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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. All this advance tech blowing up due to overloading makes me wonder if circuit breakers (or their sci-fi equivilent) went out of style. Oh well, there's always another red shirt ready to do his/her's duty!
  2. Perhaps the plot armour rusted?
  3. Wow. That's tiny. And impressive! I'm working on the Trumpeter 1:32 P-40. I saw a hobbycraft reboxing that came with the Flying Tigers decals, and I picked it up. Not correcting the cockpit, as it looks OK to me. Since I'm on vacation this week, I'm trying to get it done.
  4. So, you then approve of the 360 cockpits from the later UC Gundam series (even if they don't appear to make sense some of the time)?
  5. Hmm, now that you mention it, I don't remember any sort of crosshairs projected on the viewscreen of the vipers... Although, what the vipers could be using for aiming reticules are the old style WW2 projected gunsights. If your head isn't in the exact right spot, you aren't going to see a reticule. However, it's more likely that the animators forgot to draw one in...
  6. At the time, most space sim games didn't deal with newtonian physics (the exception being the independence war series). I consider that to be a good thing, as it allows you to focus on the action. I used to load up my fighter with the Maxim cannons and blast away at the cap ships from a good distance. I really didn't like flak and anti-fighter beams... Also, remember Starlancer? That was a pretty good game too.
  7. How about the designs from the two Freespace games? Remember the Herc? Heck, remember the insane space battles with beams flying everywhere and you're in the middle of all of it, going "Please, please, please don't let me get pasted by a beam!!!!" I love Freespace. And I love Freespace 2 open and all of it's updates.
  8. Have you tried Chrome? I gave it a shot a while back, and while it wasn't my cup of tea, it wasn't bad either.
  9. So, you plan on recycling what you can from your previous rig? I mean, 5-600 is a tight budget. You're going to need at least $200 (more or less) for a CPU, and about $150 for the Mobo. Don't forget that RAM will take up the rest of the cash... If you can squeeze about $1000, or even $800, you've got some more flexibility. If you wait a few weeks, you may be able to get some nice "back to school" deals, which will help you out.
  10. Well, my Core Duo 8400 and Radeon 4870 (1 Gig RAM version) are still perfectly fine for everything I play. This system is almost 3 years old. Fallout 3 no problems, Dragon Age no problems, Mass Effect 2 no problems. You'll do very well with either ATI's or Nvidia's top of the line card (or slightly below top of the line), a good Intel CPU, and 4+ gigs of RAM.
  11. There were a couple of F-14s in the background too... But the Hornets got the role of cannon fodder...
  12. Unless they give Frankenhornet a brother, it'll be one less... According to Wikipedia we've got 123 in service, but those numbers are from 2003... I'd say we've got about 100 in active service at the moment.
  13. Don't you mean the Bee Gees? I was following this one on ARC's forums, and I'm glad to see that the pilot is ok. Now, I'm wondering if the RCAF will attempt to put this plane back together...
  14. Yikes. Given how much there is there, Ebay would be the best bet. Time consuming, but he would probably make his full $20000, possibly more. I know I would buy a couple of them...
  15. It's a digital signal. In theory, you could cut the cable, splice in a piece, and it will still work, with no difference from the un-spliced cable. With an analog cable (S-video for example), you could splice the cable, but you WILL loose signal strength due to the increased distance. With HDMI there is a distance limit, but it will work just fine up to that point, and then it won't work at all.
  16. It shouldn't. A HDMI interface is digital. It's either going to work, or it won't work at all. Heck, if you even wanted to, you could cut the cable in two, and splice in a section, and, as long as you didn't make a mistake, the signal will still get through.
  17. I just got a Samsung P2770HD monitor for my computer. Question: Is there supposed to be a minor halo around text in extreme contrast situations? Or is it something I'm missing? It's hooked to my computer via HDMI.
  18. Just how close are you to the TV? You may have gotten the grain down to the minimum, but you're so close that you're able to see the grain still.
  19. Couple more shots from the airshow of the Snowbirds.
  20. Thanks. I pretty much set my camera on "machine-gun" mode, and hoped for the best (and ISO 400, to keep the shutter speed up). Lots of crappy shots...
  21. Went to my first airshow... EVER! Today. Had a blast, and took about... Well, many, many pictures. Here's some of them. I was pretty close to the F-86 as they started it up... It was... loud.
  22. Neat! Any idea on the release date? I acually have the main body for this one (missing pretty much all the parts, though), and I would like to get more G1 combiners... Without paying the G1 price.
  23. Have you considered emailing HLJ before you actually ordered your stuff? I'm sure if you explain your dillema to them, along with what you're getting, they'll probably help you out. Heck, I'm not in this buisness, but it seems to me, that if a customer was about to order $200 of stuff, and asked me to split it up, I'd help him out. Sure he'll pay more for shipping in the end, but it'll get the loyalty of that customer.
  24. Don't hold your breath. I do have the room, but not the cash to buy everything. It's probably something I'm going to build some time down the road.
  25. Getting a lock on a blackbird is no big deal. What you really, really need to accomplish is having your missle get there before it runs out of fuel. Then, I would salute the pilot who pulled off that kill.
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