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    Planet Skepticon

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I had problems logging in to Samurai Monkey as well - but once I re-registered I was all set. Cap'n - you can count me in for one of these if the preorder list is still open.
  2. Robb, you're gonna love this one. I just got mine, and it's got my super jazzed. I may even drop everything and start building it this weekend (once chores are done)
  3. Get some cheap synthetic hair brushes in the shape you want and let some paint dry in them. Voila - perfect for drybrushing. ... which is why I have a desk full of drybrushing brushes, nd not a daggone 00 shader I can use to paint with .....
  4. I go to beauty supply stores - places that cater to women wanting to buff themselves to precision - and get the various nail sanding/shaping sticks. Nail polish too - the stuff is just thick lacquer paint, and comes in some really groovy colors (especially pearlescents) not readily available in hobby shops.
  5. Well, I'd be in for a couple if it ain't too late. I really should read this board more often.....
  6. With grayson's permission, I'll keep them in production as long as there is interest
  7. That would be me as well. As far as the limited run goes, I could probably take at least 5 (and prolly ten) for the Starship Modeler Store - especially if you could get them to me before May 15 2k6. eMail me if that's of any interest.
  8. Well, if you're up for that, eMail or call me (Jesse has my number) and we can talk details
  9. I'd like to get 25 .... but I figure you'd sell about that many here, and there'd be no customers left over to go to SSM and buy one. And $85 is a bit pricey to be sitting gathering dust on my shelves here at the Galactic Control Center... .. even though $85 is a darn reasonable price for this kit, especially if it now comes with decals. http://www.starshipmodeler.com/mecha/jb_booster.htm ^ Gundamhead's review of the first issue.
  10. Count me in for one, please
  11. onezero


    It's almost certainly gonna bust the bank but ......... count me in. Instead of ABS, why not make the barrels from turned brass/aluminum? I might could get someone to do that - an utter mechanut who works in a machine shop - PM or better yet, eMail me if that idea appeals to you. onezero@aol.com
  12. I've used lacquer thinner. Apparently, denatured alcohol also works.
  13. For artists oil paints, the best thing to thin them with is "odorless brush cleaner/oil paint solvent", available where artists oil paints are sold. Been using the stuff for years now. It won't attack properly cured enamel or acrylic paints.
  14. Sterolithography can take pretty much any shape from a file (Autocad or similar, not an image like a JPG) and make it solid. As coby stated, it ain't cheap and the result still needs a lot of clean up (the computer "draws" the form in increments so you don't get a smooth line, but rather a series of steps). The resin used is extremely hard and extremely brittle and is a major league pain in the butt to sand smooth. Then there's the production costs. What'll kill you is the amount of rubber needed to make the molds, as that's the most expensive component. $65 US/gal for the stuff I used, just as a comparison. When I send my 1/1000 Enterprise conversions out for casting I generally spend $500-800 to have 25 made. Those are small kits, much smaller than your 1/48 Valk. A shop with a rotocaster can make the parts hollow, using a special type of resin. Otherwise, it's a person tumbling the mold until everything sets (which means it can't be pressure cast). Alternatively, you make the parts in two halves - but that ups your rubber cost as you need more molds.
  15. Just one other question ---- where did the message with the link to the instructions go? I forgot to download them.
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