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Everything posted by indigofx28

  1. Guess I'm not hte only one, feww.....
  2. guess this one will stay in one mode. Fighter. the right clip is already breaking. I had to trans form this..
  3. I open the shoulders, loose the screws and found that Yamato did make the fix that you guys were talking about. At least for this production run. I waited this long to get one of these hoping that the bugs would be all worked out . I guess not. I'm waiting on HLJ to get back to me about parts for these. Doen't mean I won't get another 0S they are a great toy.
  4. I just got this box fresh, started to transform the 0S, then noticed that there are some areas that are fractured and about to break. Have any of you MW's had this occur?
  5. where is his store?!? does noel have a website to buy from
  6. I know I've posted previously that 24cm (the reported length of the toy) is fairly large, but when you actually see it, it does look small. key chain yeah! macross keepsake for the christmas tree I was hoping that it will be larger, but I'll still pick one up eventually on hlj.
  7. nice , it's definitely a different scale than the taka's. Graham is it worth the price or should we just wait for yamato to put one out?
  8. indigofx28

    Graham's Sig

    2007YamatoNeedsMoreMula! Whatever Yammie make it will be fine with me cause we'll still be out some pretty pennies!!! I'm game
  9. indigofx28

    Graham's Sig

    S U P E R D I M E S I O N F O R T R E S S 21 characters, no?!?
  10. how about making something new liek: 1) DYRL SDF-1 2) Destroid Monster 3) Battle Pods
  11. I like your minmay costumes, did you make them yourself? You look good in them, better than minmay herself.
  12. Your going out with a bang! Thanks Kevin for the GBP, being shipped out so Quickly with Exceptional Packaging and Service. I'd say your WAY Better than HLJ. 200 times better. I'll miss your service. Have fun with you new baby girl. young
  13. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=6866
  14. I would agree because I've been to both counrties and macross is soo much eaiser to find in HK. However Manadrake in Japan long with the hobby japan stores stocked both macross and gundams. Gundams have been around longer than macross at least 30 some years.... now if they made a perfect grade VF-1 I would be sold out instantly. meaning the toy/model would have to have an endoskeleton that is articulated.
  15. How long did it take you to decide on which base coast to use? when the local hooby people ran outa my original color, I had the panzer left in my stock so base coat was lighter and sprayed on already. about 5 minutes it took them too long to restock the color. Are you goin to add any modded Fast Packs? yeah I think this one will have a FP
  16. Saprrows and Sidewinders but they were too thin to fit in.
  17. Yeah but that would too closely resemble the low viz scheme. Panzer was an aircraft color.... besides I ran outa ghost grey so I panzered it.
  18. a.. I don't have a low viz set though. I'' do that to the verniers
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