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Everything posted by ben-grimm

  1. I gote mine too. And Thank you very much
  2. I thought I was already post here, but perhaps I made a wrong manipulation
  3. The last pics
  4. I finished it , happy to share with you all
  5. Almost finish
  6. Let's continue
  7. Yes you right, but I use to shut done the contrast by using a mixt beetween white and grey MIG Pigment. I already used this technic on several kit. If you want you can see there some of my work. And I use this technic for the 1/35 diorama project FRENCH-KIT-MAKER
  8. Let's continue
  9. Me too me too for this detail set
  10. Me too me too for this detail set
  11. I just finished this. Next pics for this week end I think
  12. So let's go with the WIP first : I decided to scrib deeper all the panels lines. I began by the leg first. Like I said in the SF-25S topic I will follow the Mrs CHENG'S WIP sorry for the lake of originality
  13. Just for information what did you do for the under side
  14. Super on se retrouve Ici c'est cool ça. J'éspére que je prendra pas mal si je me sers de ce digital camo sur mon 51 aussi? Dans tous les cas content de d'avoir retrouvé. For no french people, I just tols him that I was very happy to see him in this forum, and that I'm crazy about this digital CAMO.
  15. Thank you. I began the VF-25F yesterday and I will follow the great Mr Cheng Step by Step. Sorry for the lake of originality. And a great thank for Mrs Cheng. I think I wil start the topic tomorrow.
  16. Hye everybody, this my first macross kit ever. I fact I used to do some Mecha (Gundam, evangelion....) kit but never macross like. I bought all the 4 kits on macross frontiére and I hope share with all of you
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