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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. I'm giving it some very serious thought as to making a 'pit. It's going to involve one whole side that's hinged (so I can get in and out easily, the G940, a 24 inch monitor (if I had the cash, a projector), and fold out keyboard and mouse. They'll fold away so they'll be out of the way when needed to be out of the way.
  2. I play alot of flight sims and other games that use a hotas a control option (Mechwarrior 4, Freespace, you get the idea), and my X-52 is starting to act up, so I'm in the market for a good set of sticks.
  3. It could if you stripped it of all weapons, pulled the RIO out, and yanked the FAST packs off... But probably only for the first minute or so. Remember, the Shuttle weighs several million pounds, and it's going pretty much straight UP. A MiG-25 would have a good shot at it too.
  4. Ebay auction I've been looking at getting a logitech G940 for a while now, and this is the cheapest I've seen it. I'm wondering if it's some sort of scam... The lowest locally (Ottawa) I've seen it is $366 CAD.
  5. Great video! I especially like the cockpit views. They're really jiggling the stick to maintain formation... Now, does anybody recognize the song?
  6. It's one of the side effects of using an online service like steam. To be fair, I've only experienced the inability to play my games when I want about 2 or 3 times since I've started using steam, which I got when I bought Half-Life 2. Some games, you can actually bypass steam and play them by finding the executable in the steam folder in your hard drive. I know this works for the first two X-com games. All in all, I like steam quite a bit. I just set up my downloads, and I go to bed.
  7. To me, "non-scale" means "work it out for yourself". I would not be surprised if somebody has already worked it out.
  8. It was also suprisingly comfortable to sit in too. I could have sat in it all day with no problems. Makes me want to build a pit for myself.
  9. Right on both images! Although, our UAV seems to be missing the canards in the picture at wikipedia... must be a different version.
  10. Anybody have any idea as to what this drone is? Seems to be a new one at the Museum... Also, bonus: What cockpit is this?
  11. I think I found my new weapon loadouts. Rotary autocannons. They're EVIL! I can just barely mount 6 of them on a 100 tonner. They chew through armour like nobody's buisness.
  12. Got me working again on my Viper Mk2... The stripe decal for the nose just broke up... I think I'll just paint the nose tip red. Tamiya's red seems to be a good match. Nice viper!
  13. I'd consider the Patriot media box too. Better remote, the ability to put a hard drive IN the unit, built in bit-torrent, optional wireless (with a dongle), and I'm sure a few more that I don't remember. I've got it, and I love it. Patriot Media player page My brother has the Western Digital box, and he likes his too.
  14. You can hook a PSP-2000 up to a TV. It has the port to do it. Also, the current custom firmware I'm using for my PSP allows me to play games requiring firmware 6.20. Also, thanks to some good tutorials I found online, my 2000 PSP was pretty easy to hack. I had PS1 games playing on it within about an hour after I had the battery charged.
  15. Well, the custom firmware will take care of that. I've got Final Fantasy 7, Xenogears, Megaman X5, Chrono Cross, Ridge Racer 4, Star Ocean 2, and Gundam Battle Assault 2 on my PSP, courtesy of my disks. It's simple, and the only downside is that they take up so much space on the memory stick... If Sony released ALL of their titles from the Playstation era for, say, $2 a title, I wouldn't have gone the hacking route for my PSP.
  16. Managed to get a new PSP 2000 with a hackable motherboard yesterday. It's great being able to play my PS1 games on the go. Any sugestions as to what PSP games I should get (aside from God of War)?
  17. That is pretty unique for a Raptor. Hope you find some more.
  18. Got back from seeing it, and I gotta say, I like what I saw. Hit Girl was awesome.
  19. You could always buy one, and get the other one later. I don't think the 5970s will be too picky about who made that particular 5970.
  20. Really? I thought it was the self-destruct button that was mistakenly labeled "weapon arm".
  21. I think you'll be better off with the cheaper primer. You'll get more for your buck. Just make sure that it won't attack the plastic you're using.
  22. True... But then again, hybrid technology was supposed to be exlusive to the cylons, not the human fleet. That and battlestars are supposed to take a licking and keep on ticking. I'm just pointing out the probable theory as to why the base is near a black hole. It limits how you can jump in, and thus, gives the defender an expectation as to where the enemy is likely to be. I'm pretty sure only the insane would even try to jump into the area that's not protected by the basestars as there's the black hole to contend with, as well as all that debris. Remember what happened to one of the raptors that jumped into a mountain during the rescue on Caprica. Imagine jumping in, and finding your XO's head sticking out of a boulder in the CIC.
  23. It's because it prevents you from jumping in from anywhere. It forces you to jump into a sphere of guns. All pointing at you.
  24. WM, my local hobby shop is selling it for $29.99 CAD, and they've had it since last thursday. I can get you one and ship it to you if you'd like.
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