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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. Super-sized Macross Ohsato cards!
  2. Some of my Macross cels....
  3. What happend with the last market research regarding the Prometheus and Deadelus for the 1/3000 SDF-1...that is all that is needed for a Macross the First SDF-1...oh and how a bout a new Macross the First VF-1D...think the paint scheme is the same on that one...new head though...sounds like it would be a good Yamato webshop exclusive.....
  4. Has there been an official color pic of the Macross The First SDF-1 released anywhere? Wonder if the colors are more movie-like or TV-like? I would assume the paint scheme for the Prometheus and Daedalus would remain the same....who knows...they have taken many liberties on the paint and designs for other mecha on MTF....
  5. In the page containing the hi-metal valkyries....there is a box that seems to contain the entire skull squadron....is that some mail away for just the box or are they planning on releasing a skull squadron 4 pack???
  6. Did you receive any info based on our collective responses from Yamato regarding the P and D add-ons? Still want a P and D....it would seem the original TV version SDF-1 has become a victim of Lucas-style revisionism and will probably never again be made into a high-end type collectible ...so like or not movie style SDF-1 is the only choice....with the remake of the original TV story on the pages of Macross the First....I can live with a movie style SDF-1 with TV P and D.....heck I think even the animated SDF-1 in the recent pachinko game is a movie style SDF-1 with P and D....and it looks great... : )
  7. Macross the First version SDF-1 please.... Has a color pic of the SDF-1 from Macross the First been printed anywhere yet? I only have the first 3 issues of Macross Ace and I did not see one....a P and D in the same color scheme as the movie version would be nice...assuming that the SDF-1 in Macross the first is not painted to resemble the SFD-1 from the original series...same for the P and D. BTW, have Yamato release a Macross the First VF-1D also....or perhaps a mail-away head? Maybe a P, D and VF-1D head "Macross the First pack/giveaway" for the fans?
  8. I have not seen any color pics of the SDF-1 as it appears in the Macross the First managa...however, it would seem it is a "movie" versionSDF-1 with the D and P attached to it rather than the ARMD ships....So why not just release it as a Macross the First version? sdf1macross the first.bmp
  9. First post ever...funny it is not about Macross.... I know this is extrapolation, but being that the ending sort of leaves everything open to interpretaion...is it possible that if you take the ALT reality as face-value (purgatory/waiting area/cleansing area/not ready to go into the light area)...that everyone else in it is basically also dead and just "working things" out....if so, then perhaps Jack's son is also doing the same....we just do not know his background story...perhaps he never had a dad...and in this "waiting area" he has the dad he always wanted.....the whole thing sort of reminds me of the movie Jacob's Ladder or An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge....... Some of the things that I still do not understand are the following: Who were Widmore and Eloise? Why were they fearful and/or wanted to possess the islands power...and did they really know what it really represented? What did Widmore tell the fake Locke? How did Widmore know how to contain the smoke monster? (for this I am beginning to think that Widmore was a descendant of some of the initial island inhabitants who happened to "discover" that the islands pockets of electromagnetism kept them "safe" from the smoke monster...again, since this was not explained it is all open to interpretation)... Why did Jacob reappear as a boy? Illana and her team.....who were they really? They sort of reminded me of that secret society that protected the Holy Grail in the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade movie..... Why did the MIB have to die? I still do not think he was evil...he was just a victim of circumstance....I would have preferred that (after he lost his "powers")....he would have been allowed to leave the island with Sawyer, kate, etc on the plane...he could have returned to the REAL world and just live the rest of his life as LOCKE....no one would have known.....except Kate, Sawyer, Miles, Richard and Lapidis that were on the plane.....I feel sorry for him, what happened to his mom, and what he became....we never even found out his real name All in all, I was satisfied with the ending...I think the show set a high standard and will be hard to top......
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