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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. too bad...a weathered GBP would actually be a nice addition to their weathered lineup............
  2. Found this pic....but can't tell if it says whether the weathered GBP-1J is a custom or was actually released? Anyone know if this ever was released as a limited item?
  3. I disagree..........Your VF-1J plushie is the holy grail......... How much for one? Seriously.............I am sure lots of members on here with kids would buy one...at least! VF-1J, VF-1S, VF-1A, MAX and MILLIA sets........VF-1D PLUSHIE!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Been looking for it for a while.... I actually thought it would be harder to find than the Macross Dynamite 7 book.... Still working on that one.....
  5. I agree. With that said....I wonder how much will a super ostrich and elintseeker cost, Yamato MSRP-wise in 2014?...Same for the inevitable Roy and Hikaru VF-1S strike sets (third edition?) and possibly a re-release of the entire skull squadron w/fast packs?......
  6. That is a good suggestion too...I just assumed you were looking for a TV-style roy pilot figure...good luck!
  7. The VF-X came with a roy pilot figure, so you can get a new valk at the same time as getting a roy figurine....and it appears that the new cavaliers VF-1 has a similarly outfitted pilot...but not 100% sure...the cavaliers VF-1 is easy to find at the moment.......the VF-X a bit harder....good luck!
  8. Probably....or like the more recent 1/60 stealth VF-1S......never to be re-released again...... Anyway, I will buy any new varient of the classic VF-1....bring on the Alaska Guard next........or the rest of the "unseen" SDF-1 squadrons....... ....perhaps if the "cavaliers" sells well, we will get to buy the rest of them.......
  9. Yep.... Looking for these to get a better discount treatment.... VF-19S VF-17S Maybe not until the 2012 Holiday season? If anyone has these at a good price now PM me......
  10. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?SaleGroup=120326_Macross&header=macsal0312&utm_source=HobbyLink+Japan+Newsletter&utm_campaign=e58a5456ab-Sales_Chimp_Macross_03_26_2012&utm_medium=email
  11. toysnjoys = good opportunity to test how good of a credit card purchase protection policy you have.......
  12. Has this valk been verified that it is not some GA magazine exclusive?
  13. Has a pic of the box for these "30th celebration" valks been shown anywhere yet? Would be cool if it had some Takani or Tenjin art on it.......knowing Yamato it'll probably just have the 30th logo and standard photoshop design.....
  14. Pre-order coming soon? http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/release_115/index.html?infolnk=index_pickup
  15. YesAsia seems to have it available....$227 shipped http://www.yesasia.com/us/macross-frontier-dx-chogokin-vf-171ex-nightmare-plus-ex-saotome-alto/1030404162-0-0-0-en/info.html
  16. Incredible find.....PM sent....
  17. Sold out in about an hour from my post? Hope some of you guys were able to get one....... I would hate for our "where to buy it this nanosecond" posts to be merely pointing the scalpers in the right direction.....
  18. For those desensitized from high valk prices.....another potential option is yesasia... http://www.yesasia.com/us/macross-frontier-dx-chogokin-vf-171ex-nightmare-plus-ex-saotome-alto/1030404162-0-0-0-en/info.html
  19. A couple of vintage kid's Macross books: ...and a sampling of the illustrations inside:
  20. For a few dollars more.......... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Macross-Frontier-VF-25F-Messiah-Valkyrie-Renewal-GE-54-Chogokin-Die-cast-Bandai-/140712726940?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20c321d19c#ht_843wt_1397
  21. http://www.ishop2go.com/productUR_030_PR_0000336_Prt_en.html US$192.18
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