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Everything posted by VF-19

  1. Yup. I like model rockets... However, finding big enough fields to launch them from is a little bit of a pain. That, and I'm nearby the Ottawa Aviation Museum, so I need to do a sky scan before I hit the launch button. It won't do to spear a plane with a rocket. I'm eyeing the Saturn V that was recently re-released. Dunno if I want to get it though.
  2. Although, buying used makes a little bit of sense if you're planning on abusing the system for whatever reason, if you can get the parts for really cheap or free.
  3. Buying used is like buying anything used: As long as the last owner didn't abuse it, it should be OK. I overclock my CPUs (currently my AMD 1090T is runing at 3.9 Ghz, up from stock 3.2 Ghz), and for that reason, I will not sell it to anybody, as I consider overclocking a mild form of abuse, even though the CPU was designed to do it.
  4. I borrowed my bother's copy of The Thing... Holy hell, is this a GREAT movie! Seriously, how is it that I've never watched this movie before?
  5. On the fence, but pre-ordered it on HLJ, since I can always back out if I get cold feet, or if I don't like the final look.
  6. It's also up for pre-order on HLJ... Still too expensive for me. Hoping for a sale!
  7. Well, the wings could be considered kibble, but they fold up so neatly onto his back, so I'm not sure if it qualifies as kibble.
  8. Picked up Skyhammer from the Mechtech line. I think it's one of the best helicopter transformers (with exception to the whole mechtech thing). Neat thing is, is that when he's in bot mode he doesn't look too much like a helicopter, except for the rotor across his chest.
  9. Been going on a nostalgia trip with Gog.com's release of Wing Commander I and II! I love those games!
  10. VF-19

    HLJ's Macross sale.

    Must stay away. Must stay away. Must stay away.
  11. A heads up: On Amazon.ca the Battlestar Galactica Blu-Ray set is on sale for $107.99 CDN. Today only. Got mine, and now I want to watch it. NOW!
  12. I usually pop in a pair of contacts if I'm going to watch a 3D movie.
  13. Wasn't the A1 and C1 a Version 1.5? They hold together quite well in both modes... You could kitbash one of those with the original Zeta.
  14. It's funny, as the F-91 line of kits did have waterslides... Personally, I didn't mind that they were charging 400 yen for the waterslides, and not only that, if you bought them with a kit, they didn't add anything to the shipping costs.
  15. I really want to like it, but the feet really kills the battroid mode for me, it just looks too off. I know it's so that fighter mode looks right, but the Bandai Hi-metal does it better in the foot department. Might get it if it goes on sale, though.
  16. Call me crazy, but I cancelled my pre-order on HLJ. I'd rather wait for it to be on sale later. Plus the feet in battroid mode really, really bother me.
  17. This whole incident kinda makes me glad I installed CFW on my PSP, and ripping my PS1 disks to play my PS1 games on my PSP...
  18. I personally paint the backing silver, and then put a layer of clear colour. Works pretty well.
  19. Given that this is Bandai, they probably can come up with a way. Would you tolerate multiple on/off switches on the Unicorn, or would you rather have one switch on it?
  20. Got my hands on a second Wreck-Gar. Now I've got Wreck-Gar riding another Junkion, and it looks pretty good. He clips in neatly onto the seat of the second figure.
  21. Apparently, more than we already have. I swear, it's almost as bad as the variations of Batman out there...
  22. Got back from it. It's not bad, enjoyable, but needed a little bit of revision and clarity in the script department.
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