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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. Pretty simple actually. If you have a pin vise (a pen sized manual drill) and the correct bit, all you have to do is simply drill it out. Just go to your local hobby shop and ask where they keep the pin vises.
  2. Then I'd say the Wing Zero. It's big, it'll take you a while to do, and it'll look pretty neat. Go to this website: http://dalong.net/ to see lots of pictures of the Wing zero, including the manual, and parts.
  3. Honestly, if you've never built a gundam model before, you may want to get something slightly simpler than these two. While PGs aren't hard they do have a ton of parts, and may daunt you. On the other hand, the light up model will involve some simple electronics (nothing too complex though), but not nearly as many parts. If you've got the cash, get both. If you like the designs, you could just get the 1:100 versions of these kits and build those. And yes, the PG Wing zero is that big... I don't have one personally, but I've seen it.
  4. Not quite. They don't totally close off the intakes when the VF-0 is fighting in the air. They partially screen it so to deflect possible debris away from the engine.
  5. I actually got my hands on my Holy Grail: Predaking! So big and menacing!
  6. As I said, it's not a big deal, it's easy to fix. Besides, there's a good chance that if you do send the part to me, it'll probably break again in the same spot. The post office is pretty good like that... Just wanted you to know, that's all.
  7. Actually it was last May I went on this trip. And the info was copied from Westjet's website.
  8. According to Westjet's website they operate 700s, 800s, and 600s. The reason why I went with Westjet is because they're cheap. That and they have TV on the plane. It's nice to watch Dirty Jobs at 39000 feet.
  9. Got my kit today, and it's beautiful. Just an FYI. I had a broken part right out of the box. It's one of the arches that fit over the end of the engine pods. It's a clean break, so it's easy to fix, but it's something that should have been designed a little better.
  10. Heh, reminds me of my first time on a plane. Not a Ford Trimotor, but a Westjet 737 (Ottawa to Vancouver). Kept my camera in my lap the whole time, and got some nifty shots out of it. We even had some nasty turbulence at 39000 feet, and it was fun! No worse than some of the roads in Montreal. Personally I think takeoff is the best part; really nice acceleration. Granted, there aren't any afterburners on a 737, but that plane can sure move...
  11. That would be a Minmay Guard Valk.
  12. No, it doesn't come with the shark teeth decals, those are custom made. I'm pretty sure there might be some available if you hunt around.
  13. The autoloader also gives the T-72 it's famed spring loaded turret.... Unless of course, newer autoloading systems don't require a round to be exposed in the turret.
  14. My only gripe with my SV-51 is the slightly foggy canopy. I might be tempted to actually dip the thing in future to see if it'll clear up...
  15. Ballence in Battroid is excellent. Nice wide feet, and nothing really sticking out too far either front or back. Gerwalk... I don't know honestly, I haven't actually transformed it into gerwalk... Shouldn't be too bad though.
  16. Here's a pic of the size difference. Left to right: VF-1, VF-0, YF-19, SV-51. Of course, all are in scale (1:60) As I said, it's pretty big...
  17. Let's put it this way. It's taller than the VF-0 and YF-19 by a few good centimeters.
  18. Fixed! But seriously, I would welcome DYRL in HD. I'd buy it in a heartbeat, even though I don't have any HD stuff in my house.
  19. Ok, tried out the decal with a sacrifical North Korea decal, and... I need to put another coat of future on it. It came off the backing paper... In two pieces... But it's better than the whole thing fragmenting!
  20. Got my SV-51 in today. It's pretty big. Got a new flaw for ya. The face actually cracked on mine, and I was being really gentle with it. Luckly it's a very easy fix. A dab of thick superglue, and a quick shot of accelerator and it's all beter! You can make out the line down the side of the face, but it's not really noticeable.
  21. Progress update: Taped the decal sheet down to a spare bit of cardboard and airbrushed a coat of future over it. That was a few hours ago. It's totally dry to the touch, and I might be able to do some decalling tomorrow... But most likely I'll wait until friday to try it out.
  22. Ok. I knew that they upgraded the engines, but I was wondering why they haven't gone a step further. FIgured it was money. Thanks David.
  23. That's a pretty novel way to fix a problem with a 757. It should go into the troubleshooting manual! A quick (and possibly very dumb) question about the B-52's engines. Why haven't they upgraded the engines to something more modern? Money, or just that it plain won't work?
  24. If you're really serious about PC Gaming, research components, and build your own desktop (or get one built to specification). It's one thing that I don't really like about laptops: Very little room to upgrade.
  25. I know, I've used future before to gloss coat a car... And I did the canopy dip method for the model. That's right. Dunk a whole bottle of future into a bowl, and dip the car. Actually worked pretty well.
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