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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. Windex? Perfect, I've got plenty of the stuff. It's great for stripping tamiya paints!
  2. Righto. I'll give it a try later today. I hope it doesn't gum up the airbrush...
  3. Clear coat of what though? I've got Model Master Flat and Gloss. And I do have lots of future... What the heck, it's worth the try.
  4. Thing is, the kit's from 1996... So it's only 10 years old. But then again, it was an ebay purchase, so who knows how the last guy stored it... Shouldn't be too hard to find some aftermarket Korean War era North Korean markings though... Hope the same thing doesn't happen to the F-86... I don't need two naked aircraft...
  5. I know the title is funny. I used to live in my parents basement... But then I got my own place... To live in my own basement! But seriously... I was at the fanexpo in Toronto on Aug 24-26, and one very disgruntled fan, who was carrying a couple of trays, said: "I came here to run my tournament, not bus tables!" The thing is, there was more tables in the tournament area, than in the food court... And no signs that said mentioned anything about not eating in the tournament area. It was pretty funny to me (I was just sitting down resting for a moment)... I don't see the need to fix the old Dungeons and Dragons rules... It's like what they did to mechwarrior...
  6. Finishing up a 1:48 Mig-15 bis, only to discover the decals fall apart when I dip them in water... Oh well. And right along side the Mig-15, a 1:48 F-86! I plan on displaying them together. Sort of a themed display.
  7. Am I seeing that right? The X-31 is... Hovering?
  8. Just finished this one. Camo scheme is inspired from SU-27s, but not a direct match. Just a thing I wanted to fiddle with. Edit: Silly me, forgot the backside!
  9. Actually, I think the automorph feature in Concept Camero Bumblebee doesn't interfere with transformation or the figure itself. Then again, he could be the only exception...
  10. Excellent shots of the F-14 Valkyrie Hunter D! Just one question to F-14 Gurus... Can the variable intake ramps close that much (with exception of the Orange FOD cover), or is that a modification done on the aircraft to keep people from crawling up the intakes?
  11. Count me in for one!
  12. Really, I don't know why he's such a shelf warmer. I picked him up a while back, and he's a fun little transformer. Perhaps his shelf warming ability is due to his very very short screen time?
  13. Make the VF-11 1:48 then? That'll be nice... Or Heck, 1:32!
  14. Managed to get a Bumblebee today (the new Camero Version). They're really selling fast in Ottawa, but I have one question: Does anybody have the little yellow bits that go on the upper arms missing right out of the package? I had one fall off while transforming it, and when I finally figured out where it went, I noticed the other one missing, and it looks like somebody forgot to put it on in the factory.
  15. I imagine it will fly in formation with a Space Shuttle... But someone mentioned on another forum: "Will the bomb generate a radar return?" I'm gonna go with... yes.
  16. Bet it makes a bigger boom than a F-16... Although, mind you, that infamous Thunderbird F-16 incident did make a pretty big boom too... To quote: "Jamie wants big boom."
  17. I picked up a nifty M3 lite for my DS lite. Now, before you condem my purchase, I got it because it could play movie files. I spend 2 hours commuting by bus each day, and I need something to keep me occupied. Here's my problem. It came with the video converter, but when I converted a few episodes of Mythbusters to test, it only converted the first few minutes of it. Is it a limitation of the video format for the DS or is it something that I'm doing wrong?
  18. Sweet Y-Wing! And I notice an A-Wing in the background of some of the pics too... As for my workbench, I resumed work on a GM-Custom that I started last year. It's got something of a Flanker-esque camo scheme on it, but it's only about 7o% done at this point. I've still got the little fiddly bits to paint and attach, decals and a flat coat to do...
  19. Picked up Bonecrusher yesterday. He's my favorite now. Small... yes, but mean looking. It also helps that I can see what he looks like. He didn't have a lot of screen time in the movie...
  20. Still, if you scale the energon toy (I don't have the G2 Smokejumper) to the size of the movie Starscream, it'll still be sleeker. Besides the energon toy isn't supposed to be 100% faithful to the real jet.
  21. Just like to point out that Takara/Hasbro has made a fairly sleek "F-22" of Starscream. And he's smaller than movie Starscream. Now granted, pulling that off for the movie figure design will probably never happen. But I'm looking forward to the leader class Brawl, just because he's loaded for Bear.
  22. Picked up Starscream last night. I've been wavering, but now I really like it. It's a very "flat" figure, and it can pull off some pretty nice poses. Of course fighter mode looks flat (best F-22ish Starscream I've seen is the energon version), but it's not too bad.
  23. Personally, I'd like the museum to have a 190, but what I REALLY want them to do is to put together the he-162 and display them. I mean, a Me-163 is pretty neat and all, but a He-162 will be really impressive.
  24. Well, it doesn't help that 109s and 190s were shot down in large quantities... But my local aviation museum has a 109, a Mustang, a Hurricane, a Spitfire, a Me-163, and TWO He-162. Also in the area are a flying Spitfire and Mustang. I love Ottawa!
  25. I scrounged up an old range hood and built a box around it. It's big enough that it doubles as a workspace too (it's about 30 inches wide, 18 inches deep and 30 inches tall). The tank/compressor is resting on the floor and I have a small hook screwed to the side of the box to keep the hose handy. The range hood is hooked up to a removeable plywood insert that goes into a window when I need to paint. All in all, I think the box itself cost me about $20 and a few hours to build.
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