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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. Doesn't an aged Nixon (as president) on the tvs behind Veidt count as an allusion?
  2. I don't really feel that the playing field is small. I mean, while Fallout 1 and 2 took place on the western coast, there really wasn't a whole lot between villages. You could stop and rest, but it would be pretty much the same spot loaded from memory... Played and beat Fallout 3. Now I'm playing as a pure evil character. I have to say, there's some advantages to just outright shooting the travelling caravans...
  3. Apparently it's a fake. I know that planes can land one winged (an F-15 did just that... but the pilot didn't know he was missing a wing), and RCs have enough thrust to do it, but a fully sized acrobat plane... No way in heck.
  4. Evil. Just pure radioactive-mutated evil. I hate deathclaws...
  5. Well, I would. After all, the BSOD is only from one PC...
  6. I finished the survival guide quest last night... Whew. It's long but very interesting. Hard on ammo though....
  7. Went out and bought an ATI/AMD 4870 1gb (made by ASUS). Slapped it in and it's like night and day. What a performance boost!
  8. That guy takes his acting lessons from Shatner. And while I think that it's a good thing that you can't kill kids, it's a bit silly when one winds up next to an exploding car and comes out without a scratch. Besides, the first two allowed you to kill kids, and punished you harshly for it (EVERYBODY was your enemy now).
  9. Yes, from the moment you leave the vault, you can go an do whatever you please. To heck with your lost Dad! But there is one limitation. You can't kill kids...
  10. I've been playing it since I got it release day. First impressions: I need a new videocard... My 1900s aren't cutting it anymore. A nice fast 4870 ought to do it... But it's tons of fun.
  11. I've got my costume mostly assembled, picked up the hat and bandana (for the neck) today. Just need to put the patches on (I'm still missing the name patch and the old-style US airforce roundel for the other shoulder, honestly, not a big deal), and get in costume! It's gonna be fun!
  12. I really want to play this game, but I want to play it on the PC... Silly Lucasarts abandoning their PC division. They make a PS2 version, which is graphically weaker, and then turn around and say that it won't be the full experience on the PC... Right... I smell a PC release in about 6-12 months.
  13. Soo... Just don't suck on the VF-1's wings then? Or leave it around small kids? On a serious note. I'm probably going to wait on getting my V2 VF-1... I've already got 4 (2 1:60 V1 and 2 1:48)... I'd much rather get the new VF-11 and whetever else Yamato has up their sleeves.
  14. Didn't they make toys of Terminator 2? Wasn't that an R movie too?
  15. Well, there's nanospray II. It's pretty good. You might want to check it out.
  16. David, if you can, either diffuse your flash (old Fuji film canisters are great for this), or bounce it off of a piece of white card. It'll help even out the lighting. They do look pretty good. I'm just going to zap mine with either Tamiya's Metallic Grey or Gunmetal... Perhaps both.
  17. I think most people would think I was Maverick from Top Gun. Then when I do the bomb riding bit, they'll think I'm Hound from Armageddon. I'll be for dress up day at work (Oct 31 naturally).
  18. I'm seriously considering dressing up as Major Kong, and then seeing how many people get it.
  19. I use a pair of badgers (a single action and a double action; model numbers escape me at the moment). A nice plus is that their siphon cup lids are 100 % compatable with Tamiya paint jars. You just have to adjust the plastic tube and you're good to go.
  20. I found some tube glue by testors (with a metal applicator) that does the job very nicely. It's a bit thinner than gel glue, but not in a water like viscocity. Also, I finally got mine today. Managed to evade customs, even though the true value was printed on the shipping label. It's a pretty big box, which caught me by surprise. Crazy thing, is that I would have missed it, as the post office just dropped it off in my back yard. No note in the mailbox whatsoever. Personally, I'd rather they just put it in between my doors...
  21. If this were true... Then it stinks. If I were Bandai, I would license the molds from Yamato (not forever, but say for a period of 5 years), whip up some new decals, and release it as the SMS Koenig. Saves a ton of cash, and the fans are appeased. Plus Yamato makes money!
  22. I know the F-14 was preposed to the airforce. It got as far as a mockup painted up in airforce livery. All I have is one tiny picture in one of my books.
  23. Of course there are! They're called Seafires. Hey, sidewinder armed spitfires/Seafires... ...Blows my mind.
  24. I think Homeworld could be made into a good trilogy. Oh wait... We have Battlestar Galactica for that...
  25. Considering that we're mostly water... Yup. It should have killed the two goons who turned it on in the ship. I think that little detail was glossed over in favor of not having gory deaths on the screen from people cooking in the microwave energy.
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