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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. Beat the game with my "Ultimate Squad of Badasses", as I like to call them. What they saw, they killed. What they didn't kill, they mind controlled. Had a ton of fun equipping the ghost armour onto my assaults, and archangel armour on my sniper. Cloaked my assaults, ran as far as I could, and used the sniper to pick off all the aliens in the open. Yah, you could horribly abuse your power just like the original. Ending is a bit weak and slightly melodramatic, but no better or worse than the original, either. All in all, considering I'm a HUGE fan of the original (and play it to this day, thank you steam!), I'd say this is a great remake.
  2. I have the Zvezda kit, and it's not bad (assembly wise). I'm not sure as to how accurate it is in the shape department, though.
  3. It might be a re-boxing of the zvezda kit, but it looks good.
  4. I have another sniper with the alternate skill (ability to fire after the first move), and it's also quite useful, albeit, not quite as useful as squad sight. It really depends on the types of maps I'm going to face, as a cluttered map will reduce the effectiveness of suqadsight, even with the archangel armour.
  5. I do like how the aliens ramp it up in response to you learning how to use their guns. Keeps me on my toes. No matter, however, as a sniper equipped with the plasma sniper, archangel armour, and squad sight, can hit just about anything on the map, provided there's a line of sight to the target.
  6. Geoscape is still there. It's actually a room in your base. Also, speaking of bases, you can't have more than one (aka, the super-base strategy of the original). But, you can have multiple hangars around the world to intercept UFOs in countries you have satellites over. My usual tactic in X-com (original), was to have one big base, and a bunch of radar pickets around the globe with interceptors. The Radar pickets were designed to be super easy to defend, as long as I didn't do anything stupid.
  7. Being a huge, huge fan of the original (not so much of the sequel), I am delighted and somewhat disappointed as to how this turned out. I like the overall atmosphere, and the turn based combat, but I don't like how they severely limed the tactical options of the combat. Why can't I pick up the dead soldier's stun weapon, or carry more than one accessory (across most classes)?
  8. I think I did. I was a bit worried at how complete it was, until I got to the huge missing sections detailing weapons and performance. Still, a fun skim!
  9. So... I was browsing my computer for things to read, and I came across a PDF titled "Natops Flight Manual Navy Model F-14D Aircraft". It also has NAVAIR 01-F14AAD-1 on the upper left corner of the title page. It appears to be a genuine manual for a F-14D. I have no idea where the heck I got this from... It does, however make for some interesting reading, as it does show what every switch and button does. Even has hydraulic diagrams, showing how the various control surfaces are connected to the inputs in the cockpit.
  10. I pre-ordered on HLJ, and sent an e-mail to NY asking them to cancel my pre-order with them.
  11. Put my pre-order in at Nippon Yasan. Oh well, it's only money, and it's being spent on something awesome!
  12. I'd be rather concerned if they were authentic or not. It's a little fishy that they were only selling them for so cheap.
  13. Wound up getting an Asus 1225B. It's the same size (but not thickness) as the UX21, but for much much less. Once I was happy with it, I swapped out the hard drive, and put in a SSD. SSDs make everything seem faster!
  14. I'd rather not spend $1000+ and find out I can't live with the keyboard. I'd like to try it out in store, but nobody around here has a demo model out...
  15. I've been looking at getting a new laptop for a while now, and I've been looking hard at the Asus UX21 ultrabook. It's small (what I want), and light (what I also want). However, I'm very picky when it comes to keyboards. Anybody here have had some hands on experience with it?
  16. Grace period won't last till July. I think it's a week, at most.
  17. And got the Venus Transit. Plus sunspots. Owing that I didn't have a solar filter, and risking damage to my camera, I used two polarizers, 1:8000 shutter speed, and F40 on the lens. Despite it coming out blue, I think it looks pretty good. Edit: Pulled all of the colour out of the photo to make it look less alien.
  18. Correct. All of the Iowa class ships have been out of service for quite some time. However, if I'm not mistaken, they're preserved in such a way, that they could be re-activated if needed.
  19. I agree. After my positive experience with the deck I used on Yamato, I'm going to use them wherever I can on future ship builds. I would be working on the Missouri in her late WWII camo scheme, but I'm waiting on the deck, so I'm working on Trumpeter's massive 1:32 MiG-23. What's with Trumpeter and super detailed engines and not mentioning how to display them in the instructions anyways (or photo-etch for that matter)?
  20. According to Wikipedia, there's 11 MiG-23's in private hands, with at least 3 that are "operational" (to quote the site). I wouldn't mind seeing one fly. I like the looks of Russian jets.
  21. Watched this movie, and you know what? It wasn't bad. A fun way to pass 2 hours. The weird thing is, is that for a movie titled "Battleship", most of the action takes place on destroyers...
  22. The Yamato was painted in tamiya's neutral grey, which was a very close match for the kure arsenal grey. The red was just tamiya's flat red. Overall, I'm pleased with how it turned out.
  23. Three quick pictures of my Yamato. A friend of mine suggested doing an Iowa class ship, so I'm doing the Missouri next, as soon as the wood deck for that ship comes in. I'm going to do her in her late WWII scheme, with her unique blue deck. Should make for an interesting contrast.
  24. I'll have to dissagree with that approach. I had to reinstall windows on a netbook that was trashed with malware, and that partition (which had the restore on it), is what got the netbook up and running. If I had gotten rid of it when I got the netbook, it would have been more difficult to re-install windows, as the netbook wasn't playing nice with either a USB boot stick, or a USB CD drive
  25. Nah, I keep that stuff in boxes under boxes and in other boxes! Seriously, I'd rather figure out a nice background for a clean photo shoot. Perhaps some bedsheets (blue, preferably) draped over a couple of chairs should do the trick.
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