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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. Slightly to the left of the topic. Has anybody picked up a Centurion (reimagined version), and had it break right out of the box? I had major shoulder failure, followed by partial hip failure. Not even superglue can fix it... Edit: Pictures of the carnage...
  2. Oh and for those of you with IL-2 1946, load up a ME-109K, point straight up, fire your Mk-108 nose cannon (30mm shell with a low velocity, but high rate of fire), and you just might hit yourself with your own shells. You may want to consider unlimited ammo just to increase your chances (but make sure that you have the realistic balistics enabled or the rounds won't come down).
  3. Thanks Dave. I guess I'll have to wing it for the separation line... 1 cm might be spot on.
  4. Quick question on the F-22. Does it have traditional white-walled intakes, or are they a shade of grey. I want to get my F-22 model painted right...
  5. But, that's the wonderful thing about prophecy. It's vague!
  6. It just came out not too long ago. I saw a small article (and a full page ad) in this month's Finescale Modeler, and that made me go and get one off of E-bay. There's plenty to be had there, and the price can be pretty good. 20-30 US dollars + shipping and it can be yours too.
  7. My current progress with the Raptor. Although several parts are not shown, I did fill the ejector pin marks on the intake trunking, the exaust, and what I could on the main weapons bay in the belly of the plane. Dusted the parts that are going to be painted white eventually with the same cockpit grey (Tamiya Dark Grey), so that the white comes out even (hopefully). Also on further inspection, the weapon bay doors are riddled with sink marks. Thankfully they're nice and flat, so it'll be a breeze to fill these sink marks. So far, it's going together very nicely. The kit also came with markings for 18 (!) different planes, and decals for the glass cockpit.
  8. I don't think those were breeches in the hull. If they were, the chief would be dead. There's speculation that the damage in the engine room is from stress fractures. The ship is over 50 years old and hasn't been handled with kid gloves. Betcha that the revelation of the damage would make the ship incapable of jumping, due to it tearing itself apart.
  9. Cleared off my workbench to build... Academy's 1:48 F-22a Raptor (check e-bay for some great prices). Seriously. I mean it. Everything else can wait! Out of the box, I had one broken piece, the canopy rim (not the clear part). Not a big deal, but something to watch out for when you're cutting the part out of the sprue.
  10. I like to score the plastic sheet and then snap it off. But, a hacksaw would also work well too.
  11. Silly me. I'm not up to date on the offerings of Bandai... Thanks for the correction Azrael.
  12. You could also consider the 1:48th Academy Flanker. The one big issue I hear about it is that the nose is a smidgen too short (that and the cockpit sucks). Luckly there's an aftermarket nose to slap on in the kit's part place. I have it, and while I haven't built it, it looks good in the box.
  13. I don't think they are lighted. He doesn't seem to mention (with pictures, as I can't read a word), that he installed any electronics or lights to light up the clear parts. I think he used silver paint to hightlight the details under the clear green parts, and then used careful positioning of his flash units so that the lights strike the silver and reflect into the camera, making it appear that the green parts are lighted. If you go up a few pages in this thread, you'll see my post with the Guncannon and the GM custom, and the GM Custom's visor appears to be lit with an LED but it's just silver paint on the mechanical details.
  14. So... Just finished watching it... Also,
  15. Dalong's review of the MG Sinanju Ver. Ka Looks pretty good out of the box. I really like how he trimmed the gold stickers to closely follow where they go on the model. It looks very nice. I'm gonna have to get this one sometime down the road!
  16. Some bad news: Watchmen news I really hope Fox does not demand that the movie not be released...
  17. Er, then what would you propose they put there? I mean, the cutaway for the VF-1 has them, so they're supposed to be there. Granted the VF-11's lineart doesn't show it, but you'd rather a simple black pit, or permamently moulded shut intake shutters?
  18. A couple of my models I would like to share. I may have posted them before, but I'm honestly not sure. Played with flash lighting, 3 units in all. One on the camera, and two slaves pointed at diffusing surfaces (a white door and a white printer). The GM Custom is done in a Flanker-esque scheme, while the Guncannon is painted up as it should be. I used Bandai's waterslide decals for each of them. Hope you like them.
  19. Are you looking for what is basically a hard drive mated to a special board, or do you want a whole Home Theater PC? If you want the whole PC attached to your TV it might be the simplest route as you can use your older hardware (but a newer videocard capable of outputting proper HD) to save a ton of cash.
  20. Wow... I must have been more traumatized than I thought. It's even worse. Even before the shot of Magnus with Galvatron between his legs we clearly see Devastator (as the same size as Soundwave to boot) next to Soundwave, and then in the next shot, the Constructicons are combining to be Devastator, only to be flattened by Broadside! What a quality episode! Edit: Also, crazy size changing galore!
  21. No... This one is litterally right in your face obvious... And like RD Blade said... "sung...and badly, I might add". Once was enough for me...
  22. Trust me, it's pretty screwy. There's some HUGE animation and character errors (like parts of combiners being in two places at once)...
  23. Carnage in C-minor anybody? My brother showed me that episode and I swear the writers AND animators were drunk and high when doing this episode.
  24. I don't have that problem: No car. I do have city transportation though, and a very beat up bag to put things (aka expensive) in. That and I glare at anybody on the bus. Also, Canada doesn't really have a black friday. We have boxing day... which pretty much sucked last year.
  25. Considering how good the regular Zeta plus MGs are (I have both), I really doubt it. But then again, this is Bandai...
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