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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. Minicons = pokemon (not quite, but you get the idea) I'm not a big fan of the TV show... But I like the toys, especially my Unicron and Optimus Primes (the huge and the little prime). The toys aren't bad, but they don't hold a candle to the Robots in Disguise line in terms of sheer coolness. And hey, Masterpiece Prime is back on for December!
  2. I second that... with the exception of the nuts thing. The thing is, she's not wearing a form fitting dress, so alot of her... features wouldn't show. Plus, this may be the first side profile we've had of Mao. All I can say is eh. She'll be dead anyways in a few years...
  3. It's possible that there are O2 tanks mounted in the VF-0 for brief flights under water and in space. Edgar does say it can do it for a few minutes, which would mean that the VF-0 does have some sort of internal reserve.
  4. Definatley get Metroid Fusion, and perhaps Metroid Zero Mission when it comes out in February. Other games I can reccomend are: Castlevania, all three of them. Although Circle of the moon is a bit hard to see... Golden Sun and it's sequels Advanced Wars 1 and 2 Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced (cheesy title, but it's good I hear) Mega Man Zero That's all I can reccomend at the moment...
  5. Finished watching the episode. Great episode, even if they kept switching between cel and CG VFs... However, one breif shot in particular reminded me greatly of Transformers the movie. It's the shot where DD's SV-51's hands are forcing open the hangar door on the Asuka. Did anyone else get reminded of Devastator doing the same thing to Autobot city in the beginning of Transformers the Movie? And while I understand why Mao kissed Shin (combination of jelousy at her sister, save his life, and a crush on him), I still am a little creeped out about it... It's probably me.
  6. I noticed that too... However, if you look closely, it's not the gunpod that's firing. It's these two pods that were mounted on the hips of the SV-51 in battroid mode, that were shooting up the deck. If he fired the gunpod, then he might have hit his own plane...
  7. Hmm... I see it too. I think its the pics. If you look the gunpod is in crisp focus, and since it's out in front of the 1J, then that means that is what the camera is focusing on.
  8. Hmm... Looks very nice but I have one nitpick. Around the cockpit there's this black outline, which I assume is the anti-glare paint. I've been looking at some pics of the VF-1J and there's no black outline... Is this a mistake? Or is it me being picky? Either way it looks a bit weird having the heatshield outlined like that in battroid mode...
  9. Read up on the Disk Read Error FAQs at Gamefaqs.com under PS2 Hardware FAQ. You may be able to get it fixed for free (and perhaps shipping too).
  10. Ok, for question 1 here's my theory: The rounds are chemically fired (aka gunpowder, or equivelent), but mixed into each shell is an oxidizer (aka Oxygen, or something to make the gunpowder ignite). That's pretty much how you'd do it... As to question 2, I have no clue...
  11. Thanks! I celebrated mine a month ago. Hope you have a good thanksgiving too!
  12. Interesting... If I'm thinking right, the lack of a vertical fin allows for a better stealth profile. However, a plane doesn't "need" a rudder to fly. It will still work, just don't get yourself into spins and stalls...
  13. Nope. No internal bay in the leg. Just undersized rudders. Edit: Looking at the VF-11's legs, you could guess that there's an internal bay as there are panel lines on the outside of each leg that could be a bay door... But then, my question is, where would the engine go? I don't think there's alot of extra room in a leg of a VF-11... The vertical stablizer folds up in there as well as the landing gear...
  14. I can't believe that you posted a link to a H-site... Not to mention it doesn't have any Macross Hentai on it...
  15. I think those are the VFs from that old side scrolling Macross game for the SNES. I think it's titled Scrambled Valkyrie... Not sure on that though.
  16. Wow. When is this coming out again?
  17. I think the reason why the cockpit seems so roomy when a VF is in battroid mode is that we rarely see the cockpit from the POV of the pilot. There's a couple of shots in DYRL that stand out as to show how cramped the cockpit is. One of them is an over the shoulder shot (or something like that) of Roy in his 1S. There's also one of Isamu in Macross Plus.
  18. Well, if the pilot wants to stay "level", then the seat in the VF/YF-19 would rotate forward. Otherwise the pilot would be on his back in Battroid mode. I do wonder however: Can you seriously injure yourself in the cockpit if your arms and legs are flailing about when you transform?
  19. Hmm... Horrible Sci-Fi flicks eh? Well... Battlefield Earth was one. 5 seconds of the film convinced me to run away in horror from the tv. Oddly, I liked Wing Commander (except for how the Kilrathi looked), and Robot Jox (interesting concept concerning the lack of farmable land on earth... Then again I'm a mecha nut). After reading Starship Troopers, I really really began to loathe the movie (except for the in-movie commercials, those were great). Well, that's it, just Starship Troopers and Battlefield Earth.
  20. Well, in that case, you could try clear nail poish on the joints of the landing gear. Usually that, and tightening the screws (carefully, you do not want to strip the plastic) should yield a tighter main gear. Also, if you wanted a faster response, you should have posted in the "What's wrong with my Yamato, Bandai etc..." topic pinned to the top of the toy forum.
  21. Could you be a bit more specific? Do you mean the landing gear doors that open independently of the main landing gear? Or do you mean that the nose wheel refuses to stay tucked away in the nose?
  22. no it was nto transformers. i was very much into transformers. it was a mecha of some type. which remdined me of macross. but diffrent. it had alot of panels and other stf fyou normaly see on meh warriors. Well... Originally mechwarrior as you may know, had VF-1s included in its initial lineup. However, when FASA got into a bit of trouble with Harmony Gold over who had the rights to the VF-1s, they removed them from the lineup. This is a very very condensed version of what happened, so you'll have to look elsewhere for more info... Now, what may be possible is that FASA produced/liscenced some VF-1 toys, however I'm not even sure of that either.
  23. A GIGAHERTZ?!?!?!?! Fix your computer. Now. I know for a FACT that a 500MHz machine with ZSNES on it and a video card with adequate RAM(16 is enough, 2 isn't)can run any non-SA-1 game at the full 60 FPS with a graphics filter applied. As far as emulators... ROMs are legal. ROM images are legal too, as long as you make them yourself(or as you mentioned, they've been made freely distributable, as have Vectrex ROM images and the Jaguar BIOS ROM image). But that's not relevant to a discussion of PS2 emulation, as PS2 games don't come in ROM carts, so the only PS2 ROM is the BIOS. And no, there is no decent PS2 emulator yet. There's not even a decent Dreamcast emulator. In defense of the 1 Ghz, it was because I had an old TNT2 16 mb card. I'm sure that now with my Radeon 9000 pro 128 mb version, the computer is vastly overpowered... But I find that the main problem with a few emulators is the sheer power that's needed. And not all Roms are legal. If you have a Nintendo rom for example and you let Nintendo find out, they will bust you.
  24. It's not so strange... I've seen it done before to denote a different speaker when they're speaking to each other. However, I've also seen some plain stupid subtitles: White subtitles without a boarder on a black and white movie. It got quite annoying when the subs dissapear in a bright scene...
  25. A fighter with that on top? Well... As long as it doesn't have to manuver, and the radome has blowaway capabilities... Heck I don't even know if it could get off of the ground... An interesting kitbash though...
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