all the stuff of a regular noisy compresor) and works fine and is silent!! Plus it works with AC.
  10. Man, for just one year on plastic modelling you have done an outstanding work with all your VF-25's. Congratulations! Cheers
  11. Hey mickig The paint job you have done looks great!! I have one VF-25G waiting for assembly, so I will follow your build. Sorry for your problem with the bandai decals, if your not happy with the results of the stripes, you can alway rip them and paint them ( I did it once !!) Regards
  12. Hello everybody I'm new in the forum, thanks to this thread I decided to get al least one VF-25, also it has been very useful for getting info about the macross frontier model kits line. keep that way!!! BTW, that KLAN's version in the silver suit looks great....me want one!!! Regards
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