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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. Isn't that a little overkill? Yes, radiation is bad for you, but really, will eating and drinking slightly radioactive food hurt you? Probably not. Then again, I think I just gave myself my own answer...
  2. "Poor painting skill"? Holy smokes, and a few words that I'm sure will get me banned, that is GLORIOUS!
  3. That's... Oddly hilarious, and accurate. The crazy thing is, is that equating a meltdown with breach of containment to a leaky diaper makes a for a good analogy.
  4. Well, somebody got shot down in Lybia. Judging by the picture on CNN, it looks like a MiG-23 or MiG-27.
  5. I'm gonna have to end that. Ever since I saw DYRL? (in it's wonderfully crappy Clash of the Bionoids dub), I wanted that SDF-1. Glad that Yamato made the 1:3000 version.
  6. I just love how they mention it's 20X or some number above normal, and not tell you how much normal is... Stupid fear-mongering... Honestly, I'm not worried.
  7. I'm not a religious man, but, please God, don't let this suck. Let the whole movie be as awesome as the trailer. Please!
  8. It's called Treasure Gold, made by Plaid. The colour is called 3010 Classic Gold. I was watching a friend of mine using it to put a gold sheen on some crafts, and a light went off in my head. I found it at Michael's. With this stuff, surface prep is key, as any blemish will show up very easily. The scratches you see in the picture above isn't the rub, it's the plastic. EDIT: Also, not sure how durable this stuff is, so if you need to paint another colour on this stuff, you may want to seal it with a topcoat first.
  9. A test I did with a sacrifice Sabre. The left wing has the gold rub, and the right wing was airbrushed with Tamiya gold leaf. I think the gold rub looks much better, but the plastic must be as smooth and as perfrect as possible. Much of the scratches are quite visible.
  10. Sounds like a 6000 SUX. Working on a Golden Hawks Sabre. And it's not going to be painted (except for a few small areas). I'm using a gold rub paste I found at the local craft store that's a match for the paint used on the real plane. Looks much better than Tamiya's gold leaf.
  11. Got me a Wreck-Gar! He's awesome! Now I need another Wreck-Gar to ride Wreck-Gar in bike mode.
  12. I picked up a PG zeta back when it was on sale on HLJ. Anything I should know about the kit? Any pitfalls, finicky bits? I'm nearing completion on the Galactica, and I'm thinking of doing this kit next.
  13. I've been using superglue to attach the small parts. I put a small quantity of superglue in a small container, and use a toothpick to put a small amount where I need it. Keeps the mess and accidents away. I love my SDF-1, but I don't want to walk into emergency with it attached to my hand...
  14. I would have cheered waterslide decals. At least an "01" and an "02" for the ARMDs.
  15. I've got a table from Ikea, and it too is pine. It's soft, so over the years that I've had it, it's picked up its share of dents. Mind you, I'm always putting stuff on it... Just go to your local Ikea, and poke at it!
  16. I picked mine up yesterday... And the manual is mis-cut (as in the pages weren't centered when they cut them apart). Other than that, it's a great piece.
  17. Wow. Somebody has an axe to grind. Wonder how much of that video is true...
  18. Badger may not have dropped a Patriot in my lap, but my brother did drop a Patriot in my lap on Christmas Morning. I have an awesome brother!
  19. DUDE! Very nice! Makes me wish Badger dropped a patriot in my lap as a gift.
  20. You might want to consider weathering Galactica based on the results of the LDEF experiment the shuttle did in the mid 80s-1990. It was a schoolbus sized cylinder that was left in orbit, and then brought back to see how different materials handled space exposure. LDEF photos Might give you some ideas. To be honest, though, I'm not sure how you would do solar exposure, as most of the show takes place in deep space, away from a serious source of light. A Pegasus, in scale with Galactica, would be awesome. On a serious note, how big would that be, anyways? Oh and on culttvman's website, the Viper MK 7 is up for pre-order. Comes sometime in 2011. I recall seeing at Cylon Centurion (new type) in the works too...
  21. HLJ has a PG sale going on. Got me a PG zeta (finally)! Also, the Fedex sale is still going on, so it's a double saving bonanza!
  22. I'm hoping that somebody takes the plunge and either gets me Battlestar Galactica on Blu-Ray, or gets me the DA 35 f2.4 (camera lens). If they don't, well, there's always hoping that somebody puts them for sale on Boxing Day (think Black Friday, but the day after Christmas).
  23. More progress pictures of the Galactica. The lighter grey is tough to show photographically, as I'm trying to go for subtle, but a bit of underexposure helps, to make it more obvious. Thank goodness, I wrote down the Tamiya colour codes on the instruction manual... I'm still wondering why I'm doing this, and then I watch the liberation of New Caprica... You know, the hot drop! Oh and 505, I tried having the bays retracted, and they don't fit in the pod openings on the side of the ship. You can get them 3/4 of the way in, but some surgery will be needed to get them to properly tuck in. Oh, and how beat up are you planning to have the Galactica? Post-final jump (aka Battlestars don't bend that way!), or pre-Cylon colony assault (aka Bring it ON!)? Also, you may want to consider paling the colours, as the ship would have colour fading all over it, due to solar exposure.
  24. Current progress on the Big G. Gonna do a multi tone grey for the ship. A base coat of a dark grey, a lighter grey for the armour panels, and then a random pattern of greys, to break up the two-tone grey scheme. This is followed by the red stripes, and decals. Lots, and lots of masking down the line... Tamiya, and 3M are going to be very happy with me... EDIT: After I've painted up the second set of panels on the nose of the Galactica, I'm wondering what the heck came over me when I decided to do this multi-tone paint scheme... I don't think I'll have this done until sometime next year...
  25. Why not? The Thunderbirds practiaclly stack them in mid-air... Mind you, the image of a F-16 with a pacifier in the intake, a rattler on a missile rail, and a bonnet atop it's canopy does bring a big smile to my face.
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