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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. The converter box arrived in the mail today. Works exactly as advertised. For $20 it's a nifty little box!
  2. You could always try out a something-to-HDMI converter box. They're going for about $20-30 on ebay, so it's not too big of a deal if it doesn't pan out. I got a TV recently that has no component input, but it does have a HDMI port, so I'll be trying one out when it gets here.
  3. God no... That game is like being kicked in the nuts repeatedly with steel toed boots.
  4. Went and saw it. A fair sized crowd for this movie (about 50ish) showed up, which surprised me quite a bit. Much more fun to watch on the big screen than on my TV.
  5. So... picked up Generations Metroplex. He's... big. GLORIOUS! EDIT: Attached a picture, shot down low to emphasize how freaking huge he is.
  6. Any chance of a Blu-ray box set? I'd like to get the whole thing in one (expensive) go.
  7. Nah. They just had Sanada out-science Dessler. Felt a little out of place, and a little rushed. I liked the final duel in 2199 much better.
  8. They're probably looking for a container TO ship your stuff in.
  9. Hot damn! I live just down the road from one of the theaters showing it! Gonna go watch it on the big screen for sure!
  10. Just watched it. Wow. Just wow. Intense and a hell of a ride. The Blu-ray can't come fast enough!
  11. So... My amp decided to release the mysterious smell and mysterious blue smoke... AKA... It's dead Jim. Looking at getting a new one some time in the future. I'm currently leaning towards the Onkyo TX-8050. For reference, this amp was connected to my TV, PS3, WDLive, and CD player (as well as a 2.1 setup). While I don't use HDMI to connect to my amp, I do have a L/R out on my TV, which is what I was using. Is there any other options out there? I'd rather not get a surround receiver if I'm not going to use the other 3 channels. However, whatever I do get, must at least be able to drive a dedicated sub-woofer. I'm working with a budget of about $400.
  12. Personally, I would have it in 1:350 scale. This way you can display it, in scale, with other 1:350 subjects! It would make for a sweet display showing the SDF-1 with battleships, other sci-fi space ships (polar light Enterprises, I'm looking at you) etc.
  13. They do have the biggest motivation in the universe: Not to let the species down! That and not dying horribly.
  14. This should go without saying, but when working with superglue, keep a debonder (or a bottle of nail polish), within arms reach. Thin superglue can sometimes end up where you don't want it. I speak from experience
  15. In Canada, using Canadapost, it's just the sales taxes (that you would have paid at the store) and a small handling fee... Which isn't applied every time you import something. Sometimes you get hit, sometimes you don't. I personally thank them for not looking too closely at the value of my VF-4!
  16. Is that an Excalibur from Wing Commander 3 I see?
  17. Problem is, is that a lot of Ender's Game takes place in Ender's head. It's tough to visualize that in a movie format.
  18. I think if the movie sticks to the cenral theme of the book, which I believe to be: "How far are you willing to go to win a war?", it could be awesome.
  19. Just what the heck did I just watch?!?! This is going to need... Several repeat viewings.
  20. Just finished this Zaku II version 2.0. I got inspired by the box art showing the mobile suit in a rather... filthy condition, which I sought to replicate. I think it turned out pretty good.
  21. I'll buy two! Heck, I'll buy 4! My YF-19's arm joints are cracked, and I haven't touched it in years...
  22. Memory Wire is one of two things. The first is a form of readable computer memory. The second is a type of metal that has memorized it's shape so that when heat is applied, it reverts to it's original shape.
  23. Dredged this thread out of the abyss to bring you a macro of gummi bears. Not just any bears, however, as these are loaded for bear! I was giving them a stir and I decided to take a few shots before putting them back in the fridge to marinate some more.
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