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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. Got movie Prime tonight. And right out of the box, it's slightly mis-transformed: The feet aren't unfolded; although, it's probably so that nothing breaks in shipment. Over all, very very cool looking.
  2. I've already looked at these, and like you've said, no good cockpit shots... Still, I think a grey tub with black panels should do the trick.
  3. Makes me want to build my Academy Flanker... But I need to get a new cockpit for it; kit cockpit sucks major ***... Speaking of cockpits, I'm working on a Monogram/Revell F-101b Voodoo at the moment (fit is surprisingly very very good), and I have no clue as to how the cockpit should be painted. I'm guessing that it's a grey tub with flat/semi-gloss panels. The museum has a Voodoo (yay!) but there's no way to see into the cockpit (boo!).
  4. Picked up a few of the movie TF toys. Got Brawl, and he has problems keeping his arms locked to his chest in bot mode. Does anybody else have the same issue?
  5. Heh. Overtechnology be damned. Just give it to Grumman. Just think. If it wasn't for Boeing and Lockheed's dominance, we would have fully variable fighters by now!
  6. On vacation in Vancouver, saw and picked up Protoform Optimus Prime. I really really like it. Especially the ball joint in the torso.
  7. I've got both the X-45 and the X-52 by Saitek. Personally I like the X-52 much much better than the X-45.
  8. I don't have this problem (yet). My house is ALL man room. I display my valks where I want and how I want.
  9. Nope. Which really dissapoints me...
  10. If that's true, then shouldn't something be designed to be used by a naval airforce first, and then adapted for use on land airforces? I mean, the F-4 and F-18 both do pretty well as convential airforce fodder, and they're (well with exception to the F-18... It did come from the YF-17) both primarily made for use on a carrier.
  11. So it's back to the problem of the F-111 then...
  12. Actually, you can skip the brasso, IF, the canopy appears to be clear when submerged in water. When you submerge it in water, you get a preview of what it will look like once you coat it in future.
  13. Not quite. You do have an IL-2 that carries a torpedo, the Beaufighter, and at least one or two others. Just no AMERICAN torpedo bombers. Stupid lawyers...
  14. The -24 and -29 are both in the Pacific Fighters expansion, and the 1946 edition. Do yourself a favor and get IL2: 1946. It's like buying IL-2, IL-2 Forgotten Battles, IL-2 Ace expansion pack, IL-2 Pacific Fighters, the PE-2 expansion, and plus new content exclusive to 1946.
  15. Actually, in the B-17 and B-29, it's not too bad. You can actually get near one of those things and actually stay mostly intact. The B-24s... must have terminators at the gunner's stations... Boom! Headshot! That or the .50s of the B-24 aren't affected by the normal laws of physics. They always find your plane. Even when not aimed at you.
  16. B-24 in IL-2 (Pacific Fighters or 1946). If you're attacking it, stay the HELL away from it, this is what AI wingmen are for! Those damn gunners will cut you to pieces. Especially if you're in a Japanese aircraft. Usually, when I deal with them in the quick mission builder, I put myself in a Me-262. 4 Mk-108s put VERY nice holes in them.
  17. It's no gimmick. I use ATI's Crossfire (same thing to Nvidia's SLI), and I do notice a rather remarkable improvement to my framerates. It's expensive, that's what it is.
  18. When the time comes, put in a request to your local grocery store's produce department to have them save the foam padding that's usually in the apple boxes (there's the cardboard trays that the apples rest in, and inbetween those, are the foam padding, to keep the apples from being bruised). They're great for wrapping everything and keeping things from breaking. Just air them out for about a week before you use them as wrapping.
  19. Got my hands on Tamiya's new 1:48 F-16 CJ. Only did most of the cockpit and part of the intake, but my god. It's beautiful!
  20. Eh, you don't want the black DSL? As for my Wii... I'm waiting for Metroid, and then I'll pick one up. By then, there might actually be Wiis to be had in Ottawa.
  21. I too have brought home a 32inch TV... And later found out it weighed 225 lbs (according to the manual). Needless to say when it needed some fine tuning, and the repairman wanted me to bring it in, I said "No FREAKING way". But Yah, the last little bit of lugging the montior home, I had to chicken out, put it down, run to my house, get my dolly, and wheel it the rest of the way over. I just couldn't carry it anymore. By that point, I had been carrying it for about 500 meters... It wasn't just the weight, it was the bulk to boot. A 21 inch monitor isn't exactly a tiny thing... Not a long distance, but man my arms were very very tired, twitchy, and sore. They still are...
  22. Nice thing about the LCD trend is that $2000 monitors only a few years old can be had for $200 or less. Just got meself a HP-p1130 and it's blows my LCD out of the water. Granted the LCD was a freebee with my DSL subscription (and not a total P.O.S.), but I like CRTs more... Even if they weigh 60-90 Lbs... PROTIP: Never try to carry a 62lb monitor distances longer than 10 feet. Your arms will be protesting quite violently the next day.
  23. Nice. Although, I think it would have looked better if the sun was in the lower-leading-edge corner with the rays going towards the trailing edge. But that's just me. At least it's not on a Super-Hornet...
  24. One last thing came to mind: You can, in most cases, attach a fan to the heatsink on the videocard. If you're really worried about how hot your videocard gets, why don't you open up your case, and aim an infared thermometer (aka a phaser) at the card while running 3dmark05 for a bit.
  25. Well, one thing you could do is try to wire the inside of your computer in such a way that it doesn't interfere with the airflow through your case. The other would be to cut a 120 mm hole in the case side panel over the graphics card and install a 120mm fan to blow directly down over the graphics card.
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