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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. Those appear to be on the BD.....the seminars are not....so still I guess I'll need to wait until someone posts them on YouTube as I cannot watch them from the US
  2. It'd be best to keep some smelling salts in your medicine cabinet....you may be needing them....
  3. I'd settle for the MtF compromise for now..... : p
  4. Any shop making it available to customers outside of Japan has to have a markup.....a higher markup probably means they did not place "early-bird" orders at a 5% or 10% discount......or did and just want to make a bigger profit. Hopefully, Yamato will have come up with a production figure that will meet the demands of these shops placing multiple orders.....personally, since I just had one ordered direct, I hope Yamato fills single orders first, then everyone that ordered multiples after all single orders are fullfilled.......sorry if this offends anyone, but under different circumstances...these shops are basically the "scalpers" everyone is always complaining about......
  5. Dude...I wouldn't even know how to start!!! That's where you come in.....
  6. I dunno....the VF-1 is Yamato's bread and butter "valk".......with the release of the Cavalier VF....using the Master File scheme rather than the TV "canon"....I feel it is a safe bet that we will eventually see more Prometheus and ARMD squadrons produced, maybe not mass releases though....
  7. I believe an enterprising "nut" will make this happen.....
  8. Next web-sclusive....
  9. As long as you are in Japan?
  10. Any easter eggs been reported or confirmed?
  11. Again....without taking money up front.....I doubt Yamato will take a chance and just produce them based on the orders received......lots of things can happen between now and when the cash is due....and many people that are pre-ordering now may not come through with the payment.....so I think Yamato already has a number in mind...it will produce that number....a number it feels it can still make a profit on (thus the sticker price) even if all are not bought from their webshop.....and hopefully that number is either more than or equal to the number that actually get paid for when payment is due.......Yamato made this a limited item because it does not think it will sell as well as its more popular offerings......it is what it is
  12. ..don't forget the Alaska base VF-1A and the Max and Millia wedding ceremonial guard VF-1D!!! yep......plenty more "unseen" VF-1 fighter squadrons from SDFM are shown in the VF-1 Master File book....they did the "cavaliers"...may as well release the rest!
  13. PM sent on Komiria capsule
  14. Is it 1/60 scale?
  15. So now that Yamato has finally made many a dream come true with the release (well by end of year) of the VF-4......what's next? I'm thinking that Yamato's release of the almost $400 VF-4 means anythng goes.....so with that said.....I think we will see the rest of the Sound Force.....Varuta valks.....Vf-5000 and VA-3C from Macross Dynamite 7.....the remaining Macross TV VF-1's.....and to further milk the VF-1mold....Macross the First VF-1's!!! I am hoping that the big announcement at the end of year or early next year will be for the SDF-1 TV version........perhaps the next web-exclusive?
  16. And NY isn't serving as a "proxy"?....Since this valk is "only available as an online exclusive directly from the Yamato Webshop".......a proxy is the only way to go if you are outside of Japan........
  17. Sure....but I am glad there are nuts out there doing it because I can't!!!.......with that said....please hurry on the 2 parts everyone will surely go nuts over!...
  18. Same here...I know I am guaranteed the one I bought on early bird.....I can wait and see what becomes available once it is actually released..... If the VF-X and Angelbird are any indication.......I doubt a mass release will be any different......but sure would be nice
  19. That was a magazine exclusive....and yes, they ended up everywhere.......which is odd why Yamato has taken the steps of "early bird" offerings and now this open pre-ordering...all while not taking one dime up front....I would think they would want to avoid the same over-production issues of those two valks ........unless, of course, they get to sell the excess valks for the same price they would any normal release...or they know they are not producing that many?
  20. OK, so if no payment is being requested up front.......and the window for "pre-ordering" closes for everyone on October 15th.....Yamato is really going to produce these with no "cash in hand"? .....just hope they don't have a production number in mind and end up not being able to fulfill orders...in other words, limiting sales to any one individual which at this point seems several from NY..... ........I do hope other venues for getting this valk start popping up.......
  21. So no payment is being requested right now by Yamato?
  22. maybe HLJ was able to carry exclusives before because Yamato guesstimated on demand.....and apparently overestimated on several of those items...like the VF-X and Angelbird.........Isn't this the first time Yamato is producing a limited/exclusive item based on an initial "early bird" count of ultimate sales/production quantity?.......
  23. I think I know what your gf bought you.....if so they are not original....but still unless you were buying them yourself...I would just be grateful that my gf was thoughtful enough to get me something I liked....If she is not a fan I would not expect her to know the difference.....bringing it up will just make her feel bad which is the complete opposite of what her goal was for you when she searched for and bought you something from "macross"......been there.....just take the cd's and enjoy....they sound the same as the originals....
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