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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. That happened to me with the VF-0S... I pre-ordered on the first day it was available, and I had to wait until the second shipment... At least they didn't do this with the YF-19.... Because then I'll have to scream. Kicker773... What the heck are you going to do with those 19s?! God, maybe you're the reason why BBTS got delayed!
  2. Actually, if you use the glue sparingly, it'll be about 90% dry in about 1 hour. If you cover the part in the glue, then you'll want to wait much much longer. When I'm doing repairs with my Yammies that involve glue of any sort, I give it a minimum of 24 hours. Although, it's not uncommon for me to come back to the toy about a week later.
  3. True, that is a major "catch". However, if done right, you should be able to get it back together with no problems!
  4. If the shoulders are made of ABS plastic, you may be able to use hobby glue to glue it back together. Most hobby glues, while ment for polystyrene, will work on ABS, and it'll work very well too. Just read the packaging. Alternatively, you could use the glue that's used to glue abs pipes together (it will say on the packaging in the plumbing department).
  5. Oh that's no problem. A little bit of duct tape, some superglue, and those planes will be like new! But seriously, Yikes!
  6. Methinks it's something naughty! A bit crowded, but a very nice display cabinet!
  7. No, I',m in Canada. Usually, I pay GST, PST (total of 14% of item's value) and a service fee (5-8 bucks). I saved quite a few bucks thanks to Customs not really paying attention to the box!
  8. I had a ton of difficulty in getting the part to hinge backwards. And I managed to put a stress mark on the fuselage... Nothing broke though. I had some success in shaving off the upper corners of the tabs (meaning the corners that face towards the guts of the YF-19). I'm going to shave a bit more off later. But I got super lucky with customs. I didn't pay a cent. Even better, HLJ shipped my YF-19 in Yamato's official packing box. I nearly freaked when the box stated that it had 2 YF-19s!
  9. Just got mine today. Holy heck is it ever small! And it looks not nearly as intimidating as the VF-4... Meaning, I might actually build it sometime this decade! Thanks again!
  10. Actually, the Italian built M.C. 202 (and 205) have one wing longer than the other, to counter the rotation of the aircraft, and this was back in the 1930-1940s. The 1:48 Hasegawa recreates this quite nicely, but it's only noticable if you line up the upper wing halves together.
  11. Right now, it's Hasegawa's 1:48 Mc 202. Such a nice italian warplane...
  12. It looks like a custom Detolf. I'm seeing the two back panels from the detolf, as well as the two side bars that the glass planes lay on. But I can't wait for my YF-19...
  13. Count me in for one!
  14. I'm considering it. Wondering what it looks like though...
  15. Well, guess what: They exist. I'm gonna hold off on a PS3. It's too expensive, and I don't have a HDTV to connect it to. Besides, there's nothing I want to play on it.
  16. It's a technical "yes". You'll need to do some very simple modifications to the gear doors themselves, and not installing the landing gear themselves.
  17. Just wondering: When is the official release date? Plus, this YF-19 is looking better and better. Ah, well there is one thing I don't like about it: IT'S NOT IN MY HANDS!!!!
  18. I worked the closing shift at the grocery store on halloween... It was deader than a morgue. But the manager handed out candy so it made up for it.
  19. How about not putting it in at all? I've got 2 MG Zakus that don't have their clear eyepieces in, and they look pretty good.
  20. Fleet of Vipers, here I come! Wallet, meet thy doom!
  21. Exactly like the original. Minus the cracked shoulder, of course.
  22. I got my replacment part from Yamato. They sent me the whole right arm. Something I wasn't expecting... But, at least, my shoulders aren't cracked anymore!
  23. Can you post some pics mate? 424581[/snapback] Don't need to: Go here and here for pictures of Primus.
  24. Picked up Primus today. Pretty small in comparison to Unicron, but he transforms into an even smaller Cybertron. But still dead cool. Even comes with a severed Unicron head.
  25. they haven't released the upgraded parts. 423227[/snapback] Oh boy... I really hope that they aren't defective...
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