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Everything posted by Reïvaj

  1. Bandai 2012年4月發售: Figuarts ZERO Macross F 電影版 戀離飛翼 Sheryl Nome 4,500Yen Source: http://blog.yahoo.com/cybergundam/articles/612326/index
  2. I want that too!!!
  3. Ok, I know that, so I guess the question now is why a few seconds in DYRL and one episode in SDF:M makes it the most "accurate" version? Is Hikaru's VF-1J inaccurate?
  4. Why is it called the more "accurate" version?
  5. That’s very unlucky. After experiencing all sorts of possible problems with your very expensive toys and tirelessly pointing them out then you move onto the next very expensive purchase just to experience a whole new range of problems and start the complaining process all over again…
  6. She used to be a pop artist and now she's pop art?
  7. I totally agree. VF-4 is awesome and that’s why I’m buying it no matter how obscure it could be.
  8. Wow, Experten’s engineering and gimmicks are really amazing. Scale and floppiness are on the downside IMO.
  9. Absolutely. That’d be the most logical way, wouldn’t it?
  10. I can't see the problem. Her hair can be the way she wants and people love it anyhow.
  11. Exactly!
  12. This is the only other pic I could find: Edited for the sake of accuracy.
  13. Hey, guys, I know some of you aren't very happy about the size of the tail fins... Have a look at this idea: Source: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:rAdGxSZIuNsJ:2chspa.com/thread/toy/1322659069+2462398111.jpg&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ar&lr=lang_es|lang_en&client=firefox
  14. You think it doesn't but it does, my friend, it does. I don't think Yamato will ever produce that. Source: http://www.macross2.net/m3/m3.html
  15. Windex is an ammonia based window cleaner, it has a transparent blue color to it. When using Future in an airbrush, to clean your brush all you need to do is shoot some Windex or other ammonia based window cleaner through your airbrush.
  16. Source: http://www.macross2.net/m3/forfansonly/vf-4-raven.htm
  17. I can’t say I can follow your logic but that’d be awesome.
  18. If you mean what I think that'd be cool.
  19. Obviously he didn't and it just happened
  20. Interesting. Thanks for the data, TheLoneWolf.
  21. Great job, Jefuemom! Thanks for sharing!
  22. Yeah, me too, it’s just that it was kind of necessary due to the wide A stance (at least for the Kai).
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