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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. A little father-son chat!
  2. I'll go see it, for sure... But that 10% of our brains stuff is BS. But, I'm willing to keep an open mind going into this film this summer.
  3. As a retail worker I will say this: Never, ever underestimate the power of an angry customer. Especially one that you're trying to blow off (for whatever reason).
  4. Ok, after transforming it battroid and back, some impressions. 1) My copy is incredibly stiff, to the point where I want to put a tiny amount of lube in the die cast parts and loosen some screws 2) POINTY! While I haven't cut myself on it (VF-19S I'm looking at you), I did poke myself a little bit 3)The positioning of the arms in fighter mode is a bit finicky. If you don't have them in exactly the right spot, the YF-19 won't lock together. 4) Isamu's head does indeed rotate, but I would use a bit of caution when doing so. I wouldn't want the headless horseman flying my YF-19! 5) The button to swivel the legs is incredibly tiny and very difficult to push when transforming back into fighter. Overall, it's clear they used the transformation of the VF-19 series of toys as a starting point, and there's tons of similarities in the transformation scheme. Do I like it? Yes, yes I do. Is it better than Yamato's YF-19? Yes! Is it better than the VF-19 series? I'd say they're equal, with a few exceptions.
  5. With all their hockey hullabaloo And that $*%#* Anne Murray, too
  6. Mine arrived, and it looks A-OK! Somebody was paying attention at Canada Customs, however... EDIT: I too got mine at the Black Friday Price. Last time Canada Customs missed me it was for the VF-4! I was a happy person, to say the least.
  7. Aside from the $10 handling fee, it's just the sales taxes you would have to pay if you bought it in a local store. At least we're not being charged duities on top of the taxes. Given how often they miss me, I don't mind paying every now and again. Also, in going with HLJ, I know they're going to do me right should something be wrong with my YF-19.
  8. Damnit, don't dash my hopes like that!!! Mine will be here sometime this afternoon.
  9. Mine is sitting in Mississauga. Since I live in Ottawa, I should have it by tomorrow at the earliest. I wonder if Canada Customs is going to be nice to me like they were for the VF-4. And by nice, I mean not looking too closely at the value!
  10. My VF-19S came in. I have no idea why I waited so long... But the awesome sale price certainly played a rather large factor in me getting off of the fence. It's glorious!
  11. Nabbed the VF-19. Patience really paid off in this instance!
  12. Stupid thing is I put them away to clean house. Now I can't remember where I put them, and, quite frankly, it's driving me rather nuts. Luckily, eBay has replacements for cheap.
  13. You know what I really, really hate about laptops? Putting away the power cables, and then forgetting where the heck I put them.
  14. I got the basic Blu-Ray package today and watched it. Still an awesome movie and I don't think it "lost" anything going from a big screen down to my TV. Still intense, and beautiful to watch!
  15. I knew alot of the movie was CGI based, but it still blows my mind how much of it there was! It's gotten to the point where you just can't tell anymore, and that's the foundation of a good effect!
  16. Well, the stickers would make excellent masking templates, and they do give you two!
  17. I got the V2 of the UCS X-WIng, and I'm loving it... Except for the silly cockpit decal. Seriously, Lego, couldn't you have tampoed a decal at the factory? I still haven't used it, as I'm debating airbrushing the blue on myself.
  18. Thanks! One other thing I don't really care for is the stand. It's a bit wobbly, and I cared even less for the landing gear... So wobbly stand it was! I liked the re-issue stand a whole lot more, especially since it came with a decal to identify what it was.
  19. I can do one better! Side by side comparison of the original viper kit that was re-released with a clear canopy and a pilot (who I did build into it). I did paint the original kit in a much too dark shade of grey, this time I went with Tamiya's Sky Grey, which works out nicely. The new one is significantly larger than the original kit, and looks much better out of the box. I did, however, not install the grey striping on the engine intakes as they broke on me. I was totally expecting the thin orange markings to tear on me, which to my surprise, didn't. I really should finish my Mk 2 and Mk 7 Vipers, along with my classic raider and new raider.
  20. It does come with a pilot, and I elected to not install him into the cockpit this time.
  21. Just finished the Mk 1 Viper from Battlestar Galactica. It's a great kit, and it went together fairly easily. Two complaints, the wings should be a separate construction, like the vertical tail. This is easily fixed by modifying the tabs that hold the wings to the engines. The other has to do with the engine cans. It should be 4 pieces. The 3 tailpipes, and the central piece. This would make painting and detailing much, much easier. Otherwise, I had fun building this!
  22. Trying out a new watch style, and I pulled the macro lens out to get the detail of the clockwork. I've always liked mechanical detail.
  23. I had Canada Customs miss my VF-4. It was a good day!
  24. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/261364593306?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 Just one HDMI output, and it requires an external power source (it does come with its own brick). For it's price, I can't complain. What it does NOT do is convert HDMI to component.
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