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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. The original reason for the transformation was that the actual cabling to connect the cannon to the power plant on the ship was lost during the fold to Pluto. Since there wasn't any spare parts on the Macross to actually re-connect the cannon to the power, the ship's engineer came up with the transformation scheme in order to put the plugs next to the power plant. Also, just because 1km tall ships transforming and beating the crap out of each other just makes for cool TV.
  2. Thanks for the link Azrael. Like I said, I won't actually go with a dual boot unless I have to, but I will give VirtualBox a try first.
  3. Guess I won't know for sure until I make the leap. I might go with a dual boot system after all, depending on how things go. I know Dosbox will probably work, so thus the dos games I like to play (Wing Commander Privateer, Xcom) should still work.
  4. My understanding is that the emulation mode isn't a true emulation as some functions are left out. Apparently, It's more meant for getting the odd application that absolutely doesn't work with 7 to work on the PC, without resorting to a dual boot system.
  5. Considering that I play lots of older games (some as far back as 1990, but some in the 95-98 windows era), basically, all of them. But, I need to know if Steam and the games on it will work perfectly, and Fallout 1-3. If worse comes to worse, I might make my computer a dual boot; one for XP and one for 7.
  6. I'm going to be updating to windows 7 within the next few months, and I was wondering if I would have any problems (application/game compatability) with going with the 64 bit version as opposed to the 32 bit version. Basically I want to be able to use more than 2 gigs of RAM.
  7. I keep my models and Valks in a display case. And the shades are pulled in both of their locations (TV is nearby in one, and the computer is nearby in another). I haven't had anything yellow yet. I might be getting a PG GP-01, any thing I should know about the kit?
  8. You don't like the Zaku II? It's one of my favorite designs, and the 2.0 MGs make them look even better. I'm going to get around to building mine someday... Like the rest of my huge stash...
  9. No, it's not that, most video cards are either on a low power state (on your desktop, for example), or are in a full-power state (playing games). It's this stepping up that causes the majority of the heat to be generated. You can generate a bit more heat by getting your card to work harder, however.
  10. Looking pretty good. Is that the light up version of the kit?
  11. Probably not, but perhaps it can cruse close to mach 1 with all that stuff hanging off of it. Now, my big question is: Why?
  12. It's not that unusual for video cards to get that hot. My 4870 hits 80C with regularity, and it doesn't flinch. However, if you're noticing very odd things in your games within a few minutes of playing, then your card is overheating. Go and get a copy of GPU-Z and have it running in the background while you're playing a game, then Alt-Tab over to it to see what your temps are. ... And a quick check of my GPU's temperature shows that it's sitting at 71C... Idle. Hot. However, when I override the fan speed within the card drivers (to a 100% roar), I wind up with an idle of 40C within about 2 minutes.
  13. Finished watching all three Igloo series, and I gotta say, despite the weird facial expressions at times, I really liked it (using anime facial expressions on realistic looking faces was, well weird). Especially the final battle at Odessa in Igloo 2. Those Guntank prototypes need a model. Now. Oh, and I finally found out what my HTPC (recycled Athlon 3700 single core) couldn't do. 1080p video with a FLAC soundtrack. Stutter central. I might send the parts of my current PC over to it when I upgrade some time next year.
  14. If it's the fan afterall, you might be able to replace it yourself, if you can get to it. Getting a replacement fan should be easy, with ebay and all... But still, wouldn't hurt to back up everything, and then do daily backups, if you suspect something's going to bite the dust in there.
  15. Actually this formally happens in ZZ Gundam, with the ZZ Gundam itself (but it probably occurs in earlier series), but it can be traced to as far back as the original Gundam series, with the various parts of the Guncannon, Guntank, Gundam, and G-armour parts. I'm actually looking forward to this one. Hope for a V2 gunadm too.
  16. Popping noises are never good noises... Unless you're making popcorn, then NOT hearing popping noises is bad. It could be your fan or hard drive that's making the noises... Both of which is bad. Have you run a SMART test on the drive recently?
  17. The prices aren't bad at all, thanks! I may order a few things from them in the future... There's one other thing to keep in mind when ordering from HLJ (or anywhere else for that matter): The cost of the item after currency conversion: If it's less than $20, you should not be charged customs for it. If you are, fill out the appeal form that comes on the package, and mail it out. I did it when they charged me customs on a $10 model, and I got my money back. It's a hassle, but the onus is on you to catch these things.
  18. Well, like I said, it's a major change, and it's something that needs some careful thought. Like you said, what if you were to change your mind? That Predaking you mentioned, is not going to be cheap to replace (reissue or original), for example. There's also transformers in your collection that may have strong personal ties to you. For example, I would never part with my Hot Spot, because I got it from my father, and it was a major part of my child hood. Yes he's all beaten up, missing most of his parts, but that doesn't matter to me. Same thing with Sandstorm... Although, I stupidly lent it out to a kid who I thought was my "friend", and he never returned it to me... Again, I'm going to stress... Give it some MAJOR thought, before you pull the trigger.
  19. Why don't you sit on it for about a month before you do anything like that. It does represent a large portion of your life... And if you were going to sell them off, do it here, where you know they'll be getting good homes.
  20. Perhaps is a form of thrust reversing on turboprops? IE, the pilot landed, and didn't bother to rotate the props back to the "normal" orientation?
  21. You do realize the "kill switch" is probably XP (or Vista) itself getting corrupted with general use. The other kill switch could be wear and tear on the hard drive.
  22. Saw these three today. At the Battle of Britain ceremony, oddly enough.
  23. Actually, you might be able to, as many HDTVs have the standard VGA port on the back. What you'll really need is a videocard capable of putting out your TV's resolution (or seeing if the onboard video is good enough to do it). Oh, and you'll need a cable to route your sound to your tv, naturally.
  24. Micro ATX is great if you don't need to do SLI/Crossfire (usually they don't have that capability), and you don't need a slew of PCI or PCI-E slots. Other than that, it's a tiny, when compared to an ATX motherboard. They're also great for making home theater pcs. Then again, your old PC is also great for making it into a home theater PC. It's what I did with mine (with some minor purchases, video card, wireless, and a hard drive). Anybody remember BTX?
  25. Hmm... Well, it's not even 1 volt over the specs of the original battery that came with the netbook. I think it'll be safe to try... Assuming, of course, I don't get one that is defective in some way.
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