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Everything posted by vendetta

  1. vendetta

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Man, I’ve been out of this for a while and ordered an armored pack on a whim after seeing wotafa’s review and digging it - came in today, then realized I only have a VF-31J (all my stuff is in storage as I lived overseas for the past year). D’oh. Decided to order a VF-31E for the parts after seeing the Cantonese video instead of paying crazy prices for an S, and I will just hope for an S reissue someday, I guess.
  2. Misery truly loves company: I'm sad that others have also had issues, but I somehow find comfort in knowing I'm not the only one with a broken Fire Valk. I don't know why I continue to buy these things. I'm attracted to them largely because I find the transformations more interesting than Transformers, yet I have to have this dread that something could break every time I mess with one of them.
  3. It's hard to see, but the right part of the hinge has broken off, and the left part is about to break too. There isn't enough room on either side of the shoulder to slide the pin out either, and it doesn't seem like you can easily disassemble the shoulder to make it possible. There's a screw that appears to hold the arm to the red swivel (if you could remove it you could possibly replace the broken hinge), but it's in a place that doesn't seem possible to reach even with a small screwdriver. Hopefully it was just a matter of me being careless or my toy being defective, but it might be good to be particularly careful when manipulating the shoulders, just to be safe. A small plus is that I'm still able to snap the shoulder on when in Fighter mode; unfortunately the way I prefer displaying it is in Battroid mode with the Sound Booster attachment though.
  4. So I'm having to pack all of my stuff, including the Valks, and when transforming my old Yamato Fire Valk from Battroid to Fighter mode, a hinge on one of the shoulders broke; I tried for a while afterward to repair it, but I just can't seem to get the pin out so I can glue the hinge back together and run the pin through to reconnect the shoulder to the main body (thinking back now it would probably break again easily anyway). Has anyone else had a similar issue? I remember the toy feeling pretty sturdy when transforming it a few times years ago, but maybe the hinge was actually on its last legs after a few transformations (or maybe I just really messed up this time).
  5. Thanks!
  6. Is there a place where people are talking about the Prime 1 Battroid and Gerwalk mode VF-1J statues? They look amazing, and m surprised that I can't find a discussion on them here. I may have just missed the thread though.
  7. vendetta

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Marked up but not by an obscene amount (22,500 yen vs. 20,000 yen): https://www.nippon-yasan.com/18150-macross-delta-dx-chogokin-vf-31j-siegfried-hayate-immelman-custom.html
  8. Got in at HLJ - thank you! Now I just have to hope that I track down the first Macross Delta release around the time of release.
  9. I just got mine today along with a VF-4G from the recent HLJ sale. The difference in perceived quality between the two after handling both briefly is humorously large. I hope that the SAP pack improves my feelings on the toy, because - even at 42% off (and even if I'd gotten it for 50% off from Ami Ami) and really low expectations after reading this thread - I'm highly disappointed in the Fighter mode. I know that Battroid mode is where the toy is supposed to "shine," so maybe after transforming it I'll feel better about the buy.
  10. vendetta

    DX VF-25G

    In stock at BiginJap: http://www.biginjap.com/completed-models/5704-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-25g-messiah-valkyrie-michel-blanc-custom-renewal-ver.html
  11. Mine's the same, except I'd probably prefer the Tornado Pack on Alto. Please have mercy on us with the web exclusives Bandai!
  12. I decided to check mine after reading that yours had a crack, and it turns out I do too. And I got mine from a HK seller on eBay. =/ EDIT: Oh yeah, nice weathering job!
  13. I got my first package from AmiAmi today, which came in a ridiculously huge box containing the Quarter, GBP, and Fokker 1S w/ light. I like.
  14. I'm waiting for the Quarter, VF-1J w/ GBP armor, and VF-1S Fokker flavor from amiami. EMS shipping was 9600 yen for all three. =/
  15. New pics here, including a clean shot of the box art: http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2009/11/dx-...er-box-art.html It looks good. I'm kind of disappointed that the base isn't painted yellow like the recent Alto movie DX release though. It's going to be pretty expensive getting this thing shipped too (not that we didn't assume it before).
  16. It's nice to see the stand colored. Oddly, the latest Macross Quarter photos show it displayed with a flat black stand like the previous releases. I hope it ships with a painted stand like this Alto.
  17. Pics of the VF-27 in all 3 modes: http://www.amiami.com/shop/shop?vgForm=Pro...amp;set=english I'm tempted to pre-order this thing now, but I'll wait until I get my Macross Quarter and see how satisfied I am with it. I really hope Bandai makes the paint and decals more resistant to wearing off from handling. There are also pics of the upcoming VF-25F with super packs: http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2009/11/tam...hedule-for.html The armor doesn't look quite as light blue as in earlier pics. I might have to pick this up too. EDIT: Actually, screw the VF-25F. I'll wait for Bandai to do one with a good-looking Gerwalk someday.
  18. Heh, that's my pic on the left. For the record, I still like my Armored Ozma quite a bit (just not the decals and paint rubbing off). It looks nice displayed with my Yamato stuff.
  19. Quick snap of my Valks in battroid mode, including my new YF-19 and Ghost Booster added to the VF-0S: Got a YF-21 coming in the mail soon.
  20. So I got my YF-19 today, and I think I might have gotten a used one despite the auction saying it was for a new one. The bag containing the manual in the back was opened; normally the open side of the bag is folded and taped to the bag, but it looks like someone took an x-acto knife or something to a side edge of the bag to access the contents while still making it seem like the product is new. All the other stuff you can just put back in the box and make it seem new because Yamato doesn't seal the boxes. I'll play around with it in the next couple days... I hope it's okay.
  21. I think this VF-27 looks better than the soon-to-be-released model kit, in battroid mode at least. I just hope this one looks better in Gerwalk than the 25's. =/
  22. Macross Quarter, Fokker's VF-1S w/ flashlight, and the GBP-1 armor. And a VF-11B on deep discount
  23. Apparently there are newer reissues of Isamu's YF-19 that have the improvements made in the new repaints. I ordered a YF-19 today from an HK seller on eBay that claims to be selling one of these reissues. I'll report on it when I get it; I really hope it's okay.
  24. I just ordered a YF-19 and YF-21 today - that put a pretty big hurt on the wallet. Gotta wait for a cheap Fold Booster + Fast Pack parts set now... not really feeling paying $60+ for that. =P
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