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Everything posted by indigofx28

  1. Couldn't resist to customize this baby! You know with all those low viz going up in price I customized a hirkaru 1A. Please offer your input about it. I'm planning the vf-84 look and feel for it. aka (Jolly Rogers) my paint color for matt black and panzer grey will add the yellow and some decal sheets. customed some real world missle ta go with them.
  2. pm'd ya about the hasegwa you have
  3. are u selling the decal sheets???
  4. Close I had another version of that sheet.
  5. WOW JUST THE DECALS I WAS LOOKNG FOR!!!!! Can you send them to DEVIN I want to see how much it'll cost to produce both sheets
  6. neat... recasting anytime soon
  7. sweet custome MG dude
  8. well, I only live once in this world so I went for it ... we can't take our valks with us when we leave this world might as well do it while we have the chance to customize it.
  9. if the decals are avaliable I'll try it out
  10. PM Devin, aka Anasazi37 I Pm'd him but got no reply back
  11. f-14 pilot sculpt
  12. crd roy gordon co. Flash
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