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Everything posted by Skull00

  1. Any more news on this project. Put me down for one BTW, great idea.
  2. No, as you watch SDF Macross TV you should now be imagining DYRL designs in place of the TV ones. I'm thinking the producers of the fictional DYRL movie in 2031 used historically accurate mecha and uniforms unlike, for example, in a movie like The Bridge at Remagen, set in WWII, which had Korean war era M51 Walker-Bulldog tanks representing Shermans. DYRL has gotta be more like Saving Private Ryan at least as far as historically accurate equipment goes. Didn't Floaty say DYRL designs are cannon now anyway? If He said it, then its fact.
  3. Thats what I said.
  4. Semper Fi! hey someone actually bid on it tho' !! I'm thinking of bidding but I'm not sure my visa limit is that high, I have to check.
  5. I haven't watched Robotech since forever and don't have access to a copy so I've been wondering what they did in that scene towards the end of SDF Macross TV where Misa notices the initials on Hikaru's new scarf, "L.M. Loves H.I." Did Carl cut that and if so how did 'Lisa' know that L.M. loved R.H.? Did they even re-do the animation to make H.I. into R.H.??
  6. Skull00

    Macross PS2 Game

    CAG - Is your Avatar Beachhead? cool. I wanna be Clutch!
  7. well as people seem to be getting taller with each generation, maybe back in '82 the producers imagined average height for males in 2009 or so to have gone well over 6 foot...I guess in 2009 most basketball players are like 9 feet tall!
  8. well now that I've broken up with my girlfriend (remember? the one that had the same birthday as Minmay, 10/10...wierd...) the yamato collection is coming out of the box in the garage where its been hiding for 2 years only to be played with when the gf was away. Its like a positive thing coming out of a negative. Now I can revert to my true otaku nature and one day become the Otaking once more... its only a matter of time...or, I'll meet another girl and hide my obsession again. nah. OTAKING NI NARU!
  9. I got the official R1s unless rightstuff.com is selling boots these days. yeah, after watching a little more the opening plays at the start of each ep, my mistake. I must have accidently gotten into the play-all feature. I know the end credits aren't in English but I wanted the opening to be the same, as broadcast with Japanese language credits, not the creditless opening (with English subs switched off) that I can see on the 20th anniversary disc anyway. How anal does that make me sound? Anyway, I still want it that way!
  10. I'm in Australia and got the R1 set last week (ordered before I knew about the AU release). The set is nice but I have a few criticisms: *The opening doesn't play in full at the beginning of each ep, only the first ep on each disc. For me it takes away from the 'completeness'. *The Japanese credits have been totally replaced with English ones. I'd prefer switchable superimposed english subs. *As discussed earlier in these forums episodes one and two are separate and not the 'macross special' 50 minute version that first aired on Japanese TV with unique eyecatch, opening animation (ie finishes with the SDF Macross, not a valkyrie) and ending animation (Hikaru's fanglider). Does anyone know if the first edition of the series on Japanese VHS/LD presented episodes one and two in the Macross Special format or in separate episodes with the 'coming soon' segment added to the end of episode one? Because of these reasons I'm keeping my Streamline Robotech Perfect Collection tapes with the Macross Special even though the subs on those are way too large...
  11. went to the TRU next to the Toshimaen amusement park (basically in the middle of nowhere)and it had WAY more macross stuff than the huge TRU store at Ikebukuro Sunshine (Major Tokyo station). I'm pretty sure Toshimaen had the full 1/48 and 1/60 lineups at great prices while Ikebukuro just had an 1/60 elint seeker and a max 1A. The prices at TRU in Japan are generally better than specialist stores like Volks (also in Ikebukuro - the Otaku capital of Tokyo, dontcha know?)
  12. too many cooks?...
  13. if I did a custom macross box it'd be something different like a collage made up of hundreds of macross images/logos etc. That would be unique and cool I think but its probably impractical and not a popular idea...just my 2 cents. You guys will come up with something awesome, I'm sure. PS. I don't think the animeigo TV boxes are bad at all. They're kind of minimal but they use original line art of the characters and are simple black. I like the alternate that Garoquel posted better but both are nice. Garoquel - I wish we could download all your alternate covers to print and use on out DVDs if we wanted to...that would be cool.
  14. I heard the same story. The USAF brass thought black planes were more badass so F117s are black instead of a more low-viz purple or blue.
  15. I haven't even gotten half the S grades for the first time yet! My goal is to get them all before 2009...
  16. I recommend the DMS3 also. I got it installed in my Australian (European) PS2 and now I can get it to run anything, PS1 boots/all regions etc. unlike previous chips its also got a 'stealth' feature to effectively switch off the chip when using your PS2 on onlineBB - ie you can be shut out of online games if the chip is detected.
  17. I just picked up macross and Metal Slug 3 for PS2 while I was in Tokyo last week..If you like shooters MS3 is recommended. screw coloured PS2s..I want a PSX.
  18. I wanted to buy the RT soundtrack just to get 'We Will Win'. I love that song. *start music*...'life is only what you choose to make it...la la...'
  19. But this is one game I will be importing! I just wished for once that they would design all the games using the english language. I know most/all the people in Japan can read/write english. I just started my japanese class last night, it's going to be a long year... um its a Japanese game made for Japanese people, why should it be in English just so you can play it? Japanese people can read and write Japanese a lot better than they can English.
  20. yeah but in japanese the word `Camera` is spoken as `Kame` and the Mister Donuts chain is commonly refered to as `Misu Do`. I think `Koku` can safely be traslated into English as `Cockpit`.
  21. Skull00


    Finally an enemy for my 1/60 VF A-team to blow away. They were gettin bored just sitting around on the deck of the daedalus (my shelf) waiting for some action. definately want some tactical pods in the future too. The Zentraudi need an equivalent to the UN Spacy VF 1 brownies. Now I just have to convert my room into a 1/60 replica of South Ataria Island... Any word on the Yamato Monster? Now THAT would be a huge toy.
  22. Wasn`t that a spider gun platform from Appleseed Book 2 in the trailer? I`m guessing the rough basis for the story might be books 1&2 of the manga. I`m not a big fan of the CG either. Looks too much like GITS to me. I was half expecting Deunan to turn invisible after jumping off the building. Anyway can`t really be worse than the 1992 OVA in my opinion.
  23. Destroids Rage: are you the BEN -MAN I think you are? Just picked up Macross for PS2 today at a used game shop in west tokyo for about Y3000 (!) (Also Metal Slug 3) I wish I had more yen. I wanna get all those Gundam games...oh well only the essentials this trip. Looking forward to gettin it all the way back home and kickin some zentraudi.
  24. Another vote for the '80s. I way prefer Macross, Kimagure Orange Road, Nausicaa, Gundam Z etc etc to anything made since around 1990. '80s anime has this indescribable feel to it that I just go for. Maybe because I was a kid in the '80s? 'Natsukasshi' or nostalgia value? - Maybe a little but mostly because its usually just better quality I think. Oh yeah, 99% of CG sucks in my opinion. Macross 0 would be great without any of that too smooth and harsh CG. I prefer what they did with digital back in M+. M0 is gonna look dated real soon.
  25. Roys death in mtv was my favourite kill. It was the most emotional. At the risk of losing his cool he didn't even tell anyone he was bleeding to death - now thats cool...too bad for Claudia though.
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