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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. Well, finally got my replacement video card yesterday. I've also got a bit of a cautionary tale for you too. In short, Canada Computers retail outlets are great. Fast service, and smart employees. Their online store is terrible. Poor/no communication, and any attempts at communication results in not being able to reach anybody. The only reason why I went with Canada Computers was because they had the card I wanted for sale that week. Now, I did get my video card, but it took over a week for them to even SHIP the darn thing.
  2. The more I looked into the Retron 5, the less I was liking it. My main issues with it were the death grip it had on the carts themselves, and the somewhat questionable build quality. The whole software stealing is another can of worms, and probably one I shouldn't open. The GPD XD looks pretty solid, and the reviews themselves praise the quality that went into it. I guess I'll take the plunge shortly.
  3. I was thinking of getting a Retron 5, but then I heard about the GPD XD (http://www.willgoo.com/gpd-xd-pocket-gaming-tablet-rk3288-quadcore-5-ips-p-637.html), and realized I'd rather retro game on the go (a huge plus for the commute). Has anybody got any experience with the device. I know it's basically an Android tablet, and that it's pretty good (as far as the internet reviews go), and that's pretty much it.
  4. This is why these types of restrictions are silly. People will either find ways around them, or just won't care to abide by them. The simple solution would be to not have these restrictions in place so that you could rake in more money in the end.
  5. I want to play Fallout 4, but, here in Canada, it's $80... And that's just too much. I know, that, at the moment, $59 US is about $80 CDN, but I still think this should have been priced $70 for the Canadian market. Same deal with X-Com 2. I think I'll be waiting for a sale, which might be in a month, knowing Steam.
  6. I ordered my Tie fighter through a guy that was selling it as the Thailand fighter. It was the real thing, and a fairly reasonable price too.
  7. I'm not looking too forward to tearing the card down... Also, I found out the fun way that my old 4870 isn't properly supported in Windows 10. 1074x768 4:3 looks butt ugly on a 50 inch screen... It also means no flight simming or Elite till I either fix (hopefully) the card or get a new toy. I can't do too much about the incoming dust. The pc is on a carpeted surface (sitting on a plank, however), and I have cats.
  8. Well, looks like my AMD 7970 might have bitten the dust. Had crashes and severe graphical glitches before the card crashes. Thought it was heat related (because what isn't?), and gave the card and the whole PC a good cleaning... Which resulted in longer periods of stability. I think, before I go and buy a shiny new (and EXPENSIVE) videocard, I think a good tear down and cleaning job might be in order...
  9. On the .ca site, I'm able to order the new Bandai Xwing from The Force Awakens.... At a crazy scalper price. I think I'll wait for the hype to die down.
  10. I can attest to the immersion of playing about 3 feet away from a 50 inch. If I had the budget, I would have gone with a larger higher resolution screen for my cockpit. Playing Elite on a big screen is tons of fun!
  11. And prices are creeping upwards (at least on Amazon.ca), so don't wait too long.
  12. This whole thing could also have been avoided by Bandai not agreeing to the licensing restrictions. But then we wouldn't have gotten the kits in the first place, and we wouldn't be having this problem. I really hope Disney is paying attention to all of this.
  13. Got the payment request for the X-wing, and paid for it. Looks like I'll get it after all!
  14. Good to see that HLJ will honour orders, so I should be able to get that X-wing, and ship the Y-Wing. I'd be rather upset if Disney forced HLJ to not ship my previously paid for Y-Wing (purchased around July, and private warehoused). I guess I'll find out in a bit how this will all go down, and I'm crossing my fingers for the payment email.
  15. Well, I just ordered (and will soon pay for) the 1:72 X-wing from Bandai. I'd better ship the Y-Wing too, before this silly restriction hits HLJ.
  16. What's so bad about approaching a "safety first" attitude to work? It's a dangerous enviroment around airplanes, and it's cheaper in the long run to be careful. Getting hurt sucks. Getting hurt (or worse, killed) and knowing that it could have been avoided with the right safety gear (and procedures too) sucks even more.
  17. Concorde is stup.... ALL GLORY TO CONCORDE.
  18. After spending about 30 hours or so in Elite: Dangerous, I think I can pass a verdict. It's great! With come catches. First, the great stuff. IT'S SPACE! It does really capture the vastness of space, and the feeling of making your own way in the galaxy. With time and money (as well as a fuel scoop), you can go just about anywhere in the galaxy. I had a blast just picking out a random star and just wandering over just to see what I could find. It's also really pretty to look at. The ships themselves fill various niches, and most can be made into quite competent ships well suited for their various purposes. If you have a Saitek X-55, there's a default control scheme built right into the game. All I had to do was reassign the yaw axis to my rudder pedals. If you don't have an X-55, then reassigning controls is nice and simple: Select the control, and push the button or key you want that control assigned to. The catch. There's no story. It's literally, here's 1000 credits, a ship, and the galaxy. Off you go. Also, you don't really know what you're getting into when you select an assassination mission worth 80,000 credits. You might get lucky and your target is flying a wimpy ship... Or there might be something armed to the teeth that will destroy you in 3 seconds flat (hint: Don't do combat missions with the basic Sidewinder armed with the basic weapons, you'll fail hard). Missions are very generalized, as they're randomly generated, a consequence of the lack of story. This is not entirely bad, as you usually wind up going places you've never been to. One other thing that bugs me. Why do I need a permit to enter the Sol system? All I want to do is buzz the rings of Saturn! The bad. Micro-transactions. Want to put a different paint scheme on your ship? Pay up! It isn't cheap either, since the ship paint schemes are in British Pounds. As I write this, the Canadian Dollar is worth about half of a British Pound, so a 5 pound paint pack costs about $10 or so in the end. It wouldn't be so bad if the paint apps were about 1 pound or less. However, most of the paint packages get you 6 different looks for one ship, so it's entirely up to you if you want a red Cobra. In short, I think the game is really worth the $69.99 CAD initial price tag. Considering that it's in a state of evolution (much like Diablo 3), the game does get better as time goes on. Given that this game is available on Steam, you can always wait for a sale if you're on the fence.
  19. I do wonder if the amount of DLC would have been in the game in the first place in the pre digital marketplace. I remember when DLC used to be called expansion packs and be something very different.
  20. This is pretty much what I do with game purchases these days. I haven't preordered (or day one purchase) a game since Fallout 3. Steam's sales are easily the best part of the platform. To be fair, however, due to inflation, games have gotten cheaper for the most part. I remember how 20 years ago games were $49.99-59.99, for the most part.
  21. They are, with an optional legends figure that usually ties into a team.
  22. Should have known... I've only seen the movie once years ago. I think I should get myself a copy.
  23. In the ones that properly simulate a reflector gunsight, the reticule does partially or totally vanishes as your head is bashed about the cockpit. I wouldn't mind owning a real WW2 vintage reflector gunsight. Those things are cool.
  24. Done! It's been fun playing Elite, IL-2 and DCS (among others) in this thing!
  25. That's way beyond my ability to build! One other issue cropped up in final assembly: cable management...
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