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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Well a price around $400 or so. All the garlands are run about $700 -$800 online now. way to much
  2. Hi Everyone I was wondering if anyone can help me out. I'm looking for an ARCADIA part 1 garland for a decent price. Because prices are nuts right now. Any help would be great.
  3. Hi Cap I'm in for one.
  4. Hey everyone put me down for a DECAL set also .. OH is anyone going to make a figure for the kit or do a reissue the soldier kit that John did along time ago.
  5. Hey Everyone it's nice to see we're still here. Hey Captain.. Put me down for one kit all so. So are we at 30 yet?
  6. Well im in. John how much do you want up front?
  7. oh hell.. its back.. Cap I'm in. This is what they make credit cards for.. lol
  8. hey everyone i got mine yesterday. Cap it just a beautiful kit...
  9. i'm in for a few sets...
  10. MAN that's looks just great... Yeh when can we order...
  11. got mine to. It's great work cap.. just gorgeous.
  12. Just gorgeous pieces. I wish i had the money...
  13. I'm in Cap.. That is a real great design.
  14. HI Dax415 Count me in. I've been waiting for to do you for this one. what will be the price point on this one?
  15. Got mine to. Just a great kit.
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