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Everything posted by Budokhan

  1. Greetings Gang! Finally got my 1/72 TOMAHAWK kit thru the mail yesterday! I scanned in the decals &.....YIKES!! are they in bad shape! I'm currently "rebuilding" the set using Photoshop so hopefully in the next couple of days, I'll have them finished to post for everyone! ~Cheers!
  2. Youre quite welcome!
  3. Vifam7 wrote: . You nailed it on the head! I honestly wasnt trying to be insulting to others here & if I came off sounding that way I humbly apologize but what Vifam7 said was accurate....I'm not referring to the quality of the 1/60 Yamato stuff ( which is very very nice indeed) but rather the scale, its just not my personal favorite scale. I've been a 1/72 scale junkie since I was a kid! I had so many of the old 1/72 ROBOTECH/Bandai variable Valk kits I may as well have had my name engraved outside on the parent companies' wall saying" One of the cornerstones of our business". I was hoping that Maybe Bandai or some other company had decided to give new life to an old "transformable" friend in 1/72. Hope that clears up the misunderstanding!
  4. GREAT NEWS!!!! I just got an original, mint-in-box ARII 1/72 Destroid Tomahawk from Evil-bay !: As soon as it comes in the mail ( 2-3 weeks) I'll scan the decals in hi-res for the Vampirella-type noseart ( legart??) & post it up here for you guys! I know there are quite a few folks who have been looking for a hi-res shot of it & I've been kinda lusting after this kit for a long time anyways so its a win-win sitch for all of us!
  5. Hey Gang! I'm new to the forums here & have always been into mecha modeling but havent really kept up with MACROSS related kits for some years now. I'm just getting back into it & am looking for a relatively well-done, fully transformable VF-1 kit in 1/72. After thoroughly researching it, I got the new VF-25F Alto from BANDAI & have to say its a gorgeous kit! What I'd love to get is something that has nearly the level of detail as the Static HASEGAWA kits and the transformablilty of the BANDAI '97 reissue of the 1/72 Variable Valkyrie VF-1S. Has anyone ( other than Yamato toys , personally dont care for 1/60 so much..) made anything like this in 1/72? If not mebbe we could get a petition of some sort together for BANDAI to make a new kit of the VF-1 thats comparable to the design level of the new VF-25F kit. Thanks in advance for any help folks!
  6. Hey Gang! Got another one for ya, I found this on the net... I believe its from "Macross Frontier" http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...Girlnoseart.jpg ~Enjoy
  7. Mechtech: Thanks for the welcome & youre quite welcome for the 'cals! BTW, I gotta say, well done so far on the DAEDALUS model your building! That thing is HUGE. Too bad we cant team up with some others here to make a to-scale Flying RC SDF-1 to go with it!
  8. Thanks for the kind welcome guys! Glad I could help out! I'll try to post more stuff for everyone as I come across it (hopefully higher-res also) !
  9. Hey Gang! First time poster here, I was following google for some Macross Decals Images & came across an older thread on this site with some low-res scans from an old Macross Modeling guide. I have the same book & some years back I made hi-res scans of the noseart pics so I thought as a newbie "gift" I'd share 'em with everyone! ~ Enjoy!! http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...nxiousAngel.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...ChassyNancy.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...DarlingLili.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu.../DevilAngel.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu.../LynnMinmay.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...Minmeisstar.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...urderersRow.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...ROSS/Mybaby.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...rayfordeath.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...SS/PunchGal.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...eepyTimeGal.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...StarryAngel.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...oanakedLady.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...ngedjustice.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu...YellowFever.jpg http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm44/bu.../lawmanmary.jpg
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