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Everything posted by indigofx28

  1. I don't think anyone here was saying that you had transformed it. Rather, we were saying that transforming it once and being careful as you put it back into fighter mode might have "fixed" it. These valks don't appear out of thin air, ya know! They are put together by hand in a factory. It was probably tranformed/assembled into fighter mode somewhat carelessly prior to being put in the box. I doubt what you did was really necessary and believe that you could probably have achieved the same result without grinding down anything. But, I'm not saying anything for sure since I'm not there and you are in a better position to judge. I just know that I have seen the same exact gaps on my 1A Hikaru, and 1S Roys. Each and every time, re-transforming the valk has made them go away. Can anyone with a Hikaru VF-1S (who hasn't already ground them down!) confirm a difference in the size of these "tabs" between valks? Best Regards, H Hurin, I did try that but the fluke is still there. I haven't sanded it down yet but I ask HLJ if I can exchange it cause the whole shipment was open crushed and damage when I got it. maybe I should change my username to perfectionist28
  2. Just out of the box not transformed at all period. It's not a matter of GAP but the matter of consistency based on the japanese production porcess. I hold them to a higher standard than us. They seeem to always get things right then this. I have figured out that the tabs in the back of the legs are too long in comparison to the older vf-1s and vf-1a. I just fileit down with a dremmel tool. just as Draykov Yamie needs some consistency in their mass production line.
  3. I'll give it a try... though it looks like the tab on back of the legs that is pushing the plate up.???
  4. hymnnn...... it just like that. <_< though my last several 1/48's sat flush. well it must be a yamie conspiracy to make us buy another one so we keep ooking for that perfect one
  5. yeah I tried to use exterme for to foce it down
  6. I'll show you when we get a chance to meet up.
  7. compared to the vf-1A first release.
  8. here is another pix
  9. indigofx28

    Hikaru VF-1S

    I just got my Hikaru in and in fighter mode there are MAJOR GAPS????? Did yamaie just get shotty with their manufacturing process now that they've made so many vf-1. <_<
  10. have you tried paint thinner
  11. it's in the air
  12. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=4&t=2463
  13. Does anyone have a pix of a blue transformable cyclone armor, I mean the big figure. Did they ever make a rook bartley one??
  14. indigofx28

    1/48 Line

    from the macrossworld what's new area. I think shawn or g- had posted them. Now If I can only find the 1/60 scale monster. I know I've seen one somewhere it it kicks ass!
  15. indigofx28

    1/48 customs

    the guy beat me to it. But he's in japan so he could get at any time some extra's VF-1 without any waiting but, imagine a fully finished custom gbp-1s??? hymmm......... a little customizing ...... photoshop
  16. yeah, I would like to know how to fit the boosters on.
  17. SWEEEEET... now I just wonder how htey kept the boosters on in the super version.
  18. It work ok with the hasagawa's
  19. all the 1/48's should look like this. does it help. It rests on the tab
  20. got some pix of it??
  21. cool thanks vt-102
  22. I wanted to mod one to mave a gbp-1s, does anyone know how to build stuff from scratch??? what materials could I use.
  23. oops! here is the 1S Picture
  24. Just missing one thing though? the red heat shield on the VF-1S
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