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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. It's how F-16's reproduce. Eventually, that'll be another jet, and it'll split off of the original. F-16s with CFTs are fugly. Interesting, but I like the look of a F-16 with minimal loadout. Full rounds for the guns, and a couple of missiles.
  2. Now that is news to wake up to! Gonna call the local hobby shop and tell them to order one!
  3. I've got cracks on both arms... Hmm, time for the superglue.
  4. Actually, I could see them doing something like what Star Trek II did with Spock. Remember, at the time, it leaked out that Spock was going to die in the film. So what the film did was "kill" him in the simulator, put the audience at ease, and then REALLY kill him off later in the movie. Still Michel's valk was totalled. I wonder how many laps that got him? Just finished watching it. Not bad, had a bit of a chuckle at all the segways in the movie (it only took 50 years, and a near extinction event for the things to become popular), was a little bit put off by the fanservice, enjoyed the mecha action. Looking forward to the next movie.
  5. Animated Ratchet is a shelf warmer at my store, and he's marked down to clear. Heck, when I was doing inventory a couple of days ago, I came a cross a shipping box full of TRA deluxes. Given the contents, they're probably some of the earlier waves of toys.
  6. Heh. I'm getting a 5.7 due to my hard drive too. Everything else is in the 7.5 to 7.6 range. Honestly, the only way that score is going to improve is if I put a solid state drive in the PC and use it as a boot drive. But I'd rather use that giant wad of cash to build a new PC (which is exactly what I did).
  7. Not quite. The backpack is different, and so are the back of the legs. But it is 95% recycled from the Char's Zaku II PG. It was made because it was a cheap retool. That and it's a Zaku. There's tons of variants in the MG line...
  8. Update to the Newegg price changes. They're giving me a $45 gift card good for 90 days. I think I'll get that extra 4 Gigs of RAM now. So far, the 1090T hasn't even blinked. This thing is a pretty good improvement over the old E8400 (both cores slightly overclocked to 3.25 Ghz). I'm pretty sure I can get the CPU to go to 4.4 Ghz with some volt mods, and getting the CPU to stay cool. Apparently, the 1090T does not like to go above 55 degrees celcius when under load...
  9. Built me a new computer with a signing bonus I got recently. AMD 1090T OCed to 4.03 GHz 4 Gigs of DD3 Ram (gonna get another 4 gigs later) Asus Crosshair IV Formula Biggest Zalman cooler I could get. I recycled my videocard (ATI 4870 1 Gig version), optical and hard drives. Ordered everything off of Newegg.ca. And not about 2 hours (and the same day that I got the parts) after the computer has been built, I found out the 1090T dropped from 297.99 to 252.99... I'm gonna try and recover that $45. It I can't, I'll be one VERY unhappy customer. Also, the motherboard managed to get the CPU to 4.2 GHz (stock speed is 3.2 GHz), but backed it down to 3.9. I put it back to just over 4 Ghz myself. Hottest the CPU gets is 45 degrees Celcius. One other thing: If you're using the Zalman "flower" type coolers, be VERY careful. Those copper blades are razor sharp. Luckly, I didn't cut myself this time.
  10. I think Gundam Unicorn takes place after Char's Counterattack. If it does...
  11. Somewhat. You'll use most of the MG for the conversion, and then use the conversion pieces to turn it into whatever the resin kit converts. It WILL require painting.
  12. "Welcome to your doom!" Altered Beast on the old Sega Genesis, in all it's garbled glory!
  13. One other thing: Make sure BEFORE you bring your camera with you that the venue allows cameras to be brought in. Some do, some don't.
  14. You could always wear headgear that gives you +1 to your P stat. I'm playing New Vegas, and I'm having a freaking blast.
  15. I'm working on the HGUC Delta Plus (really hoping for a MG sometime soon), and I'm wondering what would be a good match for the blue-grey body colour in Tamiya paints? I've tried matching the greys I've got, but they're either too grey (light or dark), or not blue enough. I know the obvious thing is to mix paints myself, but if Tamiya has a colour out there that's close, I'd rather buy a tin. I've browsed through tamiya's website and paint selection, but given that the blue on the site looks really like teal (despite the sample paint jar below looking correct), I don't trust the colour chips on the site.
  16. Interesting. I didn't know Canada was getting carriers again. Knowing my government, we'll get the F-35C with all the extra stuff it won't need. At least it'll hold up to abuse from students!
  17. Wewe, I think you should choose... Other things, for size comparisons. Like a ruler. Nice battroid mode though. Also, that is one poor quality photo...
  18. Two more shots from the CF-188 crash that were posted over at ARC by areophoto. I still think that pilot is the luckiest guy in the world to have gotten out of that crash.
  19. The hallways on the Galactica are also big enough to get a Viper through. Although, you may have to take the wings and vertical stablizer off to fit the body through the hallway. It was mentioned in the miniseries when they had to get the vipers from the museum to the operational pod.
  20. A question: Has anybody tried using waterslide decals as paint masks? I'm working on an AVG Flying Tigers P-40, and the painting diagrams show that the green splotches on the wings have a circular cutout where the old RAF roundel used to be. I'm thinking of applying the RAF roundels, masking off the brown, and then spray the green on. When it has dried a bit, I'll peel off the decals with some tape. I'm wondering if it's going to work perfectly, or am I just heading for a HUGE headache?
  21. Given how other fighters in the Russian airforce looks, I'd say probably. I don't think it's too big a deal from a low observation design, as it's on the top of the plane, and thus shielded from view by simple geometry (from a ground radar point of view).
  22. Does this mean the techs have to be hoisted from above just to work on the plane? Pretty much 90% of the upper surface is a no go area... Nice camo job though.
  23. I'm looking at the red one there, and... I see the cockpit and partial nose cone from a VF-1. Am I seeing things, or am I like those people who see the hory floating head in objects?
  24. I went and downloaded my copy of Descent 1 and Descent 2 from GOG.com, and Descent 1 has some graphical issues when played in full screen, but they dissapear when I play it in windowed mode. Descent 2 seems to work just fine in full screen mode. If you really want to play them again, go over to GOG.com and buy yourself a copy. $5.99 gets you Descent 1 and Descent 2. EDIT: I just found the DXX-Rebirth project. Aside from the lack of CD music in Descent 2, this makes the games work PERFECTLY in Windows 7 64 bit. And makes them look retro-pretty. I think I'm gonna waste a few more hours on these games. Edit 2: The website: http://www.dxx-rebirth.com/ Edit 3: This also makes Descent 1 and 2 much more playable on my little netbook. Dosbox isn't entirely netbook friendly... Emulation on top of limited horsepower is never good for results.
  25. Ahh... Descent, how I used to play you to death. You can get it at GOG.com for pretty cheap (and I think you get Descent 2 as well).
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