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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. Saw the new Tenth Anniversary Beast Wars figures at the local Walmart in the frozen north, and I picked up Waspinator. All in all, not bad, but geez, $20? I'm gonna be very very selective at that price... But hey, the figure still holds up well, and the modification to the paint job so that he looks more like his show counterpart is nice.
  2. How do you know he's a witch? 372302[/snapback] He turned me into a NEWT!.... I got better... Hey, I'm all for a little change. Never hurts to give the tuna head a vacation. Wonder where Tuna Head will take it's vacation?
  3. I'm not an apple fan for one reason: Price. I mean, it's what some call the "apple tax", but I just don't see the justification for dropping down the cash just to get an Ipod. I'm very happy with my Zen touch. Sure it's big (it's the 40 gig version), but the battery lasts for a long long time (24 hours give or take), and it sounds great. What I'd really really like to see as a bundled extra for hard drive players is a wired remote. I'd rather leave the player attached to my belt and use the remote to move around the tracks, rather than to pull the player out and risk dropping it... And yes, I got the Nomad Jukebox remote (works perfectly with the Zen touch), and I love it to pieces too.
  4. Well... So much for the masking tape route. At this point you have several options, and none of them are non-stress inducing... 1) Find out if you can dissolve the lacquer clear coat and leave the enamels intact. 2) Strip the ENTIRE model and start over... 3) Sand off the clear coat, using the decals as an indicator that you've removed the clear coat. Frankly, that's all my mind can think of...
  5. As long as the acyrilic paint is dry (as in, it's been a while), you can dunk it under water and leave it there with no ill effect on the paint. If you haven't sealed the kit, break out the masking tape and apply it to the decals you'd like to remove. Peel off the tape (gently, but not too gently), and most, if not all, of the decal will come off with it. Found that one out the... hard way.
  6. Looks like a compressor stall...
  7. Hmm... You could use the nipper to tear and twist the armour to represent an exploding shell. The knife you could heat and use it to flex and warp the plastic. But looking good!
  8. Hmm... I don't know if this is beyond your skill, but you could use some improvement in the damage department. You've got the poses down pat, but the damage done to both the Gundam and Zaku II is somewhat unrealistic (well, to be fair, Gundams and Zakus aren't real in the first place). For example, the leg that's been severed on the Zaku, you could build the leg as is, and then using a hot wire, slice the leg at the point where the beam saber lopped it off (beware of plastic fumes). You could then rough up the remains of the leg, and then paint the kit, and then drybrush some silver onto the damage part. All in all, though, it's shaping up to be a great diorama!
  9. They're purely optional add on bits. If I recall correctly, the square ones are vents of some sort, and the triangle ones are thingies of some sort. Also the ladder handle bits are also optional.
  10. There sure is! MONEY!
  11. Just the colour difference. The OYW MG Dom, Zaku II, Gelgoog and Gouf are exactly the same as the original MG releases. Only the OYW MG Gundam is a new kit.
  12. Are these all going to be MG, or the 1:144 kits (both High Grade UC and various series specific kits)? I've got the MG GM, it's not bad, but it definatley has some "old-school" styling and elements. Seams a-plenty, so load up the putty.
  13. The MG Nemo is up on pre-order on HLJ. According to them, it's going to be out in February. Excellent. By then, my massive Christmas credit card bills will be paid off, and the wallet will be reloaded! Now, if only somebody at Bandai could convince the right people that ditching the dry transfers and stickers in favor of wetslides would be a great idea...
  14. Thanks for the link! Ordered one right away!
  15. I jokingly said to a couple of friends when I saw the trailer infront of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: "This movie is going to succeed. It's got monkeys AND dinosaurs! Every movie with monkeys and dinosaurs do well!" I made sure that the whole audience heard me too. They had a good laugh to boot. I ALWAYS heckle the trailers and commercials before movies. Especially the commercials (not a big fan, I pay to watch the trailers and the movie, not the commercial). Now as to the movie itself. Can't wait. Looks to be great!
  16. Gee, that's an understatement. They're litterally ripped apart by the thrust alone. Now they should have chained one down, and THEN run the engines up to full power. That would make for some extremely entertaining destruction. BTW, according to the announcer, the engines put out 58000 lbs of thrust, and there's four of them (obviously). How much does a 747 weigh anyways?
  17. Spotted a couple of Cybertron Evacs at my local TRU yesterday, and picked one up. Seriously, this is one dead cool helicopter. Yah, it's a rescue helicopter, but a very well designed one at that. Pretty posible too. Strange thing is, it's not listed on Hasbro's website (aside from the itty bitty version). I also picked up Sidways a couple of weeks ago, and I've not seen another one since. Also, it would appear that the local Wal-Mart has stopped stocking transformers... Right before Christmas... STUPID!
  18. David, you are my new god. Thank you!
  19. And then we can actually have the line used seriously: "Mr Hawk, lock target, and fire phasers." I can see the trekkies and trekkers lining up in droves at the local Air force recruiting desk. Also, I'm interested in the JAS-39 Gripen. More like looking for plenty of detail photos. I've found the official Gripen site, but those are mainly good for wide angle shots. Thing is, I've got a 1:72 Gripen (an Italeri model that actually doesn't suck construction-wise! ) on my bench, and I'd like to do a nice paintjob on it. I wouldn't mind the standard grey on grey setup, but a wild and out there paintjob would be pretty cool, something like this .
  20. I've used them on my MG Guncannon. In short: They're great! They lay down nicely, and respond well to setting solutions. They're also pre-cut, so no trimming required. If you're scared of making a mistake, the bandai logo on the bottom of the decal sheet is a decal, so you could practice using that one. Oh, and if you're planning on using the Gundam Ver Ka. MG decals, don't. They're ment for the MG, which is 1:100. They'd be undersided on a PG, which is 1:60.
  21. And I'm way ahead of you. Picked it up as soon as I saw it at my local hobby shop. However, due to its size, and the trickyness of the paint scheme, I'm going to hold off on building it until perhaps next year. I really really need to re-organize my work space. And not build 3-4 kits at the same time...
  22. If you use a Badger airbrush with siphon feed, the jars will fit to the siphoning lid exactly. Saves me a ton of cash. I just buy the paint, thin it, and mark it for airbrushing use (usually an A/B somewhere on the jar), to sort it out from the rest of the paint.
  23. Actually, the second version of the US Energon Starscream looks pretty cool too. No clear blue plastic, however.
  24. Ten Dollars In Canadian funds, so around 7-9 Dollars US. But getting Alternators up here in Canada still sucks, as the recent releases haven't shown up...
  25. Is Jazz Meister? Thanks in advance, V!C 336927[/snapback] Jazz is Meister. Oh, and if you're living in Ottawa Canada, Wal-Mart is having a huge alternator sale. $10 each. Picked up a Tracks (finally!!!!) and a Swindle.
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